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Questions tagged [pluginlib]

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Error " Unknown CMake command > "pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file". "

I keep getting this error when I enter catkin_make: CMake Error at my_package/CMakeLists.txt:48 (pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file): Unknown CMake command "...
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Using libzip in nav2 plugin

I'm trying to use a PyTorch Model as a controller for Nav2. Since the model may vary, I want to load everything from a .zip-archive (model and additional parameters). The Plugin successfully compiles ...
Alias42's user avatar
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Make an Ik solver plugin for ROS1

If I want to create an IK solver plugin and make it available for all the other ROS1 packages like the kdl_kinematics_plugin or Ima_kinematics_plugin, how do I need to set the Cmake file, the ...
Tommaso Pignata's user avatar
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ROS2 "install" can't load plugins on other machines

This is a bit obscure. I am trying to run moveit2 on a raspberry pi zero 2 w but the systems resources are so low that I can not really compile on that machine. So I got a pi 5 for building the whole ...
Boilerbots's user avatar
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MoveIt can't find custom moveit_controller_manager plugin in ROS2 Humble

For a project using ROS2 as a planning back-end for a robot simulation in Unity I am trying to make a custom MoveIt controller-manager and -handle that send trajectories planned by MoveIt to Unity ...
WFInter's user avatar
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What is node_base_interface used for in ROS 2?

I am writing plugins using pluginlib and one of the initialization arguments are a node, like so: ...
Kaushal Sorte's user avatar
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Exporting plugins to nav2. How to?

I want to write a custom local planner and a custom recovery. I have made an ament_cmake package, written the code in .cpp files with .h files next to them. It compiles fine. Here's the setup. ...
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Analyzer plugin not visible

Following the tutorial on Analyzers , I am failing at the step "check that our new plugin is visible to pluginlib and the diagnostic_aggregator". The command rospack plugins --attrib=plugin ...
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Compiling a Simple Plugin in ROS2

I am trying to work through the simple plugin example ( but cannot get it to build for ROS2. Trying to use https://...
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Rviz PluginlibFactory load wrong path

I try to run google cartographer demo and get this follwoing error ...
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catkin_make could not find roslib

Hello everyone, First of all, thank you for this amazingly helpful forum. I have been using ROS for a few months now, but I only decide to write a question here today. My computer runs a 64-bit Debian ...
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How do you load urdf files in rviz2 with ROS2?

Edit 2: Following fergs's launch file code on , I was able to create a working launch file which sets up ...
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Segfault in pluginlib-tutorial whenever adding Plugins-Description-File between <export> tags

Hi all, Have anyone experienced a weird behavior below when working with pluginlib? Could you please help me understand the problem? I trying to work with pluginlib by following the wiki-tutorial. By ...
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Controller manager cannot load custom controller

Hello all, I created a bare-bones custom controller plugin to use with controller_manager. I am having trouble using the control plugin to control a robot joint in gazebo, or even load the controller ...
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How to remove custom Rviz Plugin

I created rviz plugin following these tutorials . However I was wondering how can I remove them. I couldnt find any documentation/guidelines for it. Please provide any hints / suggestions. Thanks ...
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Nodelet namespace collision warning

Hi all, I'm implementing a solution based on a collection of nodelets that run together. But for one of these nodelets, I'm getting the following warning every time I try to run it: Initializing ...
Lucas Coelho's user avatar
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If a plugin is initialized inside a try/catch, it doesn't keep the subscribers running

Hi all, Let me give first an introduction of my problem. I'm playing around with the "Creating your own plugin" tutorial. Until now I have 2 plugins, each of them has a subscriber callback ...
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Is pluginlib working on ROS2?

I've been fighting to port over some plugins to ROS2, and everything builds fine, but the plugins aren't discovered at runtime. Before I dig into this further, I'm wondering if this is expected to be ...
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The node with pluginlib can not run in custom boost situation

The thing is like this: I compile the boost of version 1.65 into my computer. And I build a package with pluginlib in it. I compile it over. But when I run the node, it will result in a segment fault. ...
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Unload a plugin with pluginlib

Hi everyone, i'm trying to manage a project with the adaptation of plugins and I created a node with the launch of multiple plugins with different parameters and I can't found in the API code a ...
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Linking of created plugins using pluginlib

Hi, I have the similiar situation as where I build a plugin where the base class is in another package. I ...
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Load plugin where base class exists in another project

I'm having some trouble loading a plugin and decided to open an issue to see if it's even possible. I am creating package_B where i'm creating a class that ...
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create a nodelet launch file

I have managed to build a nodelet (tegra_stereo) and it is detected when I run "rospack plugins --attrib=plugin nodelet" ...
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Segmentation fault core dump. publisher/subscriber

The below code works for sometime before giving a segmentation fault. I have been looking at some of the answers on the page but haven't been able to solve this issue. I am using the following code as ...
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Load plugin for IKFast class using C++

Hello there, I am trying to load the IKFast MoveIt! plugin I already created through a C++ file using pluginlib. I am trying to do so in order to get access to the IKFast functions outside of MoveIt!. ...
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Recovery Behaviour Plugin not loading

I am using Husky in Gazebo simulation. Because it is not circular in shape, rotate recovery does not help much. So I am trying to use a plugin. The Plugin is located in my catkin_ws. ...
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"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type [...]" due to PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS

Hi all, I have been trying to create a Rviz plugin to plant multiple waypoints on the map, I refer to PlantFlagTool and try to make one out of my own. The problem when I did so from scratch is that ...
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Including both Python and C++ Plugins in a single RQT Plugin

I'm writing a RQT plugin that includes some functionality of other plugins, as well as my own. My plugin is in C++, because I'd like to add some rqt_rviz visualization. Mainly the OGRE window. Along ...
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Customizing / extending move_base

Let's say I want to customize or modify the implementation of move_base. For example, I might want to add functionality, such that the one described here and here, ...
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Building error: Indigo on Debian Jessie: pluginlib "undefined reference to..."

Hi there, I am currently trying to build ROS indigo from source on my Debian Jessie machine. I keep on getting the following error when the process is trying to build the package "pluginlib"....
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nav2d exploration plugin

Hi all, I see nav2d comes with the ability to plugin exploration planners via pluginlib for cooperative exploration. The source includes some example plugins. I've gone through the nav2d tutorials as ...
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Unable to load plugins; ClassLoader error

I have created a plugin to test some changes that I will make in the exploration algorithm later. But, I am unable to load the plugins which I created. When I run my launch file, it calls for this ...
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Having trouble with custom nodelets

Hello, I am starting to use nodelets in my image processing pipeline, and I am having trouble loading nodelets. I am using the freenect_stack package as a sample to get started. Whether I use the ...
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pluginlib/class_loader does not load the correct class

Hi all, For background, I'm trying to create two IKFast plugins for MoveIt! The problem I have is that MoveIt! only loads and uses one of the plugins. (I have confirmed this with print statements and ...
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Could not load library after latest ROS updates

Hello to all the community. I'm writing this since I'm encountering errors when I launch my custom controllers written for a KUKA LWR arm, used in combination with Gazebo simulator. The error comes ...
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Why doesn't the pr2_controller_manager see my controller?

Hi, I'm trying to run though the tutorials using ROS Groovy:
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Writing A Global Path Planner As Plugin in ROS with rosmake?

hi everyone, I try to do this tutorial : But as i work on groovy i can't use catkin_make with the ...
GuillaumeB's user avatar
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Where does amcl_demo.launch load its plugins from?

When I run roslaunch turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch map_file:=<path_of_my_map> I get, as part of the output: ...
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pluginlib Tutorial - polygon_base.h not found

Hi everyone, I'm facing an error when trying to build the tutorial on the pluginlib. I updated my CMakeLists.txt, package.xml ...
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rosrun ambiguities after migrating to hydro

I'm currently migrating from fuerte to hydro (on an Ubuntu 12.04). In a first step, I kept all my old packages dry and managed to build them in hydro. Running the system on the other hand seems to be ...
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Pluginception: Build Factory

I get the following error message in pluginlib. ...
DLu's user avatar
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Boost 1.54/libicu 51.2 conflict with pluginlib?

I am trying to get ROS and the MoveIt package installed on openSUSE 12.3, and currently my problem seems to be related to a conflict with some of the dependencies, which cannot be resolved ...
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Load plugin from separate package

Is it possible to load a plugin developed in a separate package without declaring it in the package where the base class resides? Would it be enough to declare the plugin in the .cpp file where the ...
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Using moveit kinematics plugin without moveit (undefined symbol for urdf)

I have IKFast MoveIt kinematics plugin created according to this tutorial. It works fine within MoveIt framework, however I would like to use it as a separate kinematics solver with service/topic ...
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catkin system packages not specifying version number of ROS depe

Edit - I just upgraded to the release repository (1/29/2013) Reference: Catkin system packages don't seem to be specifying ...
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RViz segfaults when adding second display plugin

On a freshly installed Groovy RViz (with default config) generates numerous duplicating warnings during the start: [ INFO] [1357462354.607319704]: pluginlib WARNING: PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS is ...
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Plug-in Organization?

I just got my plug-in to work! I used a layout very similar to that found in the plug-in tutorial. However I put the function definitions into a cpp file. This resulted in the following error upon ...
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pluginlib build fails: Unknown CMake command "catkin_add_gtest"

What am I missing that would cause this error? For background, I'm attempting to build the velodyne stack from source, because I may need to run the debugger in the future. I have built ros-fuerte ...
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PluginLib declaring template classes

Hi! Using template classes with the PluginLib looks interesting. However I've found several problems when I tried it. Firstly the macro PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS does not look to work with template ...
Pablo Iñigo Blasco's user avatar
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When is the case to use pluginlib

follow:pluginlib I see all of the documentation in pluginlib. I think to use of time in pluginlib. Thank you. Originally posted by li-an on ROS Answers with karma: 67 on 2012-07-23 Post score: 0
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