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Running Webots Controller together with ROS2 sensor plugins from webots_ros2

I have a robot setup in webots that ros2_control does not support out-of-the-box. Therefore I have written my own Webots controller (based on ...
Hans's user avatar
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ROS 2 Jazzy Debian Packages On Ubuntu 22.04: Best Approach and Alternatives

I'm looking for feedback and advice from the community. Jazzy is the latest LTS version of ROS 2, but it’s only supported as tier 3 packages on Ubuntu 22.04. While it's possible to build it from ...
Meet's user avatar
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How to achieve stable lane-following for a large non-holonomic vehicle in Nav2 without late path adherence?

I am working with a large, non-holonomic robot (a truck-sized vehicle, approximately 12 meters long by 5 meters wide) using ROS2 Navigation2 (Nav2). My goal is to have it follow lane-like paths ...
Marcus Vinicius's user avatar
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ROS2 humble rosidl \${_header_name}__type_support.hpp doesn't generated, but ${_header_name}.hpp use it

I met a compile error: ...
Randolph Wang's user avatar
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Cannot build ROS2 on Mac with python 3.12

So I am trying to build ROS2 on my Mac Silicon with python version 3.12 but I am running into unexpected errors. Firstly, I followed the exact steps on this site to build ROS2 Jazzy : I already had ...
Ham Lemon's user avatar
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Robocyl path following using costmap

I have to design a ROS node that receives a reference path toward a global goal position and generates command velocities to safely follow it while avoiding sensed obstacles. This can be achieved ...
VinVenk2002's user avatar
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Can we configure package-specific build options with a colcon defaults config file?

I wish to configure build options (here: additional cmake definitions) for a single package only. I know, I can run colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_SOME_CONFIG=1, ...
moooeeeep's user avatar
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Controlling the real robot in ROS2 Humble [closed]

Currently i am doing NPD (New Product Development) as AMR (Autonomous mobile robot) , right now i have finished everything expect real robot hardware interface , somebody told the hardware interface ...
manjunath.M's user avatar
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Preferred use of unique ptr, shared ptr and reference in ROS2?

When using ROS2 and browsing available existing repo's, I have come across multiple standards. And I was wondering, is there a ROS2 preferred way. For the following three example cases: Message ...
Davy's user avatar
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ament Python warning in vs code [closed]

i use those sentences in my code and it can't be installed (it's appear in VS Code as warning) i use Ubuntu 24.04 and jazzy ROS2 but the same issue occur with Humble but when i use foxy it work and ...
Hassan Ramadan's user avatar
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"Request" is not a member of custom ROS service

I'm learning how to use the Robot Operating System (noetic version) and i've followed the services tutorial. I've created the basic service detailed in this tutorial and now i've attempted to create ...
none none's user avatar
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Lidar sensor doesnt function properly

So I am new to Gazebo and ROS2, and I am trying to implement a Lidar sensor. I am following the official documentation of Gazebo Fortress, and the tutorial inside it. I copied the code from that, to ...
Murgablodazor69's user avatar
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Controller doesn't subscribe on topic /joint_states

As i mentioned in my previous question, my controller acts wierdly. The problem is with subscribing to the topic "/joint_states" as i discovered. Particulary, i have the part of the code ...
Roma Ermachev's user avatar
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ROS2 - Jazzy - how to setup navigation

I'm recently migrating my project from ROS-Noetic to ROS2-Jazzy, but despite having followed courses and tutorials I'm having difficulty migrating the autonomous navigation code. on ROS my navigation ...
marco's user avatar
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Race Conditions in ROS 2 Parameter Service: Security vs Performance Trade-offs

We've been investigating potential race conditions in ROS 2's parameter service on an NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX platform running ROS 2 Humble. Our findings reveal an interesting trade-off between thread ...
melhsa's user avatar
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TF2 Buffer Thread Safety Issue in ROS 2 Humble on Jetson Orin NX [closed]

While working on a multi-threaded ROS 2 application, I've identified a reproducible thread safety issue with TF2 Buffer access on ROS 2 Humble running on a Jetson Orin NX platform. The issue manifests ...
melhsa's user avatar
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ROS 2 Humble GPU Memory Leak on Jetson Orin NX [duplicate]

I'm running ROS 2 Humble on a Jetson Orin NX (16GB) and have been running multiple tests and ran into a GPU resource management pattern. When running nodes that utilize GPU resources for computation (...
melhsa's user avatar
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Memory Leak in ROS 2 Component Container on Jetson Orin NX

I've identified a memory leak issue in ROS 2 Humble running on Jetson Orin NX. When components repeatedly allocate memory without proper cleanup, the system shows continuous memory growth. ...
melhsa's user avatar
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Unable to utilize the 3D pointcloud topic as an observation source for Nav2 stack

user672116's user avatar
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Bad file when setting map_yaml_file in launch file, but not when passing in via CLI

I am trying to pass a file into the map_server node from nav2_map_server for navigation. When I set up a launch file to do it ...
Sterling Mcleod's user avatar
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How do you configure the python linter and autocompletition with catkin python packages in vscode?

I am having some trouble trying to configure pylint in vscode and the autocompletition tool. They both fail to detect python modules that are installed from another catkin package. I have tried adding ...
Jesús's user avatar
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How to add covariance data to gazebo sim imu message?

I am using Gazebo Sim Harmonic to simulate an IMU sensor on my robot. When I echo the IMU topic, I can see that the covariance fields of the messages are populated with all zeros. However, I would ...
robo_q's user avatar
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Multiple Turtlebot3 SImultaion in ROS2 Humble with namespce

I am trying to launch multiple turtlebots in the same gazebo world using ROS2 Humble and autonomously control them using namespaces. But so far, I couldn't find any good tutorials or videos for it. ...
Ayush Patel's user avatar
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Iam Anny From Bangladesh [closed]

I am studying in class 12.But i want to research about robotics.but don't understand that how to start.please help me.
Mashrufa Anny anny's user avatar
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Sending NavigateToPose action using roslibjs

Setup: ROS: ROS2 Humble Nav2: 1.1.16-1jammy.20240830.231501 amd64 ROSLIBJS: 1.4.1 SERVER: express.js My target is to send this ROS2 CLI action using roslibjs: ...
Mattia Dutto's user avatar
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Joint Trajectory Controller misses subscriber callback

I tested the Joint Trajectory Controller (JTC) on the UR10 robot in simulation and encountered a rare bug with the controller subscriber (joint_command_subscriber_) ...
Davide's user avatar
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missing /usr/share/gz directory

Ubuntu Noble + ROS2 + Harmonic I installed gazebo using sudo apt-get install ros-jazzy-ros-gz (and it appeared to work) then I tried a YouTube tutorial and screwed things up (wrong gazebo version.) I'...
Jim's user avatar
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Difficulties transforming binary mask from camera frame to world frame

I have 2 RGB cameras in Gazebo11 looking at the same scene from different locations. I threshold the floor space and create a binary mask with white being the ground (free space) and black being ...
William T's user avatar
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Loading custom map with map_server

I'm trying to create a launch file that will include the nav2_bringup package's file with a custom map. <...
Sterling Mcleod's user avatar
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How to integrate Velodyne and IMU of the ZED using LIO-SAM?

I'm using ros2 humble. I want to do a fusion with the velodyne VLP-16 and the IMU of the Zed camera. I have installed your LIOSAM package and edited the params.yaml file. But there is a problem with ...
mina's user avatar
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Help needed with running SLAM package on ROS2

everyone. I need help running a 3D SLAM package for mapping and localization in a gazebo simulated forest environment. I am curently making use of the following SLAM package available on GitHub: https:...
Bespectacled Engineer's user avatar
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Finding doors from from X Y coordinate pairs of walls [closed]

I have a set of (x, y) coordinates representing walls in an environment. I want to identify doors or openings between the walls and move toward them. What is the best way to organize these coordinates ...
Hex Heager's user avatar
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Unable to calibrate Xsens IMU with imu-utils

Whenever I tried to calibrate IMU with imu-utils, the numbers always shows 0. I am using ROS1 and Ubuntu Melodic, IMU's model is Xsens-MTi-630
林昱廷's user avatar
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Is there a ROS 2 (Jazzy) interface definition reserved words list?

As the title says, I am trying to find a list of field names that are reserved for defining new message interfaces, I searched every combination of keywords I could think of to no avail, does anyone ...
Joe G's user avatar
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Gazebo not lunching ros2 launch gazebo_ros

I am using ubuntu 22.04LTS with ros2-humble and gazebo-classic I am trying to launch gazebo ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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Can I add noise to WorldLinearVel and WorldAngularVel to simulate a real world scenario when the controller i'm using doesn't provide speed feedback?

I am trying to generate some odometry from my robot. It is using the libSimpleTrackedVehicle plugin which only provides the track speed which does not constantly update and only changes if there is a ...
Rob Dawson Jr's user avatar
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Can't use ROS2 bridge with Gazebo LRAUV simulator

I was trying to control the LRAUV simulator using ROS2 and I ran into an issue where I fail to create a bridge to the horizontal and vertical fins. Error: [WARN] [1733322791.663024490] [ros_gz_bridge]:...
Paulo Ruben Silva's user avatar
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ROS2 OrbSlam3 Mono-Inertial

Currently, I am working on OrbSlam3 in combination with ROS2. I want to run Monocular-Inertial using my own IMU and Monocular camera. Since I haven’t found any existing ROS2 OrbSlam3 Mono-Inertial ...
Valoni Vakuum's user avatar
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Rosbridge Certificate

I'm trying to use rosbridge_server with a certificate downloaded using Certbot (standalone with my own domain) and I'm getting an error related to permissions. After this I've copied the certificate ...
Alejandro 's user avatar
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Code to finish. Webots robot

I have made code where robot should finish the labhyrint. The code is for student and I want to know can somebody finish the code before I will put this to students task. Code: from controller import ...
zuhis's user avatar
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is that possible to estimate record bag size from topic hz and msg defines (ros2)?

as titled, assume i have follow topics to ros2 bag record: topic_foo at 10Hz with ...
furynerd's user avatar
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Cyclone DDS Message traffic bandwidth depends on interfaces even when using ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1

When setting up a robot, I found ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 to be useful in enuring consistent message traffic frequency and speed within a number of nodes running in a docker container. I had a eth ...
rocklegend's user avatar
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Rubber domes automatic assembly

How are silicone rubber domes accurately picked and placed onto their precise locations on a PET sheet where glue is applied in keyboard manufacturing? Are there pick-and-place machines, similar to ...
Abdella's user avatar
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Combined use of RGBD and LiDAR for SLAM

I am implementing SLAM on a robot with two LiDAR sensors on a ROS noetic system. These sensors are at a height where they cannot see objects on legs correctly (e.g., tables, production systems, etc.) ...
hh4000's user avatar
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RCLCPP: `get_parameter` as a vector of int (NOT long int/int_64)

I am on ROS2 humble, cpp. I am struggling getting a std::vector<int> as a parameter with the usual declare_parameter and <...
tory_debra's user avatar
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Compile issues with gz fortress custom plugin when trying to include <gz/sim.hh>

I'm trying to migrate a custom plugin from gazebo classic to gz fortress. I'm on Ubuntu 22 and using ros2 humble and have been ...
Justin Nguyen's user avatar
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Colcon build error in windows 10 ros2 Jazzy (may 2024) Edition

I am trying to install and run ROS 2 Jazzy on windows 10 latest update by following the long and uncomfortable nonsense steps as descried by the installation guide here "
Meqdad Hasan's user avatar
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How to choose controller when using Nav2's driveOnHeading commander API?

I am trying to use the driveOnHeading function from Nav2's simple commander API to make a robot advance while completely ignoring the local costmap. However, it ...
David Brown's user avatar
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Gazebo simulation performance problem on long run

I'm runnning a neuroevolution algorithm using Gazebo Fortress and ROS 2 Humble, with the Turtlebot 4 robot. In my project I need to run ~10k short runs (1 minute each) and for every run I need to ...
Paolo's user avatar
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Missing colcon-argcomplete.bash in Jazzy release — Is this an oversight or an intentional change?

In the Humble release of Colcon, the file colcon-argcomplete.bash is present and works perfectly for enabling Bash auto-completion. However, in the Jazzy release, I noticed that this file is missing ...
Manoj M's user avatar
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