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rqt topic monitor can display topics but ros2 topic list times out

I'm having some issues with ros2 (rolling) dds communication. In my case, ros2 topic list times out with this error message: ...
Felix F Xu's user avatar
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Creating an rqt_gui_cpp Plugin for RQT Using ROS2 and Qt

I am trying to create a custom rqt plug-in for RQT using C++ and Qt. I have a namespace with a class in my main.cpp. Within the class is the main initPlugin(rqt_gui_cpp) function that is supposed to ...
John's user avatar
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How to save plugins in rqt_bag, namely the image plugin?

Situation: I'm using rqt/rqt_bag to review saved bags. The bags that I'm dealing with have image messages, so I'm using the image plugin to display the image (right click -> view -> etc.). ...
maxli's user avatar
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rqt error in ROS2 Tutorial

I have started working through the ROS2 Tutorials: Using turtlesim, ros2, and rqt When I first execute rqt I get the following error messages: kmu69@nU-Boats:~$ rqt QSocketNotifier: Can only be used ...
Kevin Ulmer's user avatar
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Example using rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

Background I would like an example of using rqt_joint_trajectory_controller to control a robot with ros2_control. I am trying to use this graphical interface to control the UR3e robot arm in Gazebo. ...
logandihel's user avatar
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ROS2 rqt C++ plugin, undefined symbol from qt_gui_cpp

I am trying to port a Noetic C++ rqt plugin to ROS2. I did not find any tutorial or help, except question 103235 here (Where can I find an example of a C++ ROS 2 rqt plugin?). It led me to look at ...
Alexis Scheuer's user avatar
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Trouble with topic monitor and rqt on ros2 foxy

I hope you are all well. I began dabbling with Robotis Ros a few weeks ago and just got my hands on a 2018 model turtlebot3 burger. It has a Raspberry Pi model 3b 1gb, 16gb memory, and hfs-lds-01 ...
MrRox1337's user avatar
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Create a Dashboard for ROS2 application

Where can I find a tutorial / documentation focused on creating a graphic dashboard (with QT) for ROS2 application? For my scenario, it need to have some buttons for human interface with the robot ...
Heron Saba's user avatar
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rqt_graph sees more nodes and topics than ros2 topic list and ros2 node list

I'm migrating a ROS1 application to ROS2 and am at the stage where I have some nodes converted and running. The main workhorse node, though, runs fine (as in not crashing) but it doesn't show up when ...
Karim Virani's user avatar
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ROS2 rqt minimal UI example

I am trying to write a rqt plugin for ROS2 (jazzy, in case it matters). The documentation on this seems to be very sparse. It is especially the project structure that I don't understand: What goes ...
labude's user avatar
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rqt_console not displaying Info level messages

When I use rqt_console (following this ros tutorial on turtle sim, it shows messages with the level Warn, but Info-level messages are not ...
can567's user avatar
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ROS 2 Humble RQT image view doesnt appear

I recently installed ROS 2 Humble again and i used to open RQT to view an image topic from a camera used in a gazebo simulation, but after this installation the view option doesnt appear in RQT ...
Lucas Paiva's user avatar
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Errors while building from source RQt for Arch Linux

I'm trying to install RQt for ROS2 Iron something from the official guide I get this error ...
enf's user avatar
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ERROR : rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree

After using the Livox laser simulation plugin, I've encountered issues with TF generation. ...
woosung cho's user avatar
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I can't open RQT

I just went through these instructions to get ROS2 installed on my Windows laptop. Now I am trying to run the turtlesim tutorial. However, I can't open rqt as I am ...
FTM's user avatar
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Can’t see debug messages using RCLCPP_DEBUG

I can’t see messages using RCLCPP_DEBUG by terminal and rqt, but I can using other levels of verbosity( INFO, ERROR, FATAL…).Selecting debug in rqt to see those messages doesn’t work either. I’m using ...
pgarcia-dev's user avatar
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Publishing arrays with rqt_publisher in ROS2

If I put in the field `array('f', [0.0, 0.0]), I get this: ...
Yato's user avatar
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My ros topic can't echo any info

My code of node is following ...
young very's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the rviz2 window title or to show the namespace used?

I am using multiple RViz2 instances simultaneously with the same configuration file but in different namespaces. The instances are started with ...
Max's user avatar
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Robot Steering plugin not visible in RQT

I have a ROS2 Iron environment installed from the ros-iron-desktop package. The Robot Steering plugin isn't visible in RQT, even after installing ...
xperroni's user avatar
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rqt_graph not working anymore on galactic

I had this problem for a while now, and wasn't able to solve it despite all attempts, rqt_graph used to work just fine, but all the sudden (probably after i ...
Anass's user avatar
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Where can I find an example of a C++ ROS 2 rqt plugin?

So far, I've only found ROS 2 rqt plugins ported over from ROS 1 that were written in Python. The docs ( mention writing custom plugins in both ...
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saving rqt plot data as csv

I have ros a topic /uav1/aerodynamics/wrench having multiple param. Such as fore:x,y,z and torque:x,y,z data. I want to plot it ...
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Unable to find Decision Making rqt plugin

I was following this tutorial and wasn't able to find the plugin under the plugins dropdown in rqt. Is it something I have to install or am I not ...
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rqt_plot in ROS 2?

I want to check the data in topic with realtime plotting, and I know there was rqt_plot in ROS 1. However, I could not found rqt_plot in ROS 2 humble. Moreover, I could not use correctly rqt -> ...
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rqt plugins not working after possible change in python version

When I run any rqt related command( rqt_bag, rqt_image_view), I get the following error: PluginManager._discover() force discovery of plugins RospkgPluginProvider._find_plugins() crawling for plugins ...
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[ROS2 Foxy] Topics sometimes subscribed to and sometimes published to

I have two Nodes who communicate with a Float32 message topic. The typical sequence of events are: Node A starts Node B starts Node A waits to subscribe to topic T Node B creates topic T publisher ...
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RQT ROS2 Galactic not plotting or autoscrolling

Hi guys, I am getting this weird bug in RQT. I am trying to plot values from two different topics that RQT subscribes to, but the plot stands still. Whatever I do, I am not getting any values plotted, ...
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ROS C++ Dynamic Reconfigure bind error

Hello, I've got problem with Dynamic reconfigure. I want to create bind function for DynamicGUI Class due to tutorial, but something is wrong. All Dynamic reconfigure functionality is in DynamicGUI ...
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Publishing array data with rqt

I'm trying to use the rqt message publisher to publish a message of type std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray. I can't figure out how I'm supposed to give the ...
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rqt Plugin Tutorial Not Working

Hello - I am new to ROS. I followed this tutorial to create a rqt_mypkg python plugin. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. After completing the tutorial, when I run the plugin with 'rqt --...
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launch file: parameters via -- (double dash) don't go well with commenting

I have a rqt being loaded with a custom perspective, see: ...
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Hello I have a problem to call the rqt. I followed the guide from e-Manual (Link: and would like to see the topic ...
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ERROR: rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree

I was trying to visualize the tf tree of a running system using: $ rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree but this came up: ...
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RQT Topic Monitor displays empty array as non empty

Hello, I encountered a strange behavior in RQT where is displays an empty array as non empty. Here's the output of rostopic echo and a screenshot of rqt taken at ...
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Unable to start rqt_* plugins

Hello, I am using ROS melodic on Arch linux. I installed ROS and it's plugins using yay. I am able to use all parts of ROS just like I used to on my ubuntu. The ...
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ValueError: PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name

I installed ROS noetic for ubuntu 20.04 following the steps presented on the next page:, but the rqt command is not working for me and it always shows ...
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Installing rqt_graph in ROS2 Dashing

I am trying to install rqt_graph for ROS2 to visualize the ROS nodes and the computation graph. I have ROS2 dashing installed in the docker (using the Autoware.Auto class/tutorial) After entering ade ...
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Prerelease melodic Qt5 cmake error

Hey, I am currently trying to do my prerelease tests for a melodic version of my meta-package robot_statemachine which was already released for kinetic. Unfortunately, when running the prerelease ...
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best system for rviz, gazebo

I'm planning to buy a laptop. But i'm not sure which model of laptop should i buy. Can any one suggest me which is the best laptop or what specs are best to run the gazebo, rviz, rqt etc on the pc? I ...
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tf_tree does not show anything

tf_tree was work normally, but suddenly it does not show anything link text. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree Originally posted by Ahmed_Desoky on ROS Answers with ...
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[ROS2] rviz2 and rqt do not shown published image

Hi, I have created a Gazebo world with a camera and the image is publishing to a topic of type sensor_msgs/msg/Image. I opened rviz2 and rqt to see the published image. But both tools shown a empty ...
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rqt package segmentaion fault

Hey, when I am trying to run any node from the rqt package I am getting a segmentation fault: [15:54:27]~: rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui Segmentation fault (core dumped) [15:54:49]~: rosrun rqt_graph ...
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Random segfaults for python rqt plugin

I've tried to write a couple of rqt plugins in order to make interaction with our ROS system easier. I'm not confident or familiar with QT (or C++) from beforehand, so I wrote the plugins with basis ...
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RQT_plot - cmd_vel, odometry, displaying complex messege data

I want to use rqt_plot for displaying cmd_vel-odometry relation. Whats the easiest way to do so? Is there a function to open all the vectors at once? What are the messeges datafields called, odom/...
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can we use RQT inbuilt plugin to create our new custom plugin?

Hi, Can we use RQT inbuild plugin like rqt_plot, rqt_steering or their API to build new RQT application/plugin ? Thanks & Regards Yogesh Dusane Originally posted by Yogesh Dusane on ROS Answers ...
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[ROS2] rviz crash when visualizing camera image

Hi, I'm running a ROS 2 node that publishes sensor_msgs::msg::Image on the image topic. The image is a greyscale image and I can ...
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rqt won't launch: KeyError: 'label'

Hello, I am getting a trace error when I try to launch rqt. ...
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[ROS2] What is the "rqt --force-discover" option meaning?

Hello, experts. My environment is Ubuntu 18, ROS2 Crystal. I installed the rqt-graph plugin to debugging. But, I can't find out the plugin on rqt-gui. In normal case, It should to be on "Plugins-&...
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rqt window empty

I'm trying to run the command rqt on my computer to display topics in the topic list but the window which pops up is empty, I can see just the title from the ...
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