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Questions tagged [catkin-make]

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How to set up config parameters for local/global planner for simplified footprints robot using move_base in ROS Navigation stack?

I created simplified footprints combining a robot and the towing attachment.Then would like try testing local and global planners on my environment using the created footprint. Here the navigation ...
Macedon971's user avatar
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Error " Unknown CMake command > "pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file". "

I keep getting this error when I enter catkin_make: CMake Error at my_package/CMakeLists.txt:48 (pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file): Unknown CMake command "...
dodo's user avatar
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Tests only compile with "catkin_make run_tests"

I have a project in ROS, which has multiple sub-parts and all of them has tests. I'm not really experienced so when I googled how to make tests in ROS, I found that you should put a condition in the ...
Tabajdi Máté's user avatar
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ROS Noetic: catkin_make fails due to undefined references to libturbojpeg functions

I'm currently migrating a ROS1 project from an Nvidia Jetson Nano which used Ubuntu 18.04 ...
Benjamín Panatt's user avatar
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cmake error :CMake Error at /opt/ros/melodic/share/genmsg/cmake/genmsg-extras.cmake:271 (message):

cmake version:3.22.1 ros: melodic in Ubuntu18.04 when I "catkin_make", and report an error as follow: -- Using these message generators: CMake Error at /opt/ros/melodic/share/genmsg/cmake/...
user24464245's user avatar
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error occured after building my project in ROS1 Noetic in Ubuntu 20.04.6

Could NOT find gazebo (missing: gazebo_DIR) -- Could not find the required component 'gazebo'. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or ...
Aswathi's user avatar
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robot_state_publisher Catkin_make ERROR

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop and ros Noetic i have installed this library robot_state_publisher for integrate the imu and Lidar, when I clone the repo from GitHub in my workspace src folder ...
SAQI HUSSAIN's user avatar
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Catkin_make error when downloading Baxter SDK

Currently following this tutorial ( to download Baxter SDK, when I reach the catkin_make section, i get this error: Traceback (...
Rayleporard's user avatar
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Issue - Unknown CMake command "list_append_unique"

Base path: /Users/arghymu/my-robotics-system/catkin_ws Source space: /Users/arghymu/my-robotics-system/catkin_ws/src Build space: /Users/arghymu/my-robotics-system/catkin_ws/build Devel space: /Users/...
Arghya's user avatar
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why did catkin_make never output the execuatble file again after I executed catkin_make_isolated command to compile code

The system is ROS noetic,Ubuntu 20.04.06. Once I executed the "catkin_make_isolated" command to compile my ROS1 workspace. After did it I found the catkin_make command can never output the ...
yethsts's user avatar
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How has anyone successfully used rostest for automated testing in ROS Melodic and Noetic since 2015?

I'm developing for a system currently based on ROS Melodic, running on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm adding unit testing for a node in C++ and thus registering the test with the ...
McManip's user avatar
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Catkin_make: command not found when using SSHClient().exec_command to operate in a cloud server

everyone. I'm tying to upload ros packages to a cloud server and run them using paramiko.SSHClient().exec_command(). The function is attached below: ...
lightwish's user avatar
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getting a warning regarding cmake whiile doing catkin_make in ROS noetic

I've build a few workspaces for different project but i never got any error, but this time, got this msg. ...
akash's user avatar
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Problems in installing catkin_make on ROS 2

I finished installing ROS 2 Humble without problems, when I want to complete it with the catkin_make command it tells me that it is not installed ...
Hector Brito's user avatar
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Which version of the PX4 software stack is compatible with ROS Noetic

I cloned the source code of PX4-Autopilot into my ros_noetic_ws and attempted to compile it using the catkin_make command, but ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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Could not find resource_retriever after catkin-make command. How to fix it?

How to fix it: ...
AnPa's user avatar
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Facing issues integrating PCL with ROS

I am trying to use PCL filters in my rosnode ,where I am trying to perform noise removal on the pointcloud,but while building the package. I am getting CMAKE errors ...
lonewolf's user avatar
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building catkin workspace raspberry pi 4

I have been trying to install the ROS dependencies for Raspberry pi 4. I keep getting the same errors no matter what I do. I have followed the instructions that are on installing ROS Kinetic on the ...
Matthew's user avatar
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catkin_make not creating a catkin workspace for ROS through Robostack (Conda) environment

I've recently been encountering an issue when trying to create a working catkin workspace for ROS through RoboStack. Robostack is utilized to create a working ROS environment installed in Conda. When ...
omar7439's user avatar
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catkin_make does not add package to /opt/ros/noetic

Info: ROS Distro: noetic OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS Architecture: ARM64 (raspberry pi 4B 8GB) I am following this tutorial on how to create a simple ROS package. I think all has worked up until ...
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Webrtc_ros fatal error: adapted_video_track_source.h: No such file or directory

Can anyone help me solve this problem? I try using error msg to search on google but have no solution Thanks ! My system : windows10/ VMWARE/ ubuntu 18.04 / ROS melodic My webrtc insall step ...
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Catkin_make failed to build opencv

Hello guys, I want to compile a package ( with the catkin_make command from the catkin_ws folder, but it seems that the OpenCV header file is depreceated or ...
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Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed during catkin_make

I want to install the Turtlebot3 package in Ros Noetic. After cloning the git, I tried catkin_make. But got the following error - ...
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Can't build with roslaunch as a dependency

I've been given a repo with roslaunch as a dependency in the CMake files, and it fails to build like so: ...
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Compiling a melodic project in noetic: catkin_make can't find Python.h

Hi, I'm taking over a project that was developed by a fellow student for his diploma thesis. I've received the project files but I can't get the project to compile. It's not a vast project, with only ...
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Is there a CMakeLists configuration for referencing packages to each other?

ROS: melodic Linux: 18.04 When i catkin_make when ...
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catkin_make unable to find actionlib in its original install location

It seems as though it is looking for actionlib in one of our catkin workspaces. It was installed to /opt/ros/kinetic/share/actionlib. Is there a way to correct how catkin finds it? Is there another ...
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Catkin make fails after adding gtest

Hello, I have a package, that contains custom messages and services. This package was building well and everything was ok. But recently I added gtest to my package ...
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Catkin_make can't find cpp source (add_executable) [Problem found: has to do with WSL file premissions]

I'm sorry if this is not the right forum for this error. The file structure with CMakeLists and relavant cpp sources: ...
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catkin_make toplevel.cmake in Yocto

Hi guys, I am trying to install ROS into an embedded device (imx8m-mini variscite dart) using Yocto. I have added required ROS packages into the Yocto environment and generated a root file system. I ...
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undifined reference to ... catkin_make error despite CMakeLists has the files

Hi all, I am working on a project with multiple classes with ros neotic and catkin. Without changing my CMakeLists file at all, I suddenly got the "undefined reference to ..." error for all ...
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catkin_make had different include path from catkin_make_isolated

I am trying to port some packages from a catkin_make (CM) build system to a catkin_make_isolated (CMI) build system. I need the build to be valid using both CM and CMI to support some legacy tooling. ...
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Safely rename catkin_ws to fix typo

This is dumb question maybe but before I mess up my environment I want to ask it. First of all I know that the name of the directory doesn't really matter. But because I am using shared bash scripts ...
pitosalas's user avatar
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[Solved]Catkin_make msg and srv error

Hello, everyone. I am following the tutorial here to set up msg and srv: link text After I added all things to my tutorials file, I got this output ...
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how to make a small change to the move_base code with a standard ROS installation

Hello I performed the standard installation of ROS KINETIC following this tutorials ( ; However ...
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ROS package not found after catkin_make

Hello :) I'm quite new to ROS and tried to install a package (laser_line_extraction) from github. I completely followed this instruction
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Add the installation prefix of "rslidar_msgs" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

I'm a beginner in ROS, and I'm using the version of ROS for windows. ros package for robosense lidar So I'm in windows. This is done through a CMD window. But I've met 2 problem: how to install ...
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Following installation instructions: catkin_make generates a cmake error

I am new to ROS and try to install it for the first time. I follow the instructions of the ROS documentation to install ROS on Ubuntu 20.04. Things get wrong when creating a ROS workspace with ...
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Ros commands no longer working after source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Hi! One day I was suddenly not able to run my ros projects anymore. When I source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash the ros commands become available, such as ...
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UR Driver Error after catkin_make (CMake Error)

I am attempting to build the Universal Robots ROS Driver on ROS Melodic Ubuntu 18.04 (VirtualBox VM), but when I try to build the workspace with catkin_make I get ...
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"c++: internal compiler error: Killed" while building Universal Robots ROS Driver

I am attempting to build the Universal Robots ROS Driver on ROS Melodic Ubutnu 18.04, but when I try to build the workspace with catkin_make I get the error below. ...
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Jetson Nano comes with OpenCV 4.1.1., do I need to downgrade to 3.2. for melodic?

I just got a Jetson Nano running Ubuntu 18.04 and it comes with OpenCV 4.1.1. pre installed. I've read ROS melodic is meant to work with OpenCV 3.2. and I'm getting some catkin make errors due to ...
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ComplianceRos error in catkin_make

Hi everyone, I am trying to make the ComplianceRos but there is an error when I try to use catkin_make. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Below follows the error: ...
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catkin_make opencv version conflict

Hello everyone ; When I write catkin_make it gives such a warning. ...
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catkin_make do not create header files for srv files! I tried this tutorial. This tutorial is about creating srv files. I did everything like tutorial showed me. But in 4:14 tutorial says "you can verify ...
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Sourcing fails with: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'

I'm trying to install ROS Kinetic, and it keeps failing at various points in the catkin_make process, most notably and most frequently like so: I ran: ...
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catkin_make: Could NOT find SDL

When I try to use catkin_make, it fails at map_server. I got the following message ...
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Issue with include: In function 'main': Undefined reference to

Hello. I'm having an issue linking a header to my code. I'm trying to include libi2c from "" to use with ROS. (Stand alone this all works). I have a node ...
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Error "No module named 'catkin_pkg'" while creating catkin_package

Hi, I am creating catkin package and for that I have been following this page. I can run all the commands in that page correctly with out error except the following one ...
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how to solve the error of Could not find a package gazebo

i try to build new package for working with ros and gazebo with catkin_create_pkg spcbot_description tf rviz gazebo xacro urdf rospy roscpp std_msgs geometry_msgs but after i run catkin_make i get <...
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