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Questions tagged [octomap-server]

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Failing to map PointCloud2 topic to octomap_server cloud_in

I have an Ouster sensor which I am attempting to use to incrementally build an OctoMap of an indoor environment. PointCloud2 data is successfully published on the /ouster/points topic and can be ...
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Octomap Saving Map Extension - ROS2

After creating the map, I tried to save it using the following commands: ...
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how to publish tf in gazebo simulation with depth camera for octomap_server

I am using gazebo simulation for drone. I mounted a depth camera on the drone in gazebo. It can publish its odom and pointcloud2 correctly. I would like to use octomap_mapping.launch to get the octree ...
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unable to visulize PointCloud using octomap_mapping

I am using Turtlebot3 Burger in gazebo simulation. Since it does not have pointcloud2 data, I use laser_geometry package to convert the scan data into pointcloud2. I want to use the octomap_mapping in ...
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Octomap_server + RealSense D435 + RealSense T265

Hello everyone, I would like to create simple octomap with use of both RealSense D435 and T265 cameras. I am using my own RealSense wrapper (do not ask why please, it is needed in this case). I can ...
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Octomap not available in MoveIt

I want to represent my robots environment (available as a point cloud) as Octomap in MoveIt (ROS Kinetic) to make it available for collision checking. Therefore I mainly followed the Perception ...
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octomap_server, velodyne_driver, and rviz

We are attempting to use rviz to visualize an Octomap from octomap_server created from a Velodyne sensor stream. We subscribed octomap_server to the velodyne_driver PointCloud2 stream by remapping the ...
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octomap decreasing probabilities when obstacle is not there anymore

Hi, I've started using octomap. Basically I've been working with octomap_server and it's octomap_mapping.launch file. I'm ...
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Problem building octomap_mapping

Hi all! i got these errors during catkin_make: ...
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Octomap dies with apparently no reasons

Hi guys, I cannot understand what is wrong with my pc. Octomap_server worked find and I had already a bit of experience with it. This morning I installed some packages like: ...
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publish only current cloud as octomap

Hi there, I want to do some comparisons between a global octomap and a local one, in order to detect new obstacles in the scene. For this, my proposed solution is to publish a stored octomap as global ...
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Problem: Octomap is not working with Kinect Pointcloud

Hello Everyone, I am using kinect for creating pointcloud and passing /camera/depth/point from kinect freenect_camera to ...
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how to improve maps from octomap?

Hi , I am trying to build quality maps by using octomap on ROS hydro using a xtion pro live sensor mounted on the robot. The map generated by octomap do not update well, when visiting the same area ...
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rgbdslam runs without issues, but octomap does not connect/receive pointcloud (transforms?)

I installed rgbdslam and octomap. Have been trying to run rgbdslam with octomap. Eventual goal is to get the MarkerArray /occupied_cells_vis_array as it should. Some things I've done: METHOD 1 Tried ...
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How can I remap topic cloud_in to my sensor's PointCloud2?

Hi friends I am new in ROS and I want do 3D map with my Kinect, I think a good option is with octomap_server, but I don't get it. I think the easiest way would be using rviz but I can not get it. I ...
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Octomap volume estimation

Hello Everyone, I am trying to calculate the volume of octomap generated in octomap_server. Also I only want to calculate the volume containing occupied voxels(not the empty ones). Also some voxels ...
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How to visualize octomap from octomap_server with rgbdslam?

Based on a question asked in this link, Mr. Felix answered, "Have rgbdslam send out the clouds+tf transformations and let the ...
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Install octomap_server on hydro

Hi guys, following the guide in and, I am trying to install RGBD SLAM package on ...
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Octomap launch with Turtlebot

We are trying to create a 3D map of a room using the octomap_server with the Turtlebot. Has anyone had any success using octomap_server on Hydro? Is there anything in our main launch file that seems ...
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rgbdslam and octomap

Hello everyone, I am using ros fuerte on ubuntu 12.04 and have few questions: Does anyone know how rgbdslam and octomap cooperates? Is there any possibility to manipulate with map created by ...
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Error while building octomap_server

FUERTE on ubuntu 12.04 and using rosbuild I am encountering this error while compiling the octomap pkg CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:23 (find_package): By not providing "Findnodelet.cmake" ...
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different result in binary and source of octomap_server

Hi all, i have a problem, may be someone knows about it, when i install binary octomap_server and run it the result map is excellent but when i use from source and compile it in catkin the result is ...
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Publishing from Octomap_server

Hi everyone can I publish a 2d projection of the map (occupancy_grid msg) that I loaded on the octomap_server and pass it to map_server or costmap_2d on some topic? Can you help me? Thanks Originally ...
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change source of octomap

Hello, I want to customize the octomap_server with this scenario that just points with yellow color considered as occupied and all others considered as free, so what is the best way to do it ? my mean ...
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How could I launch "octomap_server>octomap_mapping.launch" with "openni_launch>openni.launch"?

How could i do? Update 1: Hi my friend, i hava robot location in 2D mapping without any odometry. and i wanna 3d mapping with xtion. i did it just for launch! ...
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octomap_server nodelet missing under Hydro

Hello, After successfully running octomap_server as node, I would like to try running it as nodelet. If I roslaunch octomap_server octomap_mapping_nodelet.launch I ...
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octomap_server doesn't create map

I'm trying to let the octomap_server create a map from my Pointcloud2 messages. The pointcloud gets a transform, the header frame_id is correct and the header and the transform use the same timestamp. ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: PCD to Octree

Hi, I have a registered point-cloud as PCD file. I want to convert it into octree representation. There are two ways I could go. The first one is by using PCL. The second method by using octomap. Is ...
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octomap_sever color changing

Hi, i am using octomap to construct 3D mapping with a tilt laser scanner.The color of the octomap_sever is correct at the first scan however if the laser remains in the same place,after a while the ...
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Octomap slows down the gazebo simulation, is there anyway to speed up

Hi all: I am working with mobile manipulator in simulations for which I am using ROS electric, gazebo, octomap_mapping (version sometime released in June 2012), and my ubuntu OS is 10.10. Point cloud ...
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Laser scan to point cloud to octomap - strange result

Hi, I have a laser scanner mounted on an arm. With laser_pipeline and pcl_assembler, I build a point cloud and pass it to the octomap_server. The pcl_assembler runs every 3 seconds. My problem is, in ...
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Update node back to unknown in octomap

When a scan from a sensor is inserted into an octomap the nodes of the octree are updated. Depending on a sensor hit or miss the occupancy probability, initialized at 0.5, changes. According to the ...
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Overlay octomap with devel branch (source) for ROS

I have been attempting to test the new OpenMP implementation for OctoMap (provided by Armin in this question: ) due to the ...
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octomap_server performance issues?

Hi, I'm currently running octomap_server from the latest svn (checked out on 10/01/13) under ROS-Fuerte. EDIT1: I'm working with complex 3d laser scan data which is moving at a reasonable speed (1m/s, ...
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octomap_server globally referenced pointcloud and transform

Hi, I am trying to pass globally referenced point clouds and trajectories to octomap_server, but it's not producing the desired results? The point cloud and ray tracing are being inserted from the ...
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Point cloud to Octomap? No map received

Hi, I am trying to build a map out of a point cloud but somehow I don't receive a map. The point cloud is build from a tilting laser scanner and I pass this point cloud to the octomap server. roswtf ...
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subscribe point clouds to octomap

I wrote a node which listen to topic 'rgbdslam/batch_clouds' from 'rgbdslam' package and edit it to publish the required points clouds as topic 'new_batch_clouds'. Now, I need to use 'octomap' to save ...
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Can Octomap use multiple point clouds as sources?

I have a laser producing a point cloud on topic /laser/points2 and a stereo camera pair producing a point cloud on topic ...
Thomas Denewiler's user avatar
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how to find or know the values for Z-axis in octomap?

I have an octomap and trying to do localization with it. I trying to make a slice from a 3d-map (octomap) to consider a single 2d plane for localization with amcl package. I uploaded the map in rviz ...
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Improve quality of octomap with params

Hi, I have built a octomap with ocotmap_server. It's a map with mobile objects so it's necessary to actualize frequently. Unfortunately some octomap points doesn't remove themselves. So I look for ...
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how does octomap realize the height of different place?

Hi Everyone, I'm using rgbdslam to generate a 3D map and send it to octomap for further processing. But now I found a problem I cannot solve: I'm generating the map of an office but according to ...
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Create collision map from Kinect with nodelet

Hi, I use a camera Kinect for create a collision map but currently it's too slow and use 100% CPU. So I want use nodelets to avoid useless copies of pointCloud and speed up the process. I understand ...
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octomap_server problems

Hi all, I simulate a robot in gazebo while it maps the environment using octomap_server. I have 2 questions regarding the visualization. the mapped octomap cells get cleared after some time if the ...
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What does the parameter ~sensor_model/max_range mean in octomap server?

Hi guys, With the sensor_model/max_range set to 5, the points of my point cloud that are longer than 5 still get inserted in the map. e.g. the max readings from the LRF What does sensor_model/...
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3D mapping using Octomap with Turtlebot

Hi, (ROS - Electric; Ubuntu 11.04) This is in continuation to the question. I am trying to build a 3D occupancy map using the octomap_server with kinect sensor on top of the turtlebot. Following are ...
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octomap in rviz and occupancy grids in 3D maps

I have saved a .bt file which I can properly visualize with octovis. However, for some reason I need to visualize octomap image, or to make it clear, 3D maps with voxels on rviz. I can't simply view ...
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Multiple kinect static transform

Hi, I'm trying to use RGBDSlam and Octomap on multiple Kinects. But not simultaneously. I would run one kinect each time. The loop is to slam an area, send the model to octomap server then launch a ...
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Problem with feeding PointCloud2 messages from SwissRanger 4000 to Octomap Server

I am trying to get the PointCloud2 messages published by swissranger_camera node and feed it to octomap_server which subscribes to "cloud_in" (PointCloud2). I am available to visualize the ...
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Adding Octomap data to planning scene in ROS Electric

I am trying to use data from an octomap for collision avoidance in arm_navigation. Octomap_server publishes a series of collision objects on the octomap_collision_object topic so I was hoping that I ...
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issue of ground filter in octomap_server

I am testing the octomap_server and I used the sample data from, which is a pcap file collected from a velodyne 64 laser. Judged from the video and ...
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