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Autoware.Auto best way to create a PCD map

Separating this from the question here: What is the best way to create a PCD map? In the other ...
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Autoware.Auto ROS2Bag compatibility with Point Cloud Map Builder

We have a Livox Lidar which we plan to use to map out a route which can be used with the Autoware.Auto track. We noticed that using this tool: ...
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Compare autoware PCDs

Howdy, I recorded multiple datasets using a Velodyne VLP-16 and a Septentrio AsteRx SBi (using serial GNSS/NMEA) and used NDT_Mapping to compute the pointclouds. I was wondering what the best way to ...
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bag_to_pcd saves to same file

Using rosbag, I have recorded the data from a Livox mid-40 lidar. I have played it back and confirmed that the data is there. Now I'd like to convert it to pcd files. I run the command: rosrun ...
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How to read a point cloud (.pcd) file and send it to a rosbag

Hello, I just started using the Point Cloud Library. I followed some initial tutorial here on how to use it. I am trying to send a point cloud file ...
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pcd file to PointCloud visualization problem in Rviz

Hello, I have loaded a pcd file and converted it to sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 message type. When I add this point cloud to rviz screen, it needs to be rotated and translated.. my point cloud ...
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How to create a map using raw point cloud data?

Hi, I have a raw point cloud data stored in a rosbag file. How can I generate a map from this rosbag file? Also, that raw point cloud data has redundant information. How can I extract only the ...
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create a map in a pcd file using kitti datasets

i want to use kitti datasets- I have transformed kitti dataset to a rosbag file. Originally posted by ilyess on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2017-08-27 Post score: 2 Original comments Comment by ...
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PCD files into cloud of points

Hello, after scanning I have 2 kind of files - some .pcd files and one with .xml extension that is keeping informations about places where .pcd was taken. ROS environment is set up on my workstation (...
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How to open PCD file

Hi guys. I'm working with my kinect to extract point clouds. So I run at first openni_launch and after i run : rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/camera/depth_registered/points So after this, ...
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How to load pcd pointcloud into librviz RenderPanel?

I have a librviz instance running in a qt window thanks to I would assume I use to convert the loaded pcd ...
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Cluster extraction in different files for different regions

Hi, I am new in using Kinect.. I am trying to do a simple code for color recognition. I followed the tutorials in PCL library. It worked for me and I identified the different clusters that I want to ...
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I would like convert pcd to image

Hello, My question is: As can I visualize pcd files or the result of a function cloud_plane = cloud.extract(indices, negative=False) without rgb fiel (Can I see in rviz?) The process is as follow: I ...
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Save PointCloud2 data

I am running Hokuyo UTM-30LX in real time and getting PointCloud2 published. Each time I move the laser, the previous PointCloud data is lost. How can I save parts of pcl assembled scan? Originally ...
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How save point clouds in .txt file with rgbdslam

Hi, I use rgbdslam to capture point clouds, these clouds are saved as .PCD file. How to save them in .txt file? I'm also confused about which topic published these clouds. When I press "enter&...
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ROS Answers SE migration: PCD to Octree

Hi, I have a registered point-cloud as PCD file. I want to convert it into octree representation. There are two ways I could go. The first one is by using PCL. The second method by using octomap. Is ...
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Error while trying to save full map as .pcd or keyframes

Hi, I have a problem with ccny_rgbd: everything run smooth and in real time, but everytime I call the save_pcd_map service I get this error: ...
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Kinect RGB + Depth to .pcd format

I have tried the rgbd_registration package in which a source cloud (first frame) and a target cloud (another frame) in the form of a .pcd format are passed to the algorithm, the algorithm restores the ...
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RGBDSlam Point Cloud Scaling

Hi, I am trying to display the data collected by RGBDSlam as a .ply file on a separate program (web GUI by XB PointStream). The problem is that when this file is displayed on the GUI, it comes out ...
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How to replace kinect data by sending pointclouds?

I recently tried to replace kinect data by sending pointcloud data on my own.(The scenario is, I want to test recognition service easily, so I send my pointcloud from pcd file to the topic that ...
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Kinect point cloud to pcd files

Hi, I'm using the openni_launch stack to gather data from the kinect sensor. I'm currently able to visualize the points cloud with rviz. I need to save each incoming frame as a .pcd file for data ...
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PCD files, VFH files and 3D Recognition

Hello all, I was wondering if there was a way to combine several VFH signatures into one generalized model of a particular object? Furthermore, is there a way reconstruct a point cloud from a VFH ...
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point cloud produces meaningless data

I'm trying to save the data that my TurtleBot sees when PointCloud2 is turned on. To do this I call 'rostopic echo /camera/depth/points > points.txt' but when I view the data it looks like the ...
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How to write PCD file from topic without loss data?

I use RGBDSLAM to build the room model and sent topic by menu's 'Graph->Send Model'. It send model to /rgbdslam/batch_clouds. I write a receiver to receive that topic ,save it to PCD file, and use ...
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headless RGBDSlam .PLY saver

Hi, I'm using RGBDSlam in headless mode and I would like to save all clouds in one .PLY file. the "rosservice call /rgbdslam/ros_ui save_all" service is saving the into a .PCD file. Is the a ...
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how do I install pcd_viewer?

I don't have pcd_viewer installed I have ROS electric please tell me how do I install pcd viewer OR how can I see my PCD file alternately Originally posted by ElCid on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on ...
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3 answers

how to visualize pcd file.?

Hi all, i am trying to read .pcd file and view it through pcl_visualizer. do i have to write separate code for it or can i directly use some commands?? i tried pcd_viewer filename.pcd also, but its ...
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Problem capturing RGBDSLAM pointcloud data in headless mode

Third RGBDSLAM question of the day... sorry :-) In order to speed up processing (and hence hopefully improve mapping significantly) I'm running RGBDSLAM in headless mode. So, I'm trying to try ...
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Problems viewing RGBDSLAM saved PCD files with pcd_viewer

Hi folks Using RGBDSLAM I have generated a few maps (small and large) and have saved them as PCD files using the GUI. However I have not been able to subsequently view them with pcd_viewer (installed ...
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Point Clouds in ROS

How to process point clouds taken [published] using ROS using PCL for object recognition? I've read the PCL documentation and it mentions that we need a PCD file [containing the point clouds] for ...
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PCD file in ROS?

We have published Points2 type point cloud in ROS using Minoru camera. Can we generate a PCD file in ROS of these published point clouds? How can we process this PCD file using ROS? Purpose is to ...
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rgbdslam cannot save .pcd

Hi, I am new to ROS and I finally managed to run rgbdslam on my Ubuntu 10.04. Now the problem is that though I can save node-wide pcd files, but I CANNOT save the whole scene to pcd file. Every time ...
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Understanding the Kinect pointcloud

Hi, I saved the pointclouds published by kinect in a pcd file. Width is 640 and height is 480. I expect kinect to give the x, y, z for every pixel in 640x480. I believe that the sequence of the ...
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bag_to_pcd failed to contact master

i'm trying to run 'bag_to_pcd' from the terminal but keep getting the following error.. ...
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RGBDSlam load saved files

Is there a way to load the saved PCD file to rgbdslam for later use? What I am trying to do is create a map, and then later come along and locate my position/orientation within the map. Update: I am ...
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ROs-Pcl question

its a very basic question but i tried to read everything n now m confused. "i am totally new at ros and pcl though". we are working with a project robot object detection and analysis. so far ...
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Compatibility of .pcd files in ROS and standalone PCL

Hi, This is not a question but I don't know where to post it, so please move the topic to the appropriate forum. For the last few days I've had trouble displaying .pcd files in pcl_visualization ...
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saving depth image into pcd

Hi, I would like to save the depth images into pcd format files which I viewed in rviz through openni_kinect. Can someone gives some clues? Thanks Best, Kang Originally posted by kang on ROS Answers ...
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Exporting RGBD-6D-SLAM scanned data to meshlab

I'd like to know if there is a way to export the Point Cloud acquired with RGBD-6D-SLAM to a format usable in meshlab. That way I can triangulate it into a mesh and export it to whatever tool I want, ...
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Is there an existing implementation to save an Octomap octree as a PCD file?

Hello, I am wondering if there is already a way to save an octree generated with Octomap as a pcd file? Raph Originally posted by raphael favier on ROS Answers with karma: 1382 on 2011-03-10 Post ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: pcl bag_to_pcd

I'm trying to convert a bagfile into pcd files using bag_to_pcd. But everything I get is [ERROR] [1297703460.328842013]: You requested a transform at time 1292497206.348, but the tf buffer only ...
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