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Questions tagged [collision-map]

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Collision Checking using Moveit (python wrapper) for a set of Joint Positions

I have a set of robot joint positions which I found by sweeping through the allowed joint positions with a fixed delta. This gives me about a set of ~2 million joint positions. Now, I want to check ...
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Motion planning collision checking on Gazebo virtual worlds

Hello everyone, I will create a virtual building in Gazebo with the building editor. Then, I want to do motion planning in that building. In the past, I was carrying out a mapping step in which I was ...
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Navigation Stack -Error

I have been using the Segbot Navigation package to navigate our robot through office work spaces with cubicles and rooms. It sometimes has problem navigating through narrow aisles and doorways (not ...
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Path planning in simulator without sensor data

Is it possible to do path planning in ROS (only during simulation) without using any sensor data (eg. kinect, laser or stereo)? Since the environment data is stored in collada format through which we ...
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environment_server doesn't subscribe to collision_map

I want to generate a collision map from kinect's pointcloud and use this info to do a collision-free arm navigation. so i write a node to receive pointcloud from kinect and publish collison_map with ...
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Filter collision_object from point cloud

Hi, I'm using ROS electric in Ubuntu 10.04. I'm trying to filter points of a known collision_object (a box, not attached to the robot) from the point cloud output of kinect, so that I can build a ...
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move_arm how ignore his arm to collision

I know my title is not clear but it's difficult to explain. So I use a wizard description package with a robot arm (Package Arm navigation). I can send a goal(pose and articular) and the robot follow ...
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Create collision map from Kinect with nodelet

Hi, I use a camera Kinect for create a collision map but currently it's too slow and use 100% CPU. So I want use nodelets to avoid useless copies of pointCloud and speed up the process. I understand ...
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Add mobil object in collision_map to arm_navigation

Hi everybody, Situation I use the package arm_navigation with ros-electric to control a arm robot with seven degree of freedom. I can send a articular or Cartesian goal, the robot moves well and avoid ...
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collision map ignored in planning components visualizer

I have used the planning description configuration wizard to set up arm_navigation for a simple robot with a custom urdf. I have then edited one of the files created to set "use collision map&...
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Clearing Collision Map of Planning Scene

Hi, Is there a simple way to reset the collision map of the planning scene? I am running tests where I do arm motion planning in an environment, then move an obstacle and do motion planning again. ...
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Using collision_map in environment_server for arm_navigation

As what I read it should be possible to put the kinect pointcloud into the collider node, and then put the [published costmap]( no new page) into the ...
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How to locally allow object/gripper collision in electric?

A) I ran into some trouble when trying to check robot states for validity in a collision aware grasping scenario. It seems like one can publish a collision_object on the /collision_object topic and ...
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Run tabletop_collision_map_processing node

Hi, does someone know how to run the tabletop_collision_map_processing_node from the tabletop_collision_map_processing package? I try to use the tabletop package to create collision maps and to detect ...
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Checking collisions for a given robot state tutorial

Guys, I have a problem with the following tutorial: when I call roslaunch pr2_arm_navigation_tutorials laser-perception....
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Does environment server make global 3D representation with respect to static frame /odom or /map?

I am looking for a collision efficient 3D global representation. I think environment server does this using collision map, but I am not sure and hence want to clear my doubts. Does environment server ...
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Doubt regarding collision map

Hi, i have a few doubts regarding the collision map - is it possible to use our own cloud data as a collision map? is there a possibility to identify clusters/cloud within the collision map as ...
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