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Unable to use UV mapping of DAE file in Gazebo simulator

Edited-3 Problem solved: I will put a complete description to in few days. It is going to take few pages :) Brief description: There were some "features" of Collada ...
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Placing texture on Collada

I have the following DAE file, handmade (pyramid with no bottom). Uncomment two triangles to make it pyramid with bottom: It shows a pyramid and tries to put a texture on it. It is displayed both on ...
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Collada file doesn't look right

I am studying Collada format. The idea is to handcode a pyramid, rectangle at a base and four triangles as sides. Here is my DAE: ...
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ROS2 convert STEP to urdf

For my bachelor project I have to be able to remote control a ur10e robot with gripper in VR. The robot has an adaptive plate attached to its flange, so that it can hold a camera and the gripper. For ...
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ign gazebo collada meshes issue

I'm trying to spawn a model with dae texture files and they don't load correctly in the GzScene3D. If you look the camera plugin, the texture was loaded well, but in the scene it is a mess. I tried to ...
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Force Modelling in gazebo?

My question is that when we import cad model of a specific object, such as wing, and move it in gazebo environment, then lift and drag force on the wing are applied on the object according to profile ...
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textures in an imported mesh?

There is a simple way to add the textures to a mesh? I have imported few models form 3dwarehouse, when I export them to .dae, I get the mesh that I can correctly use in Gazebo , but of course without ...
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Creating COLLADA (.dae) files for visual tag in Gazebo/ROS

Hi, I am on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and ROS Kinetic right now and trying to import a model that I designed in SolidWorks (a simple tree made with sticks, its in a .sldprt file) into my Gazebo simulation. I ...
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Strange effect when importing DAE model retrieved on the web

Hi all, I'm trying to enlarge my models database by retrieving models from the 3D warehouse. As a reference I'm following this tutorial. And the procedure I follow to generate a COLLADA model is the ...
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How to import 3D Model COLLADA (.dae) file to RVIZ

Hello, I am new to ROS and I am having problems importing a 3D Model of a formula car (COLLADA file) i got from 3D warehouse to RVIZ. This is the COLLADA file: FILE This is my code. It is working for ...
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How to do motion planing with closed loop chain/graph robot structure?

URDF supports only tree structure. SDF support graph structure but it is only for simulation. Moveit supports only URDF so I think I cant use it for motion planing (except if I close it with maths, ...
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Error "convert main.wrl to main.dae " When changing the model for Nextage robot

Hello everybody. I need change robot model for Nextage Robot. I have tried to follow the instructions on this page:
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Large Collada meshes only render partially

Ever since I've upgraded to Gazebo 7, any LARGE mesh I use as a visual in a model file only partially loads. The majority of the polygons/shapes are missing when I load the model in Gazebo. I have ...
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Problem importing collada model

Recently i made a model of a tunnel in blender that looks like this: I exported it to a Collada file but when i load the model into gazebo some parts of the model disappeared. I am using gazebo 2.2.3. ...
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Loading in CAD model with colors

I have been trying to get a CAD *.step file converted to collada *.dae and to get shown in Gazebo with correct colors. I all cases it seems that I only get the grey uncolored version, when Gazebo ...
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Rendering collada .dae mesh gives transparent surfaces

I'm not able to figure out why the rendering does not consider hidden surfaces. Any suggestions on how I can get it fixed? Thanks! Originally posted by webvenky on Gazebo Answers with karma: 23 on ...
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How do I make my meshes appear shaded?

Most of the time when visualizing meshes in RViz they appear edgy, the shading is not good: How do I make my mesh appear smooth? Originally posted by VictorLamoine on ROS Answers with karma: 1505 on ...
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ROS3djs set URDF color not working

Hello! I've built my own robot in solidworks, so I have the 3D .dae parts. I also have the URDF model working on the web browser by the package ros3djs (
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ros3djs not able to display my 3D files

Hello! I've built a part in solidworks and exported it into a STL file. So I'm trying to display it on the web browser through the package ros3djs (
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Ikfast fails to generate solution file for 3dof arm using .dae(genereated from .wrl)

Hi all I've tried to use ikfast module(iktype=translation3d) for 3DoF simple arm. I have been following the instructions here: and
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Collision and collada meshes

I am using .dae meshes for my robot and it seems that when I define the collision tag using that mesh, objects can just go through and no collision is simulated. Why is that? example of my urdf ...
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Collada (.dae) meshes with unit != "meter" broken?

Dear community, I'm having trouble with URDFs that used to work since Hydro. If they contain a collada (.dae) mesh which has with non meter units (e.g. centimeter): ...
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Problem converting simple urdf file in collada

Hi all, I have a problem converting a very simple urdf file in collada (.dae) to use ikfast. I have a more complicated robot but I started to have this error even with a very simple urdf file: ...
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RViz ignores COLLADA mesh colours

I have a COLLADA (.dae) file that I have exported from blender. Its just a cube that has been shaded green. However, whenever I try to get rviz to display this mesh (using a Marker display) all I get ...
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load custom world in gazebo from a launch file

Hello everyone, I've built a custom wold for gazebo (dae file) and I'm trying to load this file from a launch file. When I run the world file directly from gazebo, it woks and I can see the world (...
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Issues importing Autodesk dae file - Segmentation Fault

I'm trying to import a model with a texture on it. I developed it with Autodesk 3Ds Max, with a .gif file as the texture. Both the dae file and the .gif are colocated in the same directory. I believe ...
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Settings for exporting collada (DAE) from Blender scene, specifically Human actors

Just wondering what specific options we need to have when exporting human characters designed in Blender to compatible with Gazebo actor animation. Source code provided actor animation files (DAE) can ...
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conversion from urdf to dae fails while attempting to install ikfast for ur5

I have been following this tutorial: while attempting to setup the ikfast solver for a ur5. I have gotten to the point where I am required to make a ...
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Decimate Collada/urdf for faster collision checking in MoveIt

Hey guys, I got a couple of .dae files of my robot in fairly high detail. After creating the .urdf with all the joint limits and stuff, I have created a MoveIt-package with those files and can now see ...
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Schunk Arm URD COLLADA file is not a valid robot model

I am trying to import Schunk arm using the setupAssistant in moveit! But when I browse to the SchunkDescription and load the .urdf file, then the setupAssistant gives me the following message: URDF/...
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Collada to URDF Conversion

Hello everyone, I want to load a collada file with kinematics and joints of a robot into V-Rep, which only supports URDF for kinematics. I found the collada_parser which seems to be able to convert a ...
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Gazebo - Unable to find texture

Hello guys, I made my 3D model by Sketchup and I exported collada file (final.dae). Today I tried to import this .dae file to gazebo (by file) and when gazebo starts, on shell it gives ...
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How to tune the render of COLLADA files in Gazebo?

Hi. I have build a robot model for the youBot from COLLADA files provided by KUKA. I would say that everything is fine, but I am somehow disappointing by the display of the robot parts (see ...
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collada files not visualized in Gazebo 1.9

Hi all, I have a robot using (collada) .dae files for visualization. Before Gazebo 1.9 they worked just fine, but after updating to 1.9 they do not show up anymore. (previously I used the version ...
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Gazebo 1.9.1 does not cast shadows on COLLADA meshes

I rendered this image with Gazebo 1.9.1, ROS Hydro, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: image description The robot casts shadows, and the robot and ...
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Animation in Gazebo

Hi all, I am making an animation of smoke using Blender 2.5s' particle system. Is it possible to import that animation in Gazebo? How will the laser behave to that smoke whether it is going to ...
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Import custom .dae file in gazebo from the world file, error of path does not exist

I am new to gazebo and following the tutorial from the official website. But i am stuck at Test The Mesh heading. I made the file and pasted the code given in tutorial. And i also copied ...
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artifacts when visualizing mesh with librviz

I'm working on a project in which we are trying to visualize large meshes with textures in a custom written app that uses librviz. When loading collada files that were downloaded from 3D Warehouse, we ...
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Sketchup to urdf file not found

Hi guys, I'm trying to import my robotmodel on rviz but when I change the urdf file from to a mesh (created by sketchup) like when i run rviz the shell tell me [ERROR] [1370333859.322282991]: Could ...
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Did RViz become unit-aware?

In a recent update? I think to remember, that it was ignoring the unit information nested inside Collada files so far. That's why we had to add the scale parameter in our URDFs. Don't remember how ...
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Path planning in simulator without sensor data

Is it possible to do path planning in ROS (only during simulation) without using any sensor data (eg. kinect, laser or stereo)? Since the environment data is stored in collada format through which we ...
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Weird texture mapping in Collada meshes (1.3.0)

Hi there! I'm trying to get our Collada mesh properly visualised in Gazebo. After fixing the units, the mesh itself is correctly shown. However, the texture (a JPG file) is not correctly mapped onto ...
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D-H table for youbot

I'm trying to do the forward kinematics for a KUKA youbot and am looking for a table of the D-H parameters (so that I can calculate the rotation matrices). Is there a way in Gazebo that will output ...
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[groovy] collada parser source incomplete

I'm installing groovy from source. ...
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Segfault: rosrun collada_urdf urdf_to_collada

I've been working with OpenRave to get their IKFast IK solver to work, and I have been using the urdf_to_collada tool to convert my urdf to dae format. However, with the upgrade to Groovy this tool ...
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Cannot see mesh file in Gazebo 1.2.5

Hi, The simulation does not visualize the mesh of a robotic hand model in Gazebo 1.2.5, which under Gazebo 1.0.2 worked fine. The URI to the .dae file is correct in the sdf (v1.2) file. (I tried it ...
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Importing custom Mesh (DAE) fails due to Buffer Out of Memory

Hello All, I am trying to create an environment model with a custom COLLADA DAE. The file is around 100MB size. However, Gazebo is unable to import the DAE and gives me this error: Error [
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cannot load file in GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH

Hi, I'm trying to create an outdoor world using a mesh file that I downloaded from Google SketchUp library and then exported to DAE using Google Sketchup. I am getting this error: ...
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Importing custom objects in Gazebo

Hi all, i made my custom objects in 3d studio max and now i want it to be shown in my gazebo world at specific place. Any suggestions which is the best and easy way to achieve it. i was looking here ...
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How to import Collada (.dae) files into Gazebo (ROS/Fuerte)?

Hi, I am trying to import a COLLADA (.dae) file into Gazebo (from ROS/Fuerte) in order to run some simulations with the PR2. I created the file using Blender, and it basically has an environment (with ...
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