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Questions tagged [laser-scan-matcher]

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Laser Scan Matcher Delay

I am receiving the following repeated error message when laser scan matcher is run: [ WARN] [1728333571.670903467]: Could not get base to fixed frame transform, Lookup would require extrapolation 0....
Benramafest29's user avatar
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Problem with laser_scan_matcher usage

I'm trying to use the laser_scan_matcher package with a robot that do not publish its odometry, neither has a laser scan sensor. I'm using the "depthimage_to_laserscan" package to get a '...
Ascensor's user avatar
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Trouble with SLAM Toolkit

I'm looking to convert a ROS1 project setup to ROS2. In ROS1, I was using a LIDAR, Transforms, Laser Scanner Matcher, and slam_gmapping. With ROS2, I am still using a LIDAR, Transforms. I had to ...
jgauthier's user avatar
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Why is there no laser_scan_matcher in ROS2?

I was just wondering why there has not been an official port of the laser_scan_matcher to ROS2 with binaries. It seems like such a useful package to improve bad odometry. Is this functionality not ...
aladin6060's user avatar
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Aligning Point Cloud with IMU Heading in Sensor Fusion Setup

I'm currently working on a sensor fusion setup involving an IMU that provides absolute orientation with respect to True North and an Ouster Lidar generating PointCloud2 data. The IMU publishes to the ...
AnuNarayan R's user avatar
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Node clock is off in TF lookup

I'm trying to run laser_scan_matcher, but I'm getting a tf extrapolation error, except that the requested lookup time varies wildly and doesn't line up at all with my system clock. All these nodes are ...
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how to localize robot with lidar in ros melodic

I was using laser_scan_matcher and AMCL nodes together to locate my robot in ROS Kinetic. Unfortunately, ...
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Launching laser_scan_matcher and gmapping

Hi, So I have a simple question. When I'm building a map by launching gmapping node, so during the simulation (map building ongoing-process), is it possible to run laser_scan matcher node? What I want ...
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scaning error for Laser Scan Matcher

Hello, I am using ZED camera and the wheel odometry, fused together with robot_localization. My code uses laser_scan_matcher with gmapping to build the map of the environment. I am using ...
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get odometry from hector_slam

hi , i'm trying to improve the odometry of my robot , i'm using wheel encoders and i'm wondering if i can combine it with odometry provided from laser_scan_matcher since the robot have a hokuyo laser ...
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WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Laser Scan Matcher

ROS Kinetic - Ubuntu 16.04 Looking this up, all the forum posts I can find are either about gazebo or don't really have an answer. Laser Scan Matcher node takes an input and produces an output. The ...
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Topic remapping using <remap> not working

ROS Kinetic - Ubuntu 16.04 Goal An app I can't control outputs data on the /point_cloud topic. A Laser_scan_matcher node can accept pointcloud data on the ...
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Can't find laser_scan_matcher parameters

Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04 Goal I'm trying to launch a Laser_Scan_Matcher node (from scan_tools package) that takes in sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages and outputs ...
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How can I set up laser_scan_matcher based on my own lidar measurement?

Hello, I trying to use the laser_scan_matcher tool. I found some demo launch file, which basically a .bag playback. I would like to use it with my laser node. My currently launch is: ...
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How to upgrade package

Hi ! I was wondering whether one could more or less easily upgrade a package (indigo -> kinetic or even up to lunar) by installing it with the source code taken on git in a catkin_ws ? I'm for ...
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Node to convert tf messages to tf2

Hello, I know tf is depreciated, and that it has been transfered to tf2. I was wondering if anyone has an idea how to convert tf messages to tf2. Particularly, I am using laser scan matcher that is ...
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how to use Velodyne VLP16 and laser_scan_matcher with cloud input?

I have a robot equipped with a 3D-Lidar (Velodyne VLP16) and want to use laser_scan_matcher ( to estimate it's position. The velodyne driver (
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CSM Package Not Found

Hi, I've got an issue compiling laser_scan_matcher. When running catkin_make I get the following error: -- checking for module 'csm' -- package 'csm' not found Cmake error Now I've built csm and ...
MarkyMark's user avatar
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laser_scan_matcher always diverges

I installed laser_scan_matcher and run the demo bag along with the demo.launch. The laser pose directly starts jumping around and goes totally instable. Same happens with the demo_gmapping.launch. Am ...
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wheel odometry and laser_scan_matcher

Hello . I am using ros_arduino_bridge. Can I connect directly the ouput of ros_arduino_bridge (odom message) to laser_scan_matcher ( http://wiki.ros....
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How to install laser_scan_matcher in ros indigo

Hi all, I want to install 'laser_scan_matcher' to generate a 2D map from laser scan using gmapping in ros. someone please help me install this. Originally posted by David John on ROS Answers with ...
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laser_scan_matcher error!

hello friends... I am using gmapping and it is working fine with fake odometry. But now I wanted to use laser_scan_matcher to get better odometry data. I am not use a bag file and rosparam ...
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Using multiple lasers with laser_scan_matcher

Hello, Has anyone tried using laser_scan_matcher with multiple laser sensors? There is nothing about it in the documentation, but that hasn't been updated since Fuerte. I am using laser_scan_matcher ...
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how to use laser scan matcher?

I am very new to ROS I have to use the laser_Scan_matcher which I got from github scan_tools. when I do catkin_make There is a error csm/csm_all.h... I added it by downloading this .h file, again on ...
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Errors at catkin_make for laser_scan_matcher

Good day everyone, I'm trying to work with Polar Scan Matcher and Canonical Scan Matcher (laser_scan_matcher) from Scan_tools. So far, I've been able to run the demo.launch for PSM, but not (yet) to ...
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laser_scan_matcher with hydro

Is there any way to run laser_scan_matcher with hydro? I am wanting to run my laser with gmapping with out odometry. Is there another way to do it? Thanks, Originally posted by Morpheus on ROS ...
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improve odom by laserscan

How can I improve odom of a robot by a laserscan- what package can i use?I don't have static, global map. I found laser_scan_matcher, but I don't know if it's still supported. Maybe i should play with ...
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AMCL + Laser Scan Matcher Crashing

Greetings, I am using AMCL for localisation purposes, along with the lase scan matcher in order to use the robot's Hokuyo for odometry. When I run the LSM alone or with Hector mapping the results are ...
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Laser_scan_matcher can't find base_link

Greetings. I am using the following launch file to get odometry from laser_scan_matcher so I can use it with amcl: ...
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Creating a map with gmapping using lidar data of a quick spinning robot

Using the lidar data of a neato vacuum cleaning robot to create a map during vacuuming was till now not possible with hector_slam. hector_slam loses very often the position of the robot during its ...
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Detecting non static objects while a robot is moving

Hi everyone, I have a turtlebot 2.0 (groovy) with a laser rangefinder (Hokuyo urg04lx) and a kinect. The robot performs navigation and mapping very well. Now I'd like it to recognize moving objects, ...
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is amcl required together with laser_scan_matcher for navigation?

It it required to run amcl together with laser_scan_matcher to achieve navigation ? laser_scan_matcher already gives the pose, would it be possible then to launch move_base alone and set initial pose ...
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laser_scan_matcher crash

Hi, When I use laser_scan_matcher everything works well for about 5-10 minutes, then the module crashes with the following output: ...
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laser_scan_matcher bulding package on Fuerte

I've successfully set up laser_scan_package on Electric. Now, I would like to build laser_scan_matcher package on Fuerte but I got the following error message: ...
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Launch laser_scan_matcher node

Hello I tried to launch the laser_scan_matcher package node. This is my launch file, but I can not see nothing on my rviz tool. Is something wrong with my launch file or just a rviz configuration? The ...
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laser_scan_matcher run problems

Hello I installed and downloaded successfully the scan_tools stack . Than tried to run the demo example. Have done rosmake rviz rosbag tf without any error. Than when I tried to run de demo by ...
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Anyone who has an idea about this video clip

Dear, ROS-users. Recently, I could find this cool footage from CCNY-Robotics. I'm just wondering how they could visualize such ...
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Laser Scan Matcher at low speeds

Hi, I'm trying to use the laser scan matcher package in my mobile robot. So I've performed numerous simulations on gazebo and everything worked great. Now i'm performing the first tests with the ...
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AMCL without using odomedry (but laser_scan_matcher instead)

Hi, I have been trying to localize my robot using only an URG Hokuyo (so without any odometer) on a known static map. I have been able to run laser_scan_matcher to simulate odometry with gmapping to ...
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Strange FOV error in laser_scan_matcher using a cloud

Hi, I am trying to use laser_scan_matcher with a PointCloud2 made by 2 opposite LaserScans, so I have a 360º pointcloud. Is it possible? When I run laser_scan_matcher i get the following error: (where ...
martimorta's user avatar
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Easiest way to show travelled path on gmapping generated map

I'd like to create and then export a map created with gmapping along with the path my robot has travelled to a graphic file. Do I need any additional packages for ...
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Using laser_scan_matcher output

I would like to have a confirmation on my understanding in order to use the output of laser_scan_matcher(lsm) in a correct way. Kindly refer to the provided figure(...
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Frame problem when using with a third-party node

I'm using laser_scan_matcher node to be working with my node. The problem I'm now having is that I've my /world defined somewhere in my code. In laser_scan_matcher, ...
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Obtaining nav_msgs/Odometry from a laser_scan (eg. with laser_scan_matcher)

Is it possible to obtain nav_msgs/Odometry message expressed in base_link basing on laser measurements with any existing package?...
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Running move_base with gmapping

I went though all relevantly tagged questions here and some tutorials, but still can't figure out what's wrong with my setup. As in subject, I'd like to configure move_base to work with ...
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Whether pose values returned by laser_scan_matcher package relative or cumulative

I was referring to a tutorial pertaining to laser_scan_matcher package. Nevertheless, I have one question regarding this package. It publishes pose2D topic which comprises of position(x, y) and ...
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Several things on the laser_scan_matcher package tutorial

I was referring to a tutorial pertaining to laser_scan_matcher package. Thanks a lot for such a decent tutorial. Nevertheless, I have several questions regarding this package and the related written ...
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How can I get ICP covariances using laser_scan_matcher?

In scan_tools laser_scan_matcher there's a parameter called do_covariance_computation which makes laser_scan_matcher calculate covariances but not publish them. I would like to get the covariances of ...
martimorta's user avatar
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Sotp publishing tf /odom from Gazebo

Hi, I've asked a related question when I needed to put gmapping, laser_scan_matcher and stageros working together. The problem was that but stageros and laser_scan_matcher publish the odom->...
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Laser_scan_matcher gmapping and stage

Hi, I'm trying to build a system utilizing gmapping and laser_scan_matcher ( laser_scan_matcher to improve the odometry of my robot). I've already made the system work utilizing the bag that came with ...
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