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Mapping from Logged Data

I'm a beginner in ros and mapping. I want to use gmapping from a *.bag file, but some problems encountered. There are more details below: This is the info of the bag file: ...
Peter's user avatar
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Record ros2 bag specifying recording time

I need to write a bash script that runs the command ros2 bag record /topic_name for a specified amount of time. Is it possible? I tried with the command ...
Paolo's user avatar
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Looking for an affordable cm level accuracy RTK GPS module for ROS slam project

This is my first time here. I'm thinking about a ROS project. I want to record RTK GPS information and visual + IMU data simultaneously in a rosbag file. Can you please suggest an affordable RTK GPS ...
Md. Sajjad Hossen's user avatar
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Ros2 bag timestamp time source

Main question: What time source does ros2 bag record use by default to stamp each of its received/logged messages? Is it correct that this is the computer's system ...
Kookoos's user avatar
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How to get ros plugins for plotjuggler to work for jazzy jalisco?

Getting errors installing plotjuggler_ros with jazzy jalisco: Starting >>> plotjuggler_ros --- stderr: plotjuggler_ros rosbag2_transport/qos.hpp: No such file or directory 10 | #include "...
Eve's user avatar
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ROS1 bag file: UnicodeDecodeError

I have some .bag files that might be corrupted. Unfortunately, the SSD went down, and some of the .bag files were recovered, but ...
draccoo's user avatar
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How to get position data from acceleration data obtained from an IMU?

I was provided with a .bag file containing a recording in which a regular rectangular path (3m x 1.4m) is performed. My goal is to obtain a 3D plot of the trajectory taken by the IMU from the bag data....
rosBeginner's user avatar
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How to annotate rosbag data for Machine Learning applications?

I have collected sensor data in a rosbag in the form of: Point clouds (/points2) IMU Sensors GPS (/fix data) GPS Velocity (/fix_velocity) Compressed Images etc. I want to annotate and share this ...
Shriman Keshri's user avatar
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Do custom messages need to be sourced for ROS2bag to work?

If I am interested in recording and playing back custom message types in ros2bag, what do I need to do? For example, do I need to source the message package in the workspace ROS2 bag is run in?
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Using rosbag C++ API in a non-ROS application

I have a standalone / "non-ROS" C++ application that is built using cmake. I want to extend this application with the ability to write data to ...
simon's user avatar
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rosbag tf2 transform has timestamp zero

I am writing a node that is listening to the transforms between a camera_optical_link and base_link. My plan was to analyze the recorded rosbag with this node, however upon inspection the timestamp ...
Total-Lecture-9423's user avatar
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ROS2 Bag Timestamps

The link attached states that the timestamp can be twofold. I could not find documentation for "rqt_bag" and &...
Sam Choy's user avatar
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robot_localization GeographicLib::GeographicErr

I am trying to run a ros2 bag recorded in gazebo through the robot_localization package. However, for the same trajectory, sometimes, I get an error saying - ...
Ishaan Mahajan's user avatar
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Error [rospack] Error: package 'rosbag_storage' not found when using bag_reader.exe on Windows

I have compiled a bag_reader.exe program using VS2019 on a Windows environment to read ROS bag files. While the program works perfectly fine in the ROS environment, I encounter the following error ...
sheng1_2's user avatar
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ROS2 bag record: Serialization format?

the CLI for ros2 bag record offers the option --serialization-format: The rmw serialization format in which the messages are saved, defaults to the rmw currently ...
labude's user avatar
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Camera & IMU .bag recording

I am currently trying to work with the camera and IMU data and it needs to by synchronized However, I tried to record data using this command: ...
Wraith's user avatar
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Exclude regex in the rosbag record cmd line not working when used inside a C++ program

I am using a system() call to record a ros bag with a C++ program. The example below works well when called from C++ Example: ...
shreedhar.R shree's user avatar
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How to get information about a bag without downlaoding the whole thing

I have a bunch of huge bags stored in the cloud and I am trying to build a database of all the data. I want to try to gather information about this bags, like the date, which topics it has, etc., by ...
lutado's user avatar
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rosbags-convert fails with assertion error

I am trying to convert some fairly large (~50GB) bag files recorded in melodic so that I can use it with humble. I'm using the rosbags python library. It fails with ...
ALNA_Perera's user avatar
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Convert rosbag file into carmen log file

Is it possible to convert a rosbag file to a slam log file in carmen format? I have the bag file available and I need CARMEN style logfiles in a format like the follow: ...
C24's user avatar
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Recover data from incorrectly terminated bag

I have bag whose recording was abruptly terminated due to a power outage. When I run rosbag reindex I can see that the reindexed bag is around 300 KB smaller than ...
Mikkel Tiller's user avatar
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plotjuggler read rosbag error

when i run run plotjuggler plotjuggler to read data from a bag file, i encounter the following errors: ...
joe qiu's user avatar
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rosbag clock different

When I run command "rosbag play --clock A.bag" and "rostopic echo /clock" two times for catching the simulated clock time, there start time and time duration is not the same, e.g. ...
user37849's user avatar
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rqt_bag only shows first part of split bagfile

When opening a ros2-bagfile, that consists of multiple part (recorded with --max-bag-duration option), rqt_bag only shows the messages from the first part. ...
avb's user avatar
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How to keep track of different robot configurations/ versions (urdf) over time

At my company, we are facing the following problem. We have a platform on which we often try different sensor configurations. Often the amount of sensors and type stay the same, but the extrinsic ...
Metz's user avatar
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How to convert the kittti dataset into ros2 bags?

How to convert the kitti dataset into ros2 bags, or is possible to download it already converted?
Richard Jose's user avatar
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ROS2bag sample with Images

I wrote a Reader and Writer for ROS2bags in python using the Rosbags API ( I've recently tried writing an Image file into a ROS2bag. However if i try to ...
Now Now No's user avatar
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depth aligned capture doesn't yield same number of rgb and depth frames -- cv_bridge exception: '[16UC1] is not a color format. but [bgr8] is

Steps for reproducing the problem with an Intel RealSense D435 camera using ROS Noetic inside a docker. In the first terminal: ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Converting a ros2 bag of color raw images to image files or video

This is using ros2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04 and native Python 3.10 Eventual goal: capturing depth aligned RGB and Depth streams from Intel RealSense D435 camera and converting them to RGB and Depth ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Convert ROS2 SQLite bag to MCAP format

I've got some ROS2 bags in SQLite format that I'd like to convert to MCAP format, but I cannot find any examples or tools that do it. I'd have hoped there would be an obvious option for ...
Ken Y-N's user avatar
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How to deserialize ROS messages from Bag to ROS defined types in C++?

I want to deserialize messages from a Bag file and publishing part of their contents with ROS for further processing. I read a bagfile with the ROS C++ API. I know exactly the content (topic names and ...
tricostume's user avatar
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Read h264 compressed images with rosbag API

Below is an example of how to use the ROSBag API to extract image data from a ROSBag file, and then visualize that data using OpenCV. ...
Federico Nardi's user avatar
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Last incompatible policy: RELIABILITY_QOS_POLICY - ROS2 bag problem

I'm using ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 20.04 and I'm trying to export my ros bags to CSV files. In order to save the data, I created a python consumer that reads the messages and keep them in memory. This is ...
Gorgo's user avatar
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What is the correct procedure for rosbag *.active if it is just not closed properly?

If there is a rosbag * instead of *.bag, then according to the documentation and some answers in ROS answers, one should do both: rosbag reindex rosbag fix But if the most likely cause ...
Kertu's user avatar
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Rosbag delay and time jump

I ran a node that publishes images (with image_transport), laser_scan messages and a simple custom message. I recorded these 3 topics with rosbag. During the time it was running I didn't noticed any ...
Mls56 's user avatar
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Save all recorded bag files with `rosbag record`

I am recording data from a range scanner with ROS Melodic using the following command: rosbag record -o nav310_ws/bagFiles/session --split --duration=1 --max-splits 1 /cloud In the ...
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Extract timestamp from bag for some topics without the time

Hi to all, unfortunately, I recorded a very long bag file containing some topics that have a timestamp and two topics that do not include it since I forgot to add it before to launch the ROS node. ...
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Naming a node while playing from rosbag

Greetings As a part of my application logic I have a single callback to obtain data from multiple topics from multiple nodes that are subscribed. Each topic has the same message type. ...
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Does rosbag play with multiple bags and -s and -u parameters know not to fully load bags that don't overlap with those times?

If rosbag play were to quickly get start and end times for each bag provided for playback it could discard those that don't overlap at all, once it knows what the full time span of all the bags are (...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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Right way to replay laser scan from bag file and visualize in rviz

I recorded a rosbag containing laser scans and while trying to play it back and visualize the output in rviz I get the following warning: Detected jump back in time ...
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How to change the /tf topic message published in the data?

I use the MIT dataset to evaluate the gmapping algorithm, but the coordinate transformation maintained in the/tf topic published in the dataset is as follows: I need to use the original odom ...
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convert/use rosbag1 with ROS2 on Ubuntu 22.04

Hi, I just got several datasets in the form of ROS1 rosbags. I would like to use them within ROS2 (humble), either by converting them to ROS2 bags, or by replaying them in ROS2, whatever is easier. Or ...
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How to read ros2 bag file in a node

Hi, I was wondering is there a better method to read ros2 bag files inside the ros2 node, I just want to send a command to run the bag files. The only source I found is this but this requires me to ...
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Playback ROS1 bag files in ROS2

What is the method to playback rosbag files recorded from ROS melodic in ROS2 Humble running on Ubuntu 22.04? I know the existence of ros1_bridge, but it seems for this to work I must install ROS1 and ...
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3 answers

Recording Large Rosbags of Lidar & Camera Data

I have been trying to find some documentation on this but was unable to really see anyhting helpful. We have 5 cameras and 3 Lidars and need to record data from all sensors. For now we have been ...
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Can I filter out or rename topics from a bag file?

I have a bag file with several topics (a lot of them, actually), and I'm trying to launch it from a launch file. However, in my test case that I want to run, I want to exclude a topic and insert my ...
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What happens when rosbag record runs out of diskspace?

Hi, what will happen if I rosbag record ROS topics and don't have enough memory to store it? Will rosbag overwrite something or will automatic shutdown command ? Kind regards Originally posted by ...
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I can't clean inside my bag file with python

In my code i am trying to clean my bag file in every 10 seconds and then trying to write again, but it doesn't work. I couldn't find any rosbag function to clean inside my bag file. I tried with ...
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Custom rosbag record in launch file (several args)

Hey guys, i'm trying to use rosbag record to pass multiple arguments in a launch file, but unfortunately the folder is not created and recordings aren't started. I used the following arguments: node ...
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rosbag: error: Cannot find rosbag/play executable

I am running ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. I cannot run rosbag play or rosbag record. It was working perfectly last week, ...
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