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Can we publish a topic to another ROS_DOMAIN_ID?

The ROS_DOMAIN_ID is provided to isolate systems. The purpose of it is that nodes with different IDs set will not interact. So in general they are designed to not interact. You don't share information ...
Tully's user avatar
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ROS2 humble rosidl \${_header_name}__type_support.hpp doesn't generated, but ${_header_name}.hpp use it

I use this way as a workaround: ...
Randolph Wang's user avatar
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Preferred use of unique ptr, shared ptr and reference in ROS2?

When publishing I often see messages constructed as auto msg = std::make_shared(), even though it has to be published eventually as publisher->publish(*msg);. What is the use of seemingly ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
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Unable to utilize the 3D pointcloud topic as an observation source for Nav2 stack

Have you checked: TF tree is connected to your PointCloud sensor frame? The QoS settings on the PointCloud? Can you see the PointCloud in Rviz & that the topic is publishing with content (if not, ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
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Race Conditions in ROS 2 Parameter Service: Security vs Performance Trade-offs

The parameter service is specifically designed to be thread safe, as are the other core ROS interfaces. Data corruption is potentially a catastrophic failure. As such not maintaining thread safety had ...
Tully's user avatar
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2 votes

Memory Leak in ROS 2 Component Container on Jetson Orin NX

Memory usage increases linearly No memory recovery between allocations This is expected behavior, and it is correct behavior given what your code told the computer to do.
Mike973's user avatar
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Multiple Turtlebot3 SImultaion in ROS2 Humble with namespce

I did this a couple of years back, and I remember it was horrible. You can see the implementation in this github, both for a gazebo simulation and an implementation on actual robots. It is using ros2 ...
William T's user avatar
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Help needed with running SLAM package on ROS2

You need to first solve the graph_based_slam_node error you get when you launch the file: error while loading shared libraries ...
niccogazza's user avatar
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Issues with Motion Planning Path on UR Robot Using MoveIt API Tutorial

is there a reliable way to consistently get the UR robot to take the shortest path? Getting this behavior depends on the planner you choose and how much time you give it to search. As you have ...
Mike973's user avatar
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Is there a ROS 2 (Jazzy) interface definition reserved words list?

You are generating messages for c++ and register is a c keyword Because the generation is creating user facing data fields we can't mangle them. So the limitation is to not use any keywords from any ...
Tully's user avatar
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Unreasonably High CPU Usage While Doing Simple Tasks

Are you building your C++ nodes with compiler optimizations? Release mode is a non-default option in Colcon builds, see e.g. I was surprised to notice ...
danzimmerman's user avatar
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Robot losing localisation when turning

That just looks like lag in your state estimate. Your rviz video shows that you're viewing everything in the map frame. You are ...
automatom's user avatar
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is that possible to estimate record bag size from topic hz and msg defines (ros2)?

I guess you cannot do it but you can specify the max size, in terms of bytes, for a ROS 2 bag with the flag -b. After reaching the specified size a new bag will be ...
Paolo's user avatar
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Compile issues with gz fortress custom plugin when trying to include <gz/sim.hh>

I ended up having to modify my CMakeLists.txt file with several packages and also adding them to include_directories. I'm fairly ...
Justin Nguyen's user avatar
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RCLCPP: `get_parameter` as a vector of int (NOT long int/int_64)

The ROS 2 parameter data types are listed in the design documentation. The available types are: bool int64 float64 string byte[] bool[] int64[] float64[] string[] ...
JRTG's user avatar
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Compile issues with gz fortress custom plugin when trying to include <gz/sim.hh>

It is not entirely clear to me why you'd want to include <gz/sim.hh> or what functionality exactly this file would provide. If I look through the migration ...
JRTG's user avatar
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ROS2 Jazzy failing launch file on RPi5 only

Fixed it (with the help of support on the ros2_control github). Once lock_memory: false is set in the controller_manager config YAML file it works.
louis's user avatar
  • 21
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Moveit not using sim time despite setting param

I have experienced a similar issue (Didn't receive robot state (joint angles) with recent timestamp within 1.000000 seconds or Unable to fetch the current robot state). Requested time 16.873000, but ...
Stefano Angeli's user avatar
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Map(yaml file) in rviz2 is not shown correctly in navigation2

Changing the use_sim_time as False instead of True in the yaml file makes the global_costmap and local_costmap recieves map. Now the simulation works as expected.
Vasanth's user avatar
  • 27
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mid-low cost IMU recommendations for AMR in indoor environments

I've been generally very happy with my BNO055 / BNO080 for my robots. They're cheap, you can buy large volumes of them easily for PCB manufacturing, and there are some dev kits around in a few ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
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Unable to start gazebo with a non-0 simulated clock time in Gazebo Simulation

I am not sure about the <sim_time> element, as it is indeed in the SDF specification. I filed an issue here. However, a command line option to set the initial ...
JRTG's user avatar
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Failed processing YAML file - Nav2 Bringup

In the config file: sim.yaml, you need to put your home directory. So it should be '/home/YOUR_USERNAME/workspaces/irobot_workspace/src/create_robot/create_bringup/maps/my_map.yaml'
Shreyas R's user avatar
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How to Prevent LiDAR Localization Loss During High-Velocity Rotation

Given your EKF subscribes to Odometry and IMU messages in the following manner: ...
Scoeerg's user avatar
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how to remove gazebo Fortress

Try sudo apt remove ignition* or even sudo apt remove ign*, but check the list of packages that will be removed before ...
JRTG's user avatar
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How to Prevent LiDAR Localization Loss During High-Velocity Rotation

If you are relying on AMCL to fix your drift issues, the correction to the robot's pose often does not happen quickly. With an accurate map and laser scan data, you could use a Localization Tracker to ...
Mike973's user avatar
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Navigate To Pose and Pause Near Goal-Obstacle Doesn't Work

It was related to a commit which hasn't done yet on the Humble version. Not it's fixed. You can see the details in the link.
yigitboracagiran's user avatar
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Dynamically create and destroy (sub)nodes from one running instance of (main)node in rclpy?

At the end I ended up using Executors. To be specific, MultiThreadedExecutor(). Below is the code sample for logic in case if anyone have similar usecase. There can be other variations (May be more ...
aarsht7's user avatar
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Moveit Trajectory execution failed after planning was successful

The error comes from the planned trajectory, not from the controller: ...
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
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Gazebo installation problems

The package was renamed from iron on, instead of ign_ros2_control it is called gz_ros2_control on jazzy. See the README for supported combinations. It seems that the husarion repository has a jazzy ...
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
1 vote

How to access state_interface data in ros2_control

Please consult the official documentation, especially the demos published there. within ros2_control, data is not exchanged via ROS topics but are handled internally. to publish data to the ROS world,...
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
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symbol lookup error and undefined symbol while creating custom controller

I suggest that you start with the ros2_control_demos, e.g. example_7 and compare the controller files with yours. Choose the right branch according to your distro!
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
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ros2_control and State Estimation

Yes, it is reasonable to implement this in ros2_control. Even if the estimator process is not lightweight, you could implement it as an asynchronous controller with a lower update rate. The ...
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
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Configuring a Ros2 c++ project in Vscode

I tried to reproduce the issue using the steps you described, but I couldn’t. Everything worked without issues. However, I’d like to clarify something important first: The error ...
Robotawi's user avatar
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Using ros2 control hardware interface make the communication slow

I encountered the same issue before. The root cause is that serial communication is handled directly in the hardware interface's read and ...
Robotawi's user avatar
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unable to install ros2

Your system appears to have the DNS resolvers incorrectly setup such that no hosts can be resolved. You need to make sure your system has the DNS resolving before you can try to run the installation ...
Tully's user avatar
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A full time spec, as you wrote in your example, is not possible. However, since ROS 2 Jazzy, there is an extra format specifier date_time_with_ms which gives ...
JRTG's user avatar
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SLAM_TOOLBOX , topic /map is empty

I have the same error : with Slam and only using RPLIDAR A3. Problem I have followed the steps below to configure and launch SLAM Toolbox, but the /map topic is ...
Imen Mabrouk's user avatar
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Unmet dependencies installing ros-jazzy-desktop on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Turns out since my last dist-upgrade I didn't have the updates and security Ubuntu repos in sources.list, so had about a gig of missing stuff! Looks like my original sources.list got renamed to ...
David's user avatar
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How to use UWB sensor for localization instead of nav2_amcl?

With Nav2 you typically have pure odometry (odom->base_link with some kind of EKF) and an absolute localization (map->odom with some kind of laser-based registration). You may never get this ...
oKermorgant's user avatar
1 vote

Doubt about ROS TF odom->base_link in case of loop closure correction

In the case you mention, odom->base_link will be 6 and map->odom will be 4, so overall map->base_link will indeed be 10. The localization / loop closure node will take in the odom->...
oKermorgant's user avatar
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Problem while installing ROS-humble with chocolatey on Windows

2024-11-21 13:49:04,119 13952 [ERROR] - - ros-noetic - ros-noetic not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed. Source(s): ';https://community....
0 votes

Why does LiDAR shift and looses localization during robot rotation at high velocities, and how to prevent it?

In my experience that is caused by poor odometry coming from your robot. There is a simple way for you to check it, for now forget about AMCL, just start your robot without localization. Using RVIZ ...
Martin Peris's user avatar
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Path planning in Moveit2 using 2 planners

Smells like some of your nodes are running with the real clock and some others are running with the simulated clock. ...
Martin Peris's user avatar
1 vote

How to add custom planner in moveit2

Are there better ways to add custom motion planner in moveit2? Yes, there is a far better way! moveit and moveit2 use a plugin ...
Mike973's user avatar
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Path planning in Moveit2 using 2 planners

Could you solve it? I believe this issue may be related to time synchronization problem, check: ...
user44518's user avatar
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/scan range[] and intensity[] arrays all 0, but data is visualized in RVIZ

By default, the output of ros2 topic echo is truncated. To see all the values you can use the flag --full-length. Check with ...
ivrolan's user avatar
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I am in need of recommendations for ROS2 libraries or frameworks for 3D navigation

If you are navigating on planar, or close to planar terrain nav2 with stvl as mentioned above makes sense. If you can find planar areas, octomap got a way to remove the floor and you can project the ...
Kalhan's user avatar
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Record ros2 bag specifying recording time

An alternative solution that I found is by storing the PID: ...
Paolo's user avatar
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How can attached collision objects be recoloured in rviz2?

Looks like this isn't currently possible in moveit2. See this PR for updates to making it available.
rr-mark's user avatar
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How can I reduce CPU usage when subscribing to multiple topics and monitor sensor reliability in ROS 2?

The computational effort that your seeing reflected is from the communication layer, receiving, allocating, and deserializing the whole message before it provides you with the pointer that you're not ...
Tully's user avatar
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