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How to run ROS 2 on Kobuki Turtlebot 2

I have a Turtlebot 2 (with Kobuki base) that hasn't been used in a while. I will like to work with it using ROS 2. My first goal is the get it to the point where I can run simple applications on it ...
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ROS API for PWM/Voltage Motor Control of Kobuki Turtlebot base

I'm trying to do some system identification on my Kobuki platform, and I wish to input a PRBS (pseudorandom binary sequence) signal and plot that versus the obtained linear and angular velocities of ...
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Not able to create a map using SLAM Mapping( Kobuki+Hokuyo UST-10LX)

Ive been trying to run the Kobuki slam package on my Kobuki using a Hokuyo UST-10LX connected over ethernet but after running the kobuki_slam package,in Rviz i keep getting map not received warning. ...
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Adding a namespace to robot frames

I am running multiple qbots in a multi-master network, and I have been able to successfully run individual robot topics under a given namespace. (eg: qbot1/mobile_base/commands/ .... , qbot2/...
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Running multiple Kobuki bases in the same roscore by changing node names

Hi! I need to run two Qbot2s (Kobuki bases) within the same network using ROS Kinetic distro. I have figured out that I need to launch them with different node names. So I edited my kobuki/kobuki_node/...
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[Solved] Nodelet does not seem to initialize correctly

Hello, I'm trying to follow this tutorial on writing nodelets to run on the kobuki using ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus), but I'm having issues with getting it to run. A nodelet ...
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[Turtlebot] [Kobuki base] Increasing the publish frequency of sensor messages

Hi, I’m using a Turtlebot 2, Kobuki base. I replaced the cliff sensors in order to be able to detect the narrow darker spaces between floor tiles. It works at low speed but, at higher speeds, the ...
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My nodelet won't run

Hello, I'm trying to build my own Controller with help of this page ( which helps you create a nodelet. Now have I ...
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Turtlebot wont move (MATLAB)

Hi I'm trying to run some very basic code to move my turtlebot. i am using ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04.2 I am communicating through MATLAB and I should have everything setup fine(keyword should). ...
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How to implement open package to my robot?

Hi, I am not that good at ROS I want to implement rrt_package(rrt_exploration, rrt_exploration_tutorial) to my (turtlebot3 robot). The rrt package is based on kobuki robot so I thought it is necessary ...
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turtlebot charging without battery

Unfortunately my turtlebot was delivered without the additional battery: 4S2P (4400 mAh) that has to be connected in the bottom of the kobuki base. Is there any way to charge the turtlebot 2 with ...
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connect to Arduino instead of Kobuki

This should be an easy question. I want to run the kobuki software with a connection to Arduino instead of the Kobuki-base. To me it seems that it can be easily done by changing the Arduino serial ...
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Where can I found Kobuki schematics?

My kobuki shows no signs of life, all I hae is voltage on frontal panel when I turn it on. Now I need scematics to try to fix it. Originally posted by Mihtat on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2017-08-...
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kobuki malformed subpayload

Hi everyone, I use ros ingido over ubuntu 14.04 LTS.. In the begining everything was fine... But recently i started to get "Kobuki "malformed subpayload" error when i plug turtlebot and ...
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turtlebot2 kobuki turns itself off when cmd_velocity > 1

The setup: I currently have 2 turtlebots and a workstation all communicating via multimaster_fkie. The workstation only launches the ...
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kobuki raw encoders ticks reset

I am reading raw encoders ticks values and generating the odometry using my own code, but I need to reset the encoders ticks every new run of my code. Is there a way to reset the encoders ticks ...
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Kobuki Not Moving on Navigation - move_base issue

Hi All, My set up is Kobuki with s/w on Raspberry Pi with RPLIDAR A2 and that feeding back to a laptop. I'm trying to get the amcl_demo to work: ...
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Kobuki - Auto Docking - Action server is not connected yet

Hi All, A couple of questions - I've just got a Kobuki bot and managed to get most of the Kobuki stack complied on Pi 3 - both talking to one another now - Huzzar! :) Wanted to try out the auto dock ...
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Can't Install kobuki package on the Raspberry Pi 2 model B

I've installed ros on the Raspberry Pi 2 model B following this tutorial.Then, I'm installing kobuki following this tutorial .But I can't install kobuki package. I execute command "...
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Kobuki error , Kobuki/Watchdog no signal in rqt. Kindly help me out?

I am working with turtlebot 2 , I have searched everywhere about this problem. After launching oslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch the terminal works fine but turtlebot does not move or ...
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Turtlebot spinning in place + not going straight when speeding up simulation

Hello, As I show in the videos above, the Turtlebot is spins around itself a bit, which could affect the direction when I try to go straight. When the real time factor (simulation speed) is normal the ...
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Can't launch turtlebot_gazebo example, kobuki_description not found

Background : Ubuntu 14.04, ROS indigo, gazebo 2. I want to launch the example in turtlebot_gazebo: roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch The following ...
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Asus laptop not connecting to Kobuki base?

My Asus Laptop doesn't seem to see the Kobuki base. When I use the command roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch I get a Device does not (yet) available on this port, waiting.... The laptop is ...
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Kobuki 12V 1.5A connector?

According to this page describing the Kobuki power connectors, the 12V 1.5A connector is similar to Molex PN : 5566-02B2. The connector on the robot is single-row 1-circuit but all I can find is a ...
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Should all four wheels on the Kobuki base be touching the ground?

I don't know anyone else with a Turtlebot that I can compare notes with. Under normal circumstances, should all four wheels be touching the ground? Mine don't. The drive wheels seem to be higher than ...
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Kobuki "gyro" versus "inertia" packets?

Hello, I have a Kobuki (a.k.a. TurtleBot 2) and I am trying to understand some of the source code in the kobuki and kobuki_core packages. Specifically, the inertia.hpp file refers to both the angle ...
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Kobuki Left Bumper stuck

My Kobuki left bumper has somehow gotten stuck, I could probably live with this, but it messes up the auto_docking node, which reports feedback: [dockdrive: bumped]: and my robot just backs up. I've ...
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turtlebot2 / kobuki base

Hello, I want to use turtlebot2 package ... with another robot. I'm experienced to use ROS (nodes, topics ...), to compile ... and to use my robots with a previous version of ROS and I need now to ...
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Powering Hokuyo from Kobuki

Hello! I recently purchased a Hokuyo UST 10LX, and i'm having a difficult time figuring out how to get power from the Kobuki (Turtlebot 2) to the scanner. There are a few posts on here about getting ...
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how to integrate kobuki auto docking command in roscpp or python

Hello I am using Turtlebot with Kobuki base. I would like to drive the robot to a goal position close enough to the docking station using C++ client in ROS, then when the robot reaches the goal, I ...
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Kobuki strange behaviour in Gazebo

I am running ROS Indigo with Gazebo 5.1 in Ubuntu 14.04.2 64bits. I am executing the following commands: ...
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robot_localization: yaw and position scaled down

We have a setup on a Kobuki where we use the robot_localization package to fuse sensor data consisting of wheel odometry and landmark recognition, which is complemented by amcl to correct the odometry ...
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Contacting Turtlebot Distributor (I Heart Engineering)

Hello, I am having an issue with some of the equipment that my organization purchased through I Heart Engineering. Apparently I Heart Engineering has closed down and I am having a hard time getting in ...
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Kobuki : Timed out while waiting for serial data stream [/mobile_base] on Indigo

Using a turtlebot 2 on 14.04.2 I ran through the install section at and the network setup. When running: roslaunch ...
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Kobuki base - Jerky move with Nav goal (move_base)

Hello experts, I had set up a Turtlebot 2 Kobuki base with ROS indigo Hokuyo lidar, Navigation stack and Gmapping n produce a map from the small area that im working in... all works perfectly and the ...
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Kinect isn't visible from Odroid when battery powered (turtlebot v2)

I have a problem with my turtlebot 2 that is driven by an odroid U3. The problem is that the Kinect isn’t visible from the odroid. The odroid is powered from the 12V/5A connector on the kobuki base. ...
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How do I run and control more than one Turtlebot in a single simulation gazebo / Ros

I found no .cpp file or .h. I've tried every way but can not find how to make a smooth and efficient way to each turtlebot own your odometer. I have lost months trying to edit the xml / launch in ...
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Problem with leg_detector in People: Dropped 100:00% message so far

hi, all. I am trying to run leg_detector with indigo-devel branch which is a part of people in ROS wiki. I found that "odom_combined" was set to be " fixed_frame" from source code....
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Problem of installing kobuki in turtlebot installation (Indigo)

Hello, I have a problem when I install kobuki in turtlebot installation of indigo. Following the tutorial, there was nothing wrong with rocon. However, when I continued to kobuki and run "rosdep ...
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Is kobuki a holonomic robot?

Hi, all, I am writing a local planner for turtelbot2, i.e. kobuki robot. But I am not sure is it a holonomic robot. From the wikipedia I think kobuki is a holonomic robot, isn't it. Thank you! ...
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Problem running follower demo turtlebot

I've just received a turtlebot and I'm having some trouble when I try to run the follower demo in the netbook that came along with the robot. The robot doesn't move when I run the command: $ roslaunch ...
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Make sure geometry_msgs::Twist or cmd_vel units

Hi all, I have confusion about the unit of geometry_msgs::Twist, are they m/s and rad/s? Because I saw the sample code turltebot teleop as well as kobuki teleop, they setup these parameters equal 1.0 ...
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4kg max payload on kobuki base?

we really like the kobuki base, not only because it's a great mobile base but it also supports ROS. unfortunately the spec on kobuki base states that the maximum payload it can handles is only 4kg (8....
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turtlebot 2: mass production

hi. we really love turtlebot 2 and ros. we plan to to build our robot based on turtlebot 2 and ros. our first production run will be around 300 - 500 units. what would be a good way to source the ...
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IMU data in Kobuki

Hi all, I have already read the IMU data from kobuki node successfully, but I dont know the data meaning. The data looks like the below ...
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Can Kobuki_soft be used for control real turtlebots?

Kobuki_soft has two parts: Kobuk_softapps and kobuki_softnode. Is this pakage only used for simulation of Kokuki in gazebo? or can it be used for controlling real Kobuki robots? Originally posted by ...
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Problem with multirobots navigation

I'm trying to do a multirobots navigation in Gazebo simulator using two turtlebot. I put the two turtlebot in Gazebo and I see in correct mode the robots in the environment with a correct ...
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external imu published by robot_pose_ekf for gmapping

Hi, I am usng hydro with ubuntu 12.04. I tried to install a microstrain imu 3DM-GX3-25 and publish the data using robot_pose_ekf and finally use the tf publish for ...
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Hydro turtlebot simulator bringup issues

I am having problems getting the turtlebot simulator up and running in hydro. I installed ROS, gazebo, turtlebot_gazebo stacks and followed the instructions given here I am getting the following when ...
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Is this odometry considered bad?

Hi, i am using kobuki base. I read the it comes with factory calibrated gyro, however, i am having hard time mapping out a 30m x 100m(roughly) library layout. The map is always off when i am driving ...
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