Ive been trying to run the Kobuki slam package on my Kobuki using a Hokuyo UST-10LX connected over ethernet but after running the kobuki_slam package,in Rviz i keep getting map not received warning. The odometry seems to be working though when i move around using teleop.However,no map is created.
I connect the laser using the following command :
rosrun urg_node urg_node _ip_address:="" scan:=base_scan
If I don`t specify the scan= base_scan parameter i keep getting [frame_id] laser does not exist error on the object of Rviz.
Here`s my rqt_graph at execution :
And here is my tf_tree
It might not be enough info to go on, but can someone tell me where I am going wrong with this? Where I should focus on to try and fix this?
Originally posted by ashu on ROS Answers with karma: 17 on 2019-04-08
Post score: 0