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3 votes

Nuc, custom pc or raspberry pi?

Edit: With the new information in your post I would highly recommend going for more computing power than you think you need. It is always to have a little extra wriggle room than to be stuck with not ...
sa_leinad's user avatar
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1 vote

Dynamixels (AX-12A) no longer detected after id change

Try a for loop with all possible ids until it is detected.
jdios's user avatar
  • 497
1 vote

Dynamixel MX-64T ID Problem

Welcome to Robotics, Poyraz Sagtekin. Is your problem just that you can't assign IDs to the motor or is it that you can't communicate to the servos at all? What IDs have you given to the other servos?...
Chuck's user avatar
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Nuc, custom pc or raspberry pi?

This largely depends on the environment and the sensors on your robot. First, are you required to only use computer vision for navigation? If not, I would recommend at least adding wheel encoders. ...
Ralff's user avatar
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