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How do ROS2 nodes find each other on the same computer?

I will try to answer it in steps : As you might know the middleware used in ROS2 for communication is DDS which creates different logical networks to share a Physical network. These different logical ...
nitish's user avatar
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[ROS2][std_msgs::msg::Int8] publisher and create_publisher

I think I know the answer, sorry for the rash question. I forgot to add the header file. Although clang plug-in will automatically add a fake header file for me, it cannot replace the header file I ...
Lydia's user avatar
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Get data from Hardware Component to other package outside of ros2_control

I suggest writing a custom controller and pass the values as state interfaces. Joints vs GPIO is only a matter of semantic naming, in fact they are handled equally inside the ros2_control stack (...
Christoph Froehlich's user avatar
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How do ROS2 nodes find each other on the same computer?

The exact discover protocol/mechanism depends on the used DDS. For Fast DDS the default mechanism is called Simple Discovery: From the Fast DDS docs: "[...] each RTPSParticipant [ROS2 node] must ...
bcn's user avatar
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UM7 Orientation Sensor IMU not Publishing at 255 Hz. It is around 20-45 Hz, How to fix?

Have you updated the baudrate? It may be targeting your desired update rate but be limited by the baudrate. See the discussion here:
Hilary Luo's user avatar
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Oriented Bounding Box in RVIZ

I found that publishWireframeCuboid has the ability to publish a bounding box with different length/width/height values: ...
Belal.'s user avatar
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Oriented Bounding Box in RVIZ

The tool that builds on Rviz Visual Tools is Moveit Visual Tools. MoveIt Visual Tools is more high-level and focused on MoveIt-related debugging and visualization. That being said, MVT extends RVT ...
Robotawi's user avatar
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How to copy the Python variable to inside another class?

EDIT after seeing the formatted code: In MinimalPublisher.ticks = counter you are referencing a Class variable. So to make it work you can make 'ticks' a Class ...
billy's user avatar
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