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5 votes

Equations of motion in matrix form and energy consumption

Can you set up the problem so that the quantities you care about (e.g. power) are more explicitly represented? Reasoning physically, where could the power go? Accelerating masses, including rotation ...
r-bryan's user avatar
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5 votes

Solving inverse kinematics with non-linear optimization libraries

Is it a good idea to solve inverse kinematics with non-linear optimization libraries such as Ceres? Yes, definitely! The trend in literature during the last years is to walk away from the traditional ...
Ugo Pattacini's user avatar
3 votes

Difference between motion-only bundle adjustment and pose-graph optimization

From the Appendix section of the ORB SLAM paper: ... In pose optimization, or motion-only BA, (see section V) all points are fixed and only the camera pose is optimized. So yes, they are the same, I ...
Samuel Rodríguez's user avatar
2 votes

Multiple robots performing a set of tasks (Optimization)

Try looking to Linear Integer Programming LIP where you are doing optimization by maximizing task allocation or Utility function at the same time minimizing distance and energy constraints. You will ...
GENIVI-LEARNER's user avatar
2 votes

What is the concepts of submaps in LIDAR based graph slam algorithms?

The word is exactly as it sounds. It is a submap of a larger map. Essentially a large map is broken up into smaller submaps in order to improve the computational complexity. In the reference you ...
edwinem's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the difference between factor graph optimization and bundle adjustment?

The simplest explanation will be: In structure from motion, it estimates structure(xyz points), camera locations, camera intrinsic. In graph optimization, it only estimates camera locations. In the ...
Chanoh Park's user avatar
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How to estimate gradient of Jerk

The code is computing the gradient of the cost, which is jerk squared, not the gradient of the jerk. The comment there is misleading! As written, it seems the code is implementing the chain rule of $$ ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes

Equations of motion in matrix form and energy consumption

First, you need to get rid of the damping matrix C as it transforms kinetic energy into heat. Second, you should make the mass matrix as small as possible. (lightweight construction). After that you ...
Emil's user avatar
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1 vote

Can we apply LQR control in high dimension - like to a full robot?

Please only ask one question at a time and make sure it's answerable. We prefer practical, answerable questions, so questions which ask for a subjective recommendation on a method (for how to build ...
Tully's user avatar
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Is there any way to know if tmux is slow for a multi-robot experiment and if there are alternatives?

After a quick Google search tmux seems to have some issues with multiple long running processes. Are you using multiple panes/windows or multiple sessions to run the tasks on tmux? It may be worth to ...
rubimat's user avatar
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How to solve this basic dynamics/inverse kinematics problem

This seems to be a simplified version of the classic serial manipulator minimum-time-control (MTC) problem. In general the solution will always have at Least one actuator saturated. In general there ...
turboboost17's user avatar
1 vote

Difference between motion-only bundle adjustment and pose-graph optimization

In my opinion, they are meaninglessly different. On the backside of all these names BA, motion only BA, pose-graph optimization, batch optimization, what they do is simply optimize the device ...
Chanoh Park's user avatar
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1 vote

The Optimal Reduction Ratio

I think there is information missing to analyze the problem. If that's an rpm-torque graph the fast answer is to search the largest combination of torque*rpm... And for the reduction ratio, 1:1 is the ...
capitnakl's user avatar
1 vote

3D Rigid Body Pose Optimization in flat euclidean space

See You can absolutely use "flat" Euclidean space based optimizers while also optimizing on the manifold, but I agree ...
Alex's user avatar
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Identifying active PID-Controller parameters

There are methods to determine PID gains, but they require online testing. If you're not willing (or able) to do the testing with a real system then you would need to create a mathematical model of ...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the difference between factor graph optimization and bundle adjustment?

Factor graph optimization is a more general term that can be used in different contexts. It means you define a graph with nodes (states) and edges (constraints) and find a most likely configuration. ...
Philip Z.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Design optimization method using indices

I think it is likely that you are confusing two uses of the word “singular”: The singular values of a matrix as found via singular value decomposition. The singular configurations (or singularities) ...
RLH's user avatar
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How to handle landmarks in Bundle Adjustment?

First thing to do is pick your World frame. This is your main frame where the 3D coordinates of your points and poses of your cameras will be. Typically the origin of this world frame is the pose of ...
edwinem's user avatar
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1 vote

Multiple robots performing a set of tasks (Optimization)

This seems like a mTSP (multi traveling salesman problem). Summary: The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP) is a generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in which more than ...
Chris Charles's user avatar

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