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Questions tagged [rosseral-arduino]

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ESP32 keep rebooting with rosserial

Hello I try rosserial with ESP32 on Ubuntu20.04. but, ESP32 keep rebooting when using rosserial. The Error is ...
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How to subscribe from ROS Publisher in Arduino?

I am currently working on arduino <-> ROS and now my problem is that I cannot receive published data in arduino. I followed rosserial subscribing, publishing tutorials but it seems received ...
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'SerialClient'

I have been using ros serial for a weeks to communicate with my Arduino. However, today when I ran the command rosrun rosserial_arduino /dev/ttyACM0 ...
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Trying to publish data from DHT22 Sensor from Arduino to ROS using rosserial

I am using ROS Melodic and have followed the steps for the Hello World Tutorial, it works. I have also tried uploading a sample code for the DHT11 Sensore, it sends data but not exaclty what I want. ...
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Issues with Arduino: Wrong checksum, Mismatched protocol version

I am trying to run base controller on an arduino uno, which will run the motors by subscribing to topics for left and right motor speeds which come through the Twist messages, and also publishes ...
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Roslocate shows wrong package version - how do I install the right one?

I've just installed ROS Kinetic from source on my Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian Stretch), and I'd like to add rosserial and rosserial_arduino. When I looked up the packages with roslocate, I got ...
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Sending arrays (LaserScan msg) in rosserial

Hi, I'm trying to send data from a temperature sensor using the intensities array within a LaserScan message (this will then be manipulated within ROS further. using laserScan does make sense later ...
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Arduino IDE can't find message header

Hey, I'm new to ROS and trying to have a led blink at will with my Arduino from my computer using a message, the future goal being to control several ones from my terminal. I am using ROS lunar and ...
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Servo control arduino

I want to control a servo attached to arduino by subscribing to /joint_states topic so that when the change the slider position the servo moves accordingly. I tried with the following code but the ...
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Rosserial examples for arduino

Hello I had problems with the rosserial communication from, the Host (PC,Ubuntu Xenial, ROS Kinetic) to the Device (Arduino Leonardo). The code (HW Input/Output) in the Arduino worked but it did not ...
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Arduino (rosserial) node hangs during I2C reading + PWM

I've been trying to troubleshoot a strange problem for a few days now. I've got a ROS Kinetic node running on a Raspberry Pi 3 (Ubuntu Mate). I'm utilizing the rosserial_arduino package to handle ...
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Error while publishing encoder ticks in Arduino

I am using Arduino Uno to publish Rotary Encoder ticks. I have used the following code to publish the encoder values to ROS and ended up in the error ...
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Subscribing to a Bool msg via rosserial_arduino

Hello All! I'm in the process of building a tool for a robot that I'm working with and we are trying to use an Arduino to communicate with ROS to control the end effector. We are right now ...
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How to debug rosserial-arduino?

Dear sir, I use arduino yun and build rosserial-arduino example helloworld, when I complier and upload the code, it show warning: Sketch uses 11,968 bytes (41%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28,...
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Vector3 deserialize problem

Dear all, I found a strange problem with my robot running ROS on UDOO board. The cmd_vel published by teleop is subscribed by Arduino sketch that drive motors according to received speed. Arduino and ...
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ROSSerial Arduino Arrays

Hi All, I'm trying to use Rosserial Arduino to process some data from a low cost laser rangefinder. Over the course of a scan I try to add the data to an array of float in arduino: ...
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rosserial arduino: tf::broadcaster contradicts using publisher

Hello together, I am running rosserial on the arduino UNO with the "rosserial_server" packages node "serial_node" under ubuntu 14.04. The setup works in general, I just can not ...
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Undefined reference to 'setup' and 'loop' using CMake for custom project

I am trying to implement a CLI uploader for an Arduino MEGA2560 using rosserial_arduino and CMake, based upon under LUbuntu 14.04 with ROS-Indigo ...
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sync rosserial arduino

There was a couple of seconds a couple of seconds ago a question regarding rosserial arduino I accidentally deleted (I wanted to delete my own comment but accidentally deleted the entire question), ...
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[SOLVED] UDOO and rosserial-arduino: Unable to synch with device

Hi all, I'm working to a robot project with ROS and UDOO. I'm using ROS Hydro and Ubuntu 13.04. I followed the tutorial on the Wiki ROS but Hello World example is not working for me. When I run: ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: publish error

i am doing a project of robot dicking station. This program is for three infrared receivers and three infrared emitters, i don't know why it happened. Could anybody help me ? ...
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Run multiple servo on ROS with arduino

Hello everybody, i wanted to know is there any way out by which i can 2 or more servos at a time from a single subscriber. Currently i am running one servo on a single channel of arduino Due. But i ...
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bash: sketchbook: No such file or directory

I have the package and the IDE installed, now I want to copy ros_lib from the rosserial package to the sketchbook library folder which is has been created. I used this command lines;- roscd ...
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I have a simple sonar sensor running to an Arduino Mega ADK. On the Arduino I have the following code patched together from rosserial_arduino tutorials and the code specific to my sensor: ...
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Arduino + Dual H Bridge Motor Driver

HI all, I have an Arduino UNO and a dual H bridge MOSFET motor driver. I want to control two motors using this controller and Arduino via ROS(Fuerte/Groovy/Hydro). I can write a sketch to arduino just ...
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Rosserial Arduino with Groovy

Hello. I am new to ROS Running Groovy on 12.04 LTS. i am trying to add the Rosserial for the Communication of Arduino with ROS. every thing goes fine i follow this tutorial
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installing rosserial_Arduino error

Hi, when i run : hg clone rosserial i get the next error: ...
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rosserial helloworld

Hi all, I am trying to get the example helloWorld working from the rosserial package, and everything went smooth until the command: rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0 the error msg is:...
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rosserial with arduino NO node!

I have searched the solution for my problem,however i am still puzzled. below is my problem: 1.I download the examples from the Arduino IDE on my Uno 238P 2.execute :roscore , rosrun rosserial_python ...
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ROS+Arduino Servo Error

I am trying to use the standard servo control example found here: . The program works fine, but only once. When I try to give ...
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rosserial_arduino: trouble with too much messaging?

Hi I started playing around with an Arduino Uno and rosserial. I am trying to control 2 stepper motors (really a motor controller via pulse/dir signal, using the AccelStepper library), a PWM signal, ...
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rosserial incompatable with Ardupilot?

I'm trying to add ros support to the Ardupilot board using rosserial but I am unable to include the ros.h header from rosserial_arduino without getting weird compilation errors: libraries/ros_lib/ros/...
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ros serial Arduino, Propeller

I was hoping to get ROS-serial and the Arduino working together - but I keep getting stuck with the librxtx. There always seems to be a version mismatch between the architecture and the module. Also,...
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