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Questions tagged [2dlaserscan]

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laser_retro not working with gpu_ray

The laser_retro in the collision section in an object inside a sim works well with the non-gpu version of the Gazebo ray plugin. However, I'm not getting the same ...
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Unable to generate laser scanner points with the GPU using the ray plugin inside a VMware machine

For some reason, I'm not able to generate laser scanner points with the GPU using the ray plugin inside a VMware machine. Is there any reason why is not possible?
andrestoga's user avatar
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How to easily check how many laser scanner samples are being generated by the ray plugin?

Is there an easy way to check how many laser scanner samples are being generated by the ray plugin? I know I can check it in the URDF, XACRO or SDF but I want to confirm it by looking at the messages. ...
andrestoga's user avatar
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Mirroring PointCloud data as laserScan data

Hello, Using the depthimage_to_laserscan package, I can convert pointcloud data from the depth camera into laser data and display them in the rviz environment. In the same way, I can create a costmap. ...
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How to merge two LaserScans to one LaserScan with different frame_ids

Hello everbody, I have to implement a mobile robot which contains two lasers (sensor_1 and sensor_2). sensor_1 has the topic /scan_1 and sensor_2 has the topic /scan_2. The scans from my sensors ...
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Getting direction from single universal laser

I have 360 degrees laser coverage around a robot with the data published into a single topic. But because of that I can not tell what laser data reflects right, left, front or back or the robot. Just ...
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How to calculate sensor_msgs/LaserScan data?

I have made a bag: 2021-02-15-11-32-28.bag and converted it in the: rplidarA1.csv File. So I have 2 Mb data and the following fields: %time field.header.seq field.header.stamp field.header.frame_id ...
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Getting laser scan intensity values from RVIZ

I'm trying to get intensity values being returned via the sensor_msgs/LaserScan message. I am using RViz to visualize this data and I found that the display RGB ...
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how to subscribe to laser /scan topic and publish a customized scan topic back

hi, i want to consider any 72 points from the 'scan' topic for my other application. Currently the lidar i am using gives around 2000 points. I want to take only 72 points out of it and publish it as ...
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Range sensor layer marked obstacles cannot be cleared by LaserScan

Hi, Just a quick question. I found that the obstacles marked by ultrasound (plugin RangeSensorLayer) cannot be cleared by Laser Scan on costmap. But these obstacles can be cleared by ultrasound itself....
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How to convert LaserScan to PCLPointCloud2?

Currently, I'm trying to read the laserscanner data and convert to PCLPointCloud2 for processing. I took the pcl_ros tutorial code and adapted the callback parameter to ...
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How to add a point to sensor_msgs::PointCloud2?

I declare a point as Eigen::Vector2f point; However, I cannot add this point to my PointCloud2 with this code: ...
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Laser Scan rotates with the robot in RVIZ

Hello, I am currently working on developing a ROS application for autonomous navigation using AMCl. I am first trying to get move_base to work before continuing ...
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Dead zone of SICK S300 laser scanner during simulation

I'm experiencing an issue where if the robot drives too close (unknown distance) to a static or dynamic obstacle then the laser scanners will not properly detect the obstacle, and thereby no lethal ...
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RViz receives lidar messages but does not display (not about size)

Hello I am trying to visualize LaserScan under /lidar topic in RViz. LaserScan receives messages but RViz does not visualize LaserScan. I already checked this question but I guess my problem is not ...
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Sending arrays (LaserScan msg) in rosserial

Hi, I'm trying to send data from a temperature sensor using the intensities array within a LaserScan message (this will then be manipulated within ROS further. using laserScan does make sense later ...
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Error formating LaserScan to PointCloud

Hello, I am trying to covert LaserScan to PointCloud using laser_assembler. I am following the tutorials on the and I have also looked at others trying to achieve similar results as me in ...
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RVIZ- For frame [base_laser_link]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist

I've been going through Laser Scan Data tutorial. I ran the command $rosbag play Mapping1.bag. I could see the /base_scan among the rostopic list and echo it to the ...
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How to change angle_min- angle_max and time_increment on laserscan message

Hi, I use urg-04lx ug01 hokuyo lidar and its range 240 degree. but in LaserScan.msg shows like below: angle_min: -2.35619449615 angle_max:2.09234976768 angle_increement: 0.00613592332229 ...
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Does transforming from laser scan to point cloud change the order of the points?

I am receiving laser scans with special information written into the intensity parameter. When I convert the laser scans to point cloud using the high fidelity transformation does this change the ...
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Rotating laser mounted on a vehicle

Hi, I obtained 3d point cloud using 2d rotating laser scanner on a base frame . But now I want to this mounted on a vehicle. How can I do it? Originally posted by Mekateng on ROS Answers with karma: ...
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How to make ros communication with dynamixel servo?

Hi, I converted 3d point cloud data using 2d laser scanner with a servo motor .But now ı want to use dynamixel AX 12A servo motor. How to use this motor with Ros? So how to make ros communication with ...
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pointcloud_to_laserscan with ldmrs data

Hello, I am trying to covert Pointcloud2 msgs obtained by a SICK LD-MRS four layer scanner to Laserscan msgs. i tried to use the pointcloud_to_laserscan package, but it did not work. Following is ...
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How to build a 3D model in RViz using data from a Sick LMS200?

Hello. I have Sick LMS200 30106 (sitting on top of a servo) and it is connected to my PC via RS422 to USB. Here is what it looks like: I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo. I am using the ...
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Acquiring 3d pointcloud data from 2d laserscan data

I am getting 3d data with my 2d urg04lx laser scanner(lidar). But the laser does not show scanned objects clearly. For example I put an object in front of the laser. When I scan that object, I want to ...
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realsense depthimage to laserscan

Hello all, I recently got a realsense R200 sensor. I was able to follow this tutorial and able to get data from the realsense. But I want to get laserscan data from the realsense. So I followed this ...
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I cant control my rplidar(can't stop)

Hello, everyone I have a question for you. my environment is Raspberry pi 3, Ubuntu mate 16.04 LTS, rplidar A2. I just follow rplidar tutorial( everything is ok, but when i ...
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