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Questions tagged [jointstate]

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Msg type for publishing JointCommands?

Is there a commonly used msg type for sending JointCommands across topics? It has been bugging me for a while that I can't seem to find something like sensor_msgs/msg/JointState.msg, but for ...
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Webots - MoveIt! Controlling two UR5e Robots

Hi, I want to contrloll two ur5e arms with Moveit over Webots. My goal is to give them an endeffector pose and they go to that position. It works for one! My problem is to controll more than one. I ...
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How to write my own joint state

Hello all i have a real robot. using ROS. i have a problem with (Joint State Publisher) i understand that i should write my own (joint state publisher node). i read the related tutorials but i do not ...
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JointState push.back not working

Hello, I'm very newbie in ROS and C++. I'm trying to read the JointStates values and passed to a vector to work with that values. ...
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using JointState.position in transformations

Hi all, Can I directly use the joinstate.position[i] for rotation or should there be some processing when rotating successive joints other than the first one? This is with reference to forward ...
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Servo control arduino

I want to control a servo attached to arduino by subscribing to /joint_states topic so that when the change the slider position the servo moves accordingly. I tried with the following code but the ...
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Does it make sense to use ros_control in my case and related questions

I am currently writing a node for the EV3 which should automatically detect a motor on the port of the EV3 and setup the right control for it (I have a node which currently works for the sensors which ...
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Connect Lynxmotion AL5d arm to ROS

I am trying to connect with a Lynxmotion AL5d arm to ROS using an SSC32 servo controller ( I realize that I need to publish joint trajectories to do ...
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Why use joint_state_publisher?

Hi all, I was looking through the documentation for the joint_state_publisher package. I can see the use case for wanting so publish and set joint states via the GUI, but what is the purpose of having ...
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Get one(pitch) euler angle between two orientations (quaternions)

Hi, I want to get the angle between 2 quaternions (as euler angle), but the angle always needs to be from q1 to q2 (not the shortest angle). But since there are two ways to get an angle, I need to ...
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segmentation fault when trying to fill up a msg

I'm building a JointState publisher for my custom Robot. Its almost all done. But when i try to fill the message i get a segmentation fault. I was investigating it for hours, but found nothing that ...
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