Hi, I want to contrloll two ur5e arms with Moveit over Webots. My goal is to give them an endeffector pose and they go to that position. It works for one! My problem is to controll more than one. I want to have one launch file which starts a move_group node and a webots node for each robot im adding. I tried to follow the Gazebo tutorial and i wanted to use the "" command but then move_group wouldnt subscribe to my webots_joint-publisher. I think its because my Webots node isnt in the same namespace but i couldnt figure out how to change the namespace in my webots-python script.
Originally posted by Tim97_KIT on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2020-02-26
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2020-02-27:
Seeing as Webots is not a very commonly used simulator with ROS, I would expect you'll have a higher chance of getting a response if you'd use a more appropriate venue, such as the Webots support forum or their issue tracker.
Comment by Tim97_KIT on 2020-02-28:
Thanks for your answer!
My first attempt was to ask the webots forum but they couldnt help with the problem. Thats why im here. I hoped that someone tried to use Webots with moveIt and knows how to controll multiple robots with it.