Hello, I'm very newbie in ROS and C++.
I'm trying to read the JointStates values and passed to a vector to work with that values.
sensor_msgs::JointState pos_patas;
std::vector<double> patas_posicion_actual;
void lectura_posicion_patas(const sensor_msgs::JointStatePtr& msg)
pos_patas = *msg;
for (int i = 0; i < pos_patas.position.size(); i++)
ROS_INFO("joint %d position %.2f", i, pos_patas.position.at(i));
ROS_INFO("pata actual %d position %.2f", i, patas_posicion_actual);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Setup
//Inicio del nodo en ROS y el node handle
ros::init(argc, argv, "gait_template");
ros::NodeHandle node_sub; //Nodo que se suscribe al JointState
//Suscripción al tópico del JointStates
ros::Subscriber sub = node_sub.subscribe("/rhex/joint_states", 1, lectura_posicion_patas);
ros::Rate rate(10.0);
return 0;
And this is the output in the terminal:
[ INFO] [1509740062.384800961, 1010.545000000]: joint 0 position -4.51
[ INFO] [1509740062.384837126, 1010.545000000]: pata actual 0 position 0.00
[ INFO] [1509740062.384851819, 1010.545000000]: joint 1 position -4.51
[ INFO] [1509740062.384865605, 1010.545000000]: pata actual 1 position 0.00
[ INFO] [1509740062.384878372, 1010.545000000]: joint 2 position -4.51
[ INFO] [1509740062.384891682, 1010.545000000]: pata actual 2 position 0.00
[ INFO] [1509740062.384904027, 1010.545000000]: joint 3 position -4.51
[ INFO] [1509740062.384916920, 1010.545000000]: pata actual 3 position 0.00
[ INFO] [1509740062.384929075, 1010.545000000]: joint 4 position -4.51
[ INFO] [1509740062.384942269, 1010.545000000]: pata actual 4 position 0.00
[ INFO] [1509740062.384954612, 1010.545000000]: joint 5 position -4.51
[ INFO] [1509740062.384967704, 1010.545000000]: pata actual 5 position 0.00
Originally posted by jdeleon on ROS Answers with karma: 133 on 2017-11-03
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2017-11-04:
also: may I suggest a title change? JointState
is a ROS msg type, but you're actually using a std::vector
. And the problem is most likely not with push_back(..)
, but somewhere else.
Comment by jdeleon on 2017-11-04:
I have solve without the push.back function. Just adding to the variable that value
patas_posicion_actual.at(i) = patas_joint_state.position.at(i);
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2017-11-04:
I'm not entirely convinced that is really solving it. Passing a std::vector
without an index to ROS_INFO(..)
should not work.