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Questions tagged [ros-control]

Questions related to the ros-control framework for ROS 1

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PID package with PID controllers specified in URDF

I am trying to tune the PIDs of my robot with this package: by running the node "autotune". My PIDs are specified as usual: a config.yaml file with the list of ...
dodo's user avatar
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Robot simulated in gazebo using ros control, goes in one direction only once

I implemented Ros control in a robot, it is a 4 wheel steering robot. It has a urdf with transmission added to all the joints and ros control yaml file and I am using a 4 wheel steering controllers ...
Mathew's user avatar
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How does ROS_control compute the dynamic model of the robot?

Suppose I want to use a torque control of the form : $$ \tau = J^T(q) \left( K_p (p_d - p) - K_d \dot{p} \right) + g(q) $$ given that: $$ M(q) \ddot{q} + C(q, \dot{q}) \dot{q} + g(q) = \tau $$ where $...
dodo's user avatar
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2 answers

Understanding ackermann_steering_controller in ros2_control

I'm currently working on an Ackermann Steering Vehicle simulation in ROS2 with Gazebo. I'm currently trying to use the ackermann_steering_controller from ros2_control to control the steering. However, ...
Lucas Mazz's user avatar
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ROS2 Control Not Working with Gazebo and URDF

I am working on a project using ROS2 Humble and Gazebo, and I am facing an issue where the ROS2 control is not working as expected. Here are the details of my setup and the problem I am encountering: ...
hoonle135's user avatar
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3 answers

JOINT_STATE_CONTROLLER:Poco exception=/opt/ros/noetic/lib/ undefined symbol:_ZN3ros8TimeBaseINS_4TimeENS_8DurationEE3MINE

I'm using ros noetic (ubuntu 20.04) and running a gazebo simulation. My goal is to move some continuous joints via a external input (mouse or keyboard), by using a python script to handle the external ...
drakosCA's user avatar
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Collision Avoidance ROS 3Laws Robotics Supervisor

Has anyone else tried a collision avoidance ROS from 3Laws Robotics? From my understanding, their software, Supervisor, can avoid collisions in 3D much better than it's counter parts that mostly do 2D ...
Madelyn's user avatar
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Move_group not publishing to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal

I'm basically trying to connect my robot (meca 500) and simulate it both in gazebo and rviz. I was able to achieve this using Moveit Setup Assistant. However when I try to move my robot in rviz, my ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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Issues with legs vibrating and contact flickering in gazebo ros noeitc

I am having issues with simulating my custom robot. The video can be seen here video. I have no clue why the legs are shaking. Here is the limit of revolute joints. ...
Dev Manek's user avatar
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The appropriate robot controller

Good afternoon, Im new to ros, started working on gazebo simulation for construction machinery, excavators in particular. the manipulator excavator I'm trying to simulate uses oil pressure to move ...
nizar mhatli's user avatar
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Modular robot (canopen base+ universal robot arm) controller_manager setup for different hardware interfaces

I have a modular robot composed of a mobile base and an arm. The mobile base is driven with two CANopen-driven joints, while the arm is an UR10e universal robot. I’m able to drive BOTH the mobile base ...
user3632489's user avatar
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Combining UR10e with two canopen driven joints

As the title says, I'm trying to augment the UR10e with additional joints, which are driven with canopen_motor_node. I'm able to drive both the UR10e and the canopen joints separately, but struggling ...
user3632489's user avatar
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How to integrate omnidirectional base and redundant manipulator

I have been working on integrating a panda (from Franka Emika) and a summit-xl-steel in ROS noetic. I am not an expert on ROS, but I have integrated the two xacro files, and now I get an error saying ...
Markus Simonsen's user avatar
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Launch two urdfs under same spawner giving issues with different descriptions

I'm trying to launch two robots (panda and iiwa) under the same urdf spawner node. Both robots have a different robot description that I pass to the node as a parameter. My issue is that for some ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Approach for a bimanual robot ROS controller? Impedance control

I'm working in a Cartesian impedance controller based in ros_control. So far I managed to programme a controller and load it in a panda robot and it works. Now I wonder about the approach in order to ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Issues when using namespace in a launch file

I've created a workspace where I launch a panda robot with a custom controller (CartesianImpedance_trajectory_controller) from
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Help with robot bimanual manipulator impedance controller

I have question with how should I focus the development of a impedance controller for two robots. I already built a controller for one arm but after a thorough search if literature or examples I didn'...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Gravity Compensation for a UR10e controller with the UR ROS package

We're using the Universal Robots ROS package from Github for our project, with Gazebo simulating UR robots. Each joint has an Effort Controller following a predefined trajectory. However, gravity ...
user38283's user avatar
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How to turn the wheels on a robot that uses ros_control?

I have made a robot with 4 wheels and it uses ros_control. At the moment I can use a python script to make it move forward and backward but I don't know how to make the wheels turn as it only has the <...
Balen's user avatar
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3 answers

How to configure ROS2 Control Hardware interface for differential drive motors for AMR with Roboteq FAMILY controller?

I want to control differential drive Autonomous Mobile Robot(AMR) with 2 Brushless DC Motors. Its a 2 wheels differential drive AMR. I have Roboteq FAMILY controller and was able to use the ROS2 ...
Macedon971's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Joystick and Controller Issues in ROS Launch File Execution

"I've already installed the necessary packages for the robot operation and completed the setup in the launch file. However, whenever I run the launch file, the joystick doesn't seem to work, and ...
user37765's user avatar
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Error when using Roboteq Controller ROS2 driver

I have roboteq Controller for brushless DC Motor. I would like to use the driver abd the controller with ROS2 humble. I was using this fork
Macedon971's user avatar
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How to command ros_control joint commands other that publish to the /command topic of the joint

I'm using ROS Noetic, Gazebo 11.11 As the title states is there any other way to command the joints interfaced with ros_control in a gazebo simulation here in my case (effort_controllers/...
RoopanJK's user avatar
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custom impedance control plugin, how to initialize impedance matrix

I finished coding my impedance control for a 6 DOF robot but now I'm struggling on how to initialize and edit the spring and damping matrixes. So far, first I tried hardcoding them in the controller ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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Robot model explodes in Gazebo

I am currently working on developing a model of a robot that moves in space (gravity=0) in the Gazebo simulator. The robot is based on a body with one continuous joint and two revolute joints. Jount1 ...
Yuki's user avatar
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Issues defining setCommandCB function for a 7 joint robot torque control

I'm writing my own effort controller based in a simple example from gazebo webpage to test it in a robot and I'm having an issue when writing void setCommandCB ...
mikel lasa's user avatar
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I'm trying to figure out how to use realtime_tools (mainly realtime_publisher&realtime_buffer), but there are to few information about it. I can only find this: ...
joe qiu's user avatar
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Design Considerations Behind Creating controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase

What were the design considerations behind creating controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase in ROS2 Control? While it appears there are many ...
Yasushi Shoji's user avatar
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Basic example project of a gripper holding an object in Gazebo

I am searching for a working example of a gripper that can hold an object in Gazebo / Gazebo Classic. The example should ideally: use a 1-DOF gripper with two fingers where one is mimicked use Python ...
geko's user avatar
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ros2_control Odometery Data Publication Frequency Discrepancy

I am using ros2_control framework to control the motor wheel of my robot and to publish odometry data. However, I have encountered an unusual issue where the odometry data is being published at only ...
Osama Salah's user avatar
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ros2_control state interfaces not showing up

i am having problems with my robot simulation with gazebo and ROS 2 Humble and hope someone can help me. I already have the URDF setup for gazebo and ros2_control, however every time I launch my ...
Diego Carvajal's user avatar
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ROS2 Control For VESC (motor controller) not working with two VESCs

I am currently working on a project to make a four-wheeled differential drive robot using 4 VESCs with ROS2 as the means of communication. Two vesc will be masters and the rest two will be slaves. I ...
Mohammad Tariqul Islam's user avatar
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Transform between odom and base_link is faster than in real life [Solved]

i have a differential drive mobile robot and i want to add him the navigation and the localization satck. Currently it's controlled by a teleop. But when i look the transform between odom and ...
Josselin's user avatar
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how to fix failed loading controller in controller manager

I'm trying to use spawner for the custom controller to use different controllers like the joint trajectory controller and the forward command controller in a launch file. This is controller.yaml file: ...
Adithya Damarla's user avatar
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Hardware interface for floating joint

In the URDF file for my robot I would like to use a floating joint (6DOF). I'm currently writing the hardware interface for ros2-control for this robot. Is there a way to export a state interface for ...
Chris's user avatar
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Sensor fusion with ros2_control

I built 4 wheels robot that uses diff_driver_cont in ros2_control, the controller get encoders reading to calculate interface status and interface command. later, I used robot_localization package to ...
Abdelrahman Mohsen's user avatar
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how to speed up gazebo simulation?

I'm working with the panda_gazebo package to control the 7-dofs franka manipulator, using the cartesian velocity controller of ros_control. For computational constraints, I have to slow down the ...
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ros_control for hardware with PID controller

ros_control is designed as an interface to create robot agnostic access to hardware with ros AND allow to have a (easily exchangeable) controller for the hardware. ...
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Number of ros_control nodes with a controller_manager (ros1 - noetic)

I am currently building a robot. The robot has two continuous spinning motors (wheels) and two servos. I plan on using the ros_control stack to control the ...
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Difference between the gazebo plugins "ros_control" and "gazebo_ros_control"?

Any kind human is able to explain to me the difference between "ros_control" and "gazebo_ros_control" in simple words? Many thanks. Originally posted by iceberg on ROS Answers ...
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Building custom Franka controller for visual servoing

My goal is to control the Franka Panda system in cartesian velocity coordinates using vision data that is being published within my ROS network. I'm currently writing a custom controller as ...
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is URDF model needed for ros control?

Hi, all, It's first time to use ros control, and there's a confusing question. In my project, I need to navigate a mobile robot (double steering type) to the target place. For navigation algorithm, ...
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What motors can I use that are compatible with ROS2?

I'm looking for some servo motors that I can use on a ROS2-based robot and am unsure what my options are. Ideally the motors would have integrated controllers that ...
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How to retrieve the desired.velocities from JointTrajectoryController

I am trying to connect my robot with actuators. I am using MoveIt and ros_control. My controller is of type position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController. My actuators need velocities. If I check the ...
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Meaning of stopped_velocity_tolerance of joint_trajectory_controller

I saw the description (Velocity to be considered approximately equal to zero.) of the stopped_velocity_tolerance parameter on ...
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why do we need the (pid) controllers in ros_control?

For example, I have a robot with a motor controlled by a embeded board and I want to use ros applications to control the robot. Usually, there is a pid , let's say, speed controller implemented in the ...
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How to interface abb_robot_driver with a high level velocity controller

Hi, As stated in the title, I want to interface a high-level velocity controller with abb robot using abb_robot_driver, YuMi for example. My problem here is that: I don't know how to get a ...
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Purpose of Forward Command Controller

I recently stumbled across the forward_command_controller/ForwardCommandController ros controller while doing some research online. From the documentation, it seems ...
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Understanding JointTrajectoryController of ros_control

Hi, currently, I am trying to understand how the hardware_interface and ros_control work: velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController is chosen for the ...
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[INFO] [1632Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface

Hi! I'm trying to control a robotic arm I designed. I'm using moveit for kinematics and trajectory planning. I designed it in solidworks, so I used the urdf exporter plugin to get the arm into a urdf ...
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