I have the package and the IDE installed, now I want to copy ros_lib from the rosserial package to the sketchbook library folder which is has been created.
I used this command lines;-
roscd rosserial_arduino/libraries
cp -r ros_lib /libraries/ros_lib
but unfortunately I get this error msg
bash: sketchbook: No such file or directory
Why is this happen?
Originally posted by Ross Marry on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2014-02-17
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Kamiccolo on 2014-02-17:
Are You sure, there is a sketchbook
directory in Your current dir? You might just did a typo or something simple like that :)
$ ls | grep sketchbook
Comment by Ross Marry on 2014-02-17:
There is nothing came out. Sorry, I'm still new to this. How can I get it into my current directory?
Comment by Kamiccolo on 2014-02-17:
Sorry, You should provide more information to get a clear answer. Why don't You try copy those files using Desktop Environment and File Manager like Nautilus or something like that?