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How to assign array values in rosmsg result part of message in actionlib in Rospy (ROS 1 in python)

Good day all, I'm trying to create an action server that sends three float64 vectors each containing the x, y and z coordinates of a point following this tutorial:
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How to verify correct actionlib.SimpleActionClient setup?

I am trying to create a SimpleActionClient in my Python service node using the following lines of code: ...
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How to change topic name in function call?

Hello, I am trying to run the same code on different robots, and they have different tf prefixes. So instead of making n files, I want to just change the prefix in the function, here called ns ...
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The parameter arrangement of a simple done callback function for an action client

What is really the difference between this: ...
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catkin_make unable to find actionlib in its original install location

It seems as though it is looking for actionlib in one of our catkin workspaces. It was installed to /opt/ros/kinetic/share/actionlib. Is there a way to correct how catkin finds it? Is there another ...
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actionlib axclient always disconnected from server

Hi all, I am trying to run an action using my computer as a client and a robot as a server. I am using the actionlib axclient for that. In my computer I can see the topic I want to use ...
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Actionlib: AttributeError: 'PoseStamped' object has no attribute 'use_start_pose'

I'm trying to use move base flex inside a SMACH state machine and want to call the get_path-action. The corresponding action-msg looks like this: ...
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Ensuring mutual exclusion between different actions

Hi! I'm looking for a good way to ensure that different actions do not run at the same time. Let's say we have a robot that can do different actions, such as moving and making a measurement. It seems ...
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actionlib constructor initialization

I'd appreciate it if someone can explain the reason why the actionlib simpleServer constructor needs to be initialized as a constructor initializer list? If the initialization's removed the ...
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Cancel rospy action with Ctrl+C

Hi to everyone, i'm using a class in which some methods call actions as SimpleActionClient. I create a node in the same executable i create the class instance and leave if the signal handling. When i ...
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Actionlib: preempt vs cancel

Hi, I'm currently trying to understand the Actionlib state machine and am not clear about what "preempt" exactly means in this context. The wikipage (
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Wait for timer to be stopped

Hi everybody, I'm working on a state_machine right now and I have the following problem: I have a ROS timer running on a timerCallback which supervises the current states and depending on the state ...
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Navigation Sending Simple Goal from Class

Hi, I'm having trouble converting the Navigation Tutorial "SendingSimpeGoals" to a format where the functionality can be used out of a library. When splitting everything up into a h- and cpp-...
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How to use function rclcpp_action::create_server in class with ROS2 Crystal?

Hello guys, I am trying to make a class with actionlib in ROS2 crystal. I started by modifying the example code here. However, I get stuck in calling the function rclcpp_action::create_server. Is ...
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ros_control combination with actionlib

Hi there, This is probably a noob question, but after spending some hours trying to figure this out and asking google, I decided to ask it nonetheless. I am building an interface to a robot that does ...
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Custom action servers run in a launch file problem

Hi all, I've made two simple action server A and B and one action client C that can communicate with both. I experienced a really strange behaviour: if i put the two server nodes within a launch file ...
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Actionlib connection_monitor.cpp fails when trying to compile ROS Medlodic from source

Here is the failure output: ...
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actionlib Action client missing some callbacks

I have a simple action server that currently runs a simple procedure : it just generates 10 random numbers and publishes each of them as feedback, after that it publishes a result. I then have a ...
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Action Client Not Picking Up Messages from Action Server

Hi, I'm not sure what I've missed here. Simply I have followed the action server/client tutorials and I've extended my own messages so that I can determine if the robot has or has not docked ...
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Python action client does not connect properly

I had a problem with an action client not connecting to the server. I stuck as close to the tutorial as possible. I tested that the server works by using ...
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How do package.xml and CMakeLists.txt work

As we know, each ROS package contains these two files: package.xml and CMakeLists.txt. I don't understand exactly how they works ...
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How do I create a callback-based actionlib client in python?

The actionlib tutorial on Writing a Callback Based Simple Action Client shows how to do it in C++, but there isn't a tutorial for Python. The Writing a Simple Action Client (Python) tutorial only ...
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Executing Trajectories Generated by Descartes on Either ABB or FANUC Arm

I've been following the descartes tutorial here: I made a few changes, namely I used the descartes_moveit::...
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Building an action server and action client located in two separate packages

Hi, I have implemented an action server and an action client for my application. They are located in two different packages and I sometimes encounter an issue when running ...
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(Python) Simple Action Server - register_goal_callback executes unexpectedly

I'm trying to write a simple action server using the goal callback method as described in the tutorial in C++ over here, however I'm trying to rewrite it in Python. If it works, I would definitely ...
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Python tutorials for Actionlib?

Are there python versions of the instructions for the various tutorials for ActionLib? I think I found the .py source code (that looks like the counterpart to the C++ version) but no instructions. Is ...
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I use actionlib to set goal, but I can't catkin_make

my code: ...
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actionlib and rqt

Hello, I'm learning ROS now and trying to create an action client in my rqt plugin. No problem to catkin build the plugin. But when load the plugin, I got error as below: ...
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Use actionlib across ROS releases?

Is it possible to use actionlib across ROS releases, specifically kinetic and indigo? When I attempt this, I get no error, but my action client hangs on waitForServer(). Everything works fine if ...
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"Attempting to accept the next goal when a new goal is not available"

Hello! I'm trying to perform an action-client/action-server structure using a callback structure. So it just has to read info from the goal and publish messages on a turtlesim topic. When I run this ...
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How should I send a trajectory to an Arduino Robot Arm?

Hi all, I have a Python action server running that gets the planned trajectory from MoveIt and it has to send the trajectory to the real robot - an Arduino Braccio. I found a way to parse the ...
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Action Server to move robotic arm

Hi all, I am trying to get my Arduino Braccio robotic arm to move with the trajectory planned by RViz. It seems like Actions provide support for this so I am trying to write an Action Server that ...
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A string goal with actionlib

I'm just starting out with ROS actions. The example uses the goal type uint32, but I wanted to use a std_msgs::String. This is ...
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actionlib client, How to get goal ID?

Hi all, I have simple action client and server. What I want to do is to get goal ID in action client. When I send a goal to action server, it generates a goal ID and publishes all status and feedback ...
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actionlib appears to work differently with Kinetic

I was using actionlib.SimpleActionClient('sound_play', SoundRequestAction) under ROS Indigo and it was working fine for doing speech and sound output. Basically I had a python script that subscribed ...
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The move_base node doesn't provide an action server?

Have come across a weird one today. When launching the move_base node, there is no action server found at all. Initially I was launching in a launch file, but even ...
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SMACH sequences from configuration file

I am implementing my first ROS solution. I need to control some motors and sensors in various sequences. Some stuff must execute in parallel and some only if certain conditions are present. It is my ...
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[kinetic actionlib]no matching function for call ac.sendGoal(goal);

I use actionlib to control ur3.I write the problem according to the tutorial The difference is that my server is ...
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Rostest and move_base actionlib

Hi I have a package which relies on the move_base action server interface. Is it possible to mock the move_base server in rostest/gtest, so i can perform unittests? I have tried creating a simple ...
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actionlib server/client race conditions

I am working on a production-level piece of robotic software using ROS. I've noticed in my extensive cloud testing that there are are rare occasions, where a SimpleActionServer will run setSuceeded(), ...
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how can i register a callback for an action client

I want to use the example in this tutorial and register feedback and active callbacks to pass to the boost::bind. However, i have trouble finding the proper syntax/way to register them. Originally ...
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how ros abstract away the underlying hardware and work with generic messages instead

I read the below passage on book, ROS-by-Example Vol1,CH4.14 Once you get used to this style of programming, there are some significant advantages. As we have already mentioned, many nodes can be ...
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Can I handle multiple client requests of different action types with one action server?

I have a requirement as follows: One GUI window has an Action Server. This should serve multiple client requests (may be one at a time) but each request type is different (ex:- 1.MoveAction 2....
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no msgs shown while following actionlib tutorial

I am following this tutorial on action lib:Writing a Simple Action Server using the Execute Callback But after i build the package and than run the fibonacci_server ...
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How to queue goals with actionlib

Hello, As I have understood, with the simple action server, when a new goal comes in, it preempts old ones. From this post ...
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action server vs publisher + service

When would you use a Publisher + Service Node vs an Action Node? As far as I can tell they seem equivalent, besides the fact that anything can subscribe to the publisher, while only the client gets ...
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How can I reduce drift in my robot's trajectory?

The Problem (TL;DR) My robot used to travel in straight lines between point A and point B. Now it doesn’t. I want to figure out why and how I can make it do that again by forcing the local path ...
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One Action Client to Many Action Servers

I would like to know if is it possible to set a single action client to many action servers configuration, such that I can broadcast a specific action type to many servers in the same action namespace....
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actionlib sendgoal arguments

Hi everybody! I'm following the ROS-I tutorial (, and I get stuck when I have to send a goal to the server using the sendGoal ...
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[Bug in ROS | Solved] Extending SimpleActionServer/-Client to allow REJECTING goals

Update: This is a known bug, refer to my comment in this bug tracker on Github for a possible solution and more details. More information can also be found in my accepted answer below. Hi folks, I am ...
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