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Questions tagged [simpleactionclient]

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Is there an implementation for move_base_msgs::MoveBaseAction for ros2?

Hi! Sorry for all mistakes, English is not my native language. So, I migrating my project from Noetic to Foxy and I have there code, that looks like this ...
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What is SimpleActionServer and SimpleActionClient for ros2?

Hi. Sorry for all mistakes, English is not my native language. Is there SimpleActionServer and SimpleActionClient implementation for ros2? I found nav2_util::SimpleActionServer, but it's not working ...
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How to verify correct actionlib.SimpleActionClient setup?

I am trying to create a SimpleActionClient in my Python service node using the following lines of code: ...
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How can I understand the failed connection attempt for a SimpleActionClient?

First of all: happy, healthy and productive new year to everybody! I am trying in vain to connect a SimpleActionClient to a remotely started robot and wanted to ask ...
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actionlib shutdown beacuse of getState()

the code is be like: return this->moveBaseClient->getState(); while moveBaseClient is: ...
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Send action from Js to Python simple action server rosnodejs

I have a python simple action server that i run and works with a python simple action client. ...
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[Bug in ROS | Solved] Extending SimpleActionServer/-Client to allow REJECTING goals

Update: This is a known bug, refer to my comment in this bug tracker on Github for a possible solution and more details. More information can also be found in my accepted answer below. Hi folks, I am ...
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How do I dynamically link an SimpleActionClient to a SimpleActionServer?

I have a node that needs to dynamically discover and link to multiple servers. Each of my action servers are publishing/subscribing to the below topics... /{link_name}/{node_name}/goal , /{link_name}/{...
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actionlib callback based SimpleActionClient bind error

Hi folks, so today I decided to write a callback based SimpleActionClient to get notified whenever a goal has finished. I found this tutorial, but following the instructions will still give me errors. ...
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Callback Based SimpleActionClient with Python

This tutorial shows how to do it with C++ : Does anyone know how to do it in Python? ...
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Spawning multiple Action Clients from one node

Hi All, I am creating several action server nodes to cater to different kinds of Actions that I need to perform. However, I find it inefficient to create 'n' Action Clients for the 'n' # of Action ...
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Simple movement goal problem

Hi, when I try to run the following code to move the turtlebot 1 meter forward it becomes unresponsive (possibly when it is waiting for the server), and prints "None" if I do a keyboard ...
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ActionClient in Rosjava

Hi, I read that actionlib isn't yet supported with the latest release of rosjava. Is there an alternative to specify, using code and not rviz, a target location to a base that is running tha ...
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actionlib cancelGoal() error

Trying to cancelGoal() when no goal is running. You are incorrectly using SimpleActionClient This is the error I get when I send a goal. I have subscribed to callbacks and I get a callback as soon as ...
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smach actionlib

I am currently working with SMACH and using SimpleActionState as action clients for the roscpp Action servers I have developed. One of the main key points for using actions, as stated in the ROS ...
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Actionlib notifications not received

Hi, I have been trying to notify to both action server and action client when any of them dies. I would like the client to be notified by the server whenever this server dies. Similarly, I would like ...
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SimpleAction Error Message

Hello! I got this message: BUG: Got a transition to CommState [PENDING] when our in SimpleGoalState [ACTIVE] This seems to be printed in the simple_action_client.h when the client receives a state ...
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Sending goal for navigation using SimpleActionClient

Hi everyone, I was able to send goal to the robot, but I wanted to know when the robot has reached the goal by using callback. Does anyone has any idea how this can be done in the sendGoal function of ...
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Running several nodes under a "top" node

I have organized my code in such a way that when I run a "main" file, it calls methods in other classes, from other packages, to accomplish a task. I soon realized that the classes written, ...
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4 answers

Waiting for action server when using SimpleActionClient

In my code, I have constructed a SimpleActionClient with the MoveArmAction interface to communicate with move_right_arm action. I have also launched the right_arm_navigation.launch file from pr2_3dnav,...
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