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Questions tagged [best-practices]

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TF2 Best Practices for large transforms trees

I've been using ROS2 for a while now, but mostly in projects which don't involve large transform stacks. Recently I've started a project involving drilling holes in many locations ~100+ with multiple ...
user40652's user avatar
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Under what circumstances should I use QoS SensorData / Best Effort?

I found these links addressing the intention and the design of the QoS policies:
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ROS2 data consumer/aggregator pattern

I'm fairly new to ROS2 after having worked with ROS for a number of years. A typical pattern we would often use was to have a ROS node subscribe to a number of inputs, and then combine and process ...
felix_blix's user avatar
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[ROS2] Best Practices: /rosout versus /diagnostics

I want to monitor the status of my different ROS2 nodes and act accordingly if something happens. Some of these nodes are hardware drivers, while others are not, working on things such as image ...
Bart van Ingen's user avatar
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[ROS2] Best practice for catching all exceptions for logging

I am creating a robot with ROS2 foxy that is in the field, and therefore not monitored all the time. To help with debugging any eventual bugs/crashes that are unaccounted for, I was thinking of ...
Bart van Ingen's user avatar
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Ensuring mutual exclusion between different actions

Hi! I'm looking for a good way to ensure that different actions do not run at the same time. Let's say we have a robot that can do different actions, such as moving and making a measurement. It seems ...
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Different goals in one action server

I have a bit of an issue trying to figure out the best way to implement an action server with different goals. Is it an acceptable practice to use enums if goals are very different from each other or ...
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ROS Message Best Practices

Hey there guys, I am quite new to ROS and have not been involved in bigger projects. However I am confronted with creating one on my own. Working through the tutorials and some literature some of my ...
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Best practice for creating new frame names?

I have a simple two-wheeled platform, and I'm trying to publish ultrasonic range data via the standard range message type. This message type requires a header with a frame_id. The sensors are attached ...
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Best practices for hardware package organization?

Hello, I have recently started to invest significant time into developing ROS packages for my work and have a question regarding best practices and/or suggestions when it comes to code organization. ...
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Topic for motor current

Hi everyone, is there a standard topic to output currents used by a motor? I know i can give efforts of motors in the joint state message but i also would like to provide the raw current values of the ...
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Correct way to use Costmap2DROS

I have an "algorithm" node, which designs a path for a turtlebot to follow based on a static_map being published by a map_server. Inside my algorithm node, I instantiate a Costmap2DROS ...
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Best practices for organizing a project

Hello all, Sorry for the long winded explanation but my thoughts are a bit scattered on this. I'm fairly new to ROS. I've been working with it for about a month and I feel I'm beginning to understand ...
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Compressed camera images from rosbag to matlab

I have a bag file containing lots of sensor messages, including compressed camera images. I would like to use this stream of camera images in MATLAB. I know of two possible approaches: either by ...
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How to orchestrate automatic multiple (non-)ros component based system start?

Problem/Scenario I am trying implement a way to automatically bootstrap/start a complex system that uses diverse ros and non-ros components. My web-search lead me to roslaunch, which seems to be most ...
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Does rosdep support installing dependencies from PPAs?

This is a fresh post regarding the question raised here. Basically, I'd like to know if installing ROS package dependencies from a third-party apt repository is supported/recommended. I understand ...
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Best practices for setting up catkin_make install for python nodes

I am currently updating my code from rosbuild to catkin as I switch from Fuerte to Groovy. Current setup: Ubuntu 12.04, Groovy I am looking for best practices for packages with python nodes and ...
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Best practice for online re-configuration between nodes

Dear all, I'm looking for the best way to achieve the following (in cpp on Fuerte). At the moment, I have one node which should be dynamically reconfigurable (i.e.: start, stop, set camera frame rate)....
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Rule/practice for the location of storing config files

On Ubuntu Quantal with Groovy on my home dir, I see hidden dirs: .gazebo .ros (might be used for storing logs only?) (*1) .rviz Also, there could be pkgs that ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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rosparams vs. command line arguments for initialization

In my understanding, nodes can get initialization arguments in two ways: rosrun or roslaunch xml files can pass command line arguments straight to the main method the node can use the ros parameter ...
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Guideline/rule for logging when using 3rd party libraries/framework?

For example, when writing a plugin for rqt (aka ROS GUI) that's inherently dependent on Qt, I think there's 2 choice for logging,...
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How can I do tabletop manipulation with a 5DOF arm?

Hi, if i want to do my robotic arm to recognition an object using camera and get it there are missing steps for me like that Do i get the kinematics and inverse kinematics of my arm by Kinematic ...
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Difference between using dynamic_reconfigure and using getParam at runtime

I am trying to understand the benefits of the dynamic reconfigure package. From the tutorials, it seems like it creates a new server to handle a fixed number of changing parameters. What is the ...
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ROS_Environments for Hector_SLAM

I'm in the process of learning ROS with a specific target of using Hector_SLAM. I'm using rosws and have made workspaces, directories, etc. I am now exploring Hector_SLAM with its multiple stacks and ...
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Sensor Topic Conventions

We have a sensor that will be used in several locations in a robot (e.g. multiple instances of a single hardware device). Is there a preferred naming convention for message topics under these ...
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How do I test the ROS version in Python code?

This has been asked for C++ ( but it would be good to know what the correct way to do this is in Python. There is a python ...
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How to debug nodelet (manager) crashes?

Are there best practices regarding debugging crashes of nodelets and / or the manager? I'm trying to load ~30 nodelets into one manager and experience seemingly random crashes. Is there a(n implicit) ...
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Avoiding overhead when nothing subscribed

Formerly entitled "Does ROS publish messages if no nodes are subscribed" I'm making a node to process data from a kinect and return a transform. I'll only need the transform message every ...
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Which Python doc tool works better with ROS: Epydoc or Sphinx?

I have no experience with either, and would appreciate your advice. ROS supports both, so I would expect both to work reasonably well. What do you like or dislike about Epydoc or Sphinx? I am looking ...
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Compiling [or not] a package before pushing to repo

Hi everybody, I realized that during compilation time there will be a CMakeCache created; which is specific to our machine. Hence if we push the package (after compiling it) to a repo and someone else ...
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how to stop the robot if something goes wrong

I am trying to setup a diagnostic mechanism on my robot so that it will stop if something goes wrong: a sensor stops working, the TF tree becomes too old, some critical node dies, etc. I am wondering ...
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How to use configuration files for identical robots?

I have a few configuration files containing calibrations, configurations, camera_infos for a set of identical robots. Currently, the launch files will read in the computer's hostname as an environment ...
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Rosbag: Recording configurations or regenerate later?

I've been wondering what's the ideal way to deal with changing configurations that get published over the wire. This can get very complex, but I'm hoping someone has experience with this (I'm sure ...
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Dynamic reconfigure default parameters

I am writing a node which accepts certain parameters. I would like to be able to pass them through a launch file, as well as make them dynamically reconfigurable. What are the best practices regarding ...
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Question about generalizing a system

This question is about the best practices when generalizing a working ROS stack. I have a system that has many nodes working together to control a dynamic system. There is a vision processing node, ...
jarvisschultz's user avatar
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Best Practice: URDF descriptions, real robots, gazebo plugins and dependencies

Most complex URDF models use quite a few gazebo plugins. This often means that a dependency to "gazebo_plugins" (or other plugins) exists in the manifest.xml, which in turn means the ...
Stefan Kohlbrecher's user avatar
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How to document actionlib interface / Best practice for messages from .action files

I want to document the action interface in nao_driver which uses custom actions defined in nao_msgs. However, the messages themselves are generated from the .action files and this does not seem to ...
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How to avoid hardcoding package name in python?

#!/usr/bin/env python PACKAGE_NAME = 'puddingPackage' import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PACKAGE_NAME) : : Other than declaring in each ...
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Nested stack dependency

Assume stack A depends on ros stack and its stack.xml file has " and assume that I create another stack B which depends on stack A and stack ros. If B's stack.xml specifies , does stack B also ...
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What to publish from a new camera driver

Hi! im want to write camera driver for ROS. and got some question: ive read page about ROS camera drivers and did not understand - what type of image have to publish driver: as is image or undistored ...
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How to declare common parameter

What is recommended ways to set common parameters in ROS? In some of my nodes, I often want to use the same values for same purpose (e.g. subscribe/publish queue). Right now I'm setting parameters in <...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Significance of ros::spinOnce()

Hi, Can somebody explain what is the actual significance of the ros::spinOnce(). How is it useful? What are the situations where its impact is higher? And also difference between ros::spin() ros::...
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Best practice for rosdep, ubuntu packages, and others

Hello, As already discussed in question #2701, I am working on the release of the modular_cloud_matcher package. This package depends on libnabo and libpointmatcher, for which I provide Ubuntu ...
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When should I use diagnostic_aggregator?

Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 7
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When should I remap topic and parameter names?

When launching nodes? Parameters in namespaces? Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 7 Original ...
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How to setup ROS for multi-robot domains (roscores, namespaces for nodes, tf frames)

Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 3
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When should I send geometric information over a topic as opposed to TF?

Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 2
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When should I split my code into multiple packages, and what's a good way to split it?

(Mention the advantages of message definition packages.) Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 9
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When should I use topics vs services vs actionlib actions (vs dynamic_reconfigure)?

Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 40
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I have a mobile robot that isn't supported by ROS. How should I structure the driver node(s) to expose my robot's integrated sensors and actuators?

Please help in writing up a ROS best practice. Originally posted by mmwise on ROS Answers with karma: 8372 on 2011-11-07 Post score: 5 Original comments Comment by Gonçalo Cabrita on 2012-08-30: ...
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