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arbotix_ros can not detect servos via arbotix-m controller

Hi all I am using ros indigo and ubuntu 14.04. I have Phantomx Pincher arm connected to the computer via FTDI USB cable. I clone arbotix_ros and I did catkin_make properly. BUT I can not detect my ...
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Using a map on RVIZ

Hi,I follow the book Ros By Example.I use the method mentioned in this book to generating a map with the XV_11 laser scanner.And it seems that the my_map.pgm is 4....
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Differences between ros_control and arbotix driver package

1, I wonder what are the differences or similarities between ros_control and arbotix driver. 2, Does arbotix driver belong to firmware for harware ? In other words, it belongs to hardware_interface:...
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how ros abstract away the underlying hardware and work with generic messages instead

I read the below passage on book, ROS-by-Example Vol1,CH4.14 Once you get used to this style of programming, there are some significant advantages. As we have already mentioned, many nodes can be ...
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Send array of three numbers from ROS to Arduino?

Hey all. We are currently working on getting a serial communication through ROS to an Arbotix-M type board through an FTDI adapter. We have looked into rosserial and other packages but it seems rather ...
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<<Solved>>Getting started with Arbotix python. Keeping it simple

Hello World, Good news everybody!! I'm new to robotics and I'm ready to get started. The thing is, I need a little help getting started. I recently bought six AX-12 servos, an Arbotix-M controller, a ...
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Dynamixel low speed jerky motion

Hi All, I have got a slight problem getting the MX-106T Dynamixel to move smoothly while using ROS and MoveIt. I'm using Arbotix driver with USB2Dynamixel controller. I can get the arm moving, ...
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No module named control_msgs.msg

hello professors, when I try to use roslaunch command to run the robot, I found some problems that I can't solve it. The error shows that as followed : ...
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How to interface arbotix_python package with a PhantomX Robot Arm (Trossen Robotics)

I'm using the PhantomX_Reactor_IK.ino firmware that is uploaded to the Arbotix and creating a ROS version of the Commander code. I had a few questions. Do I need to create my own ROS package/code to ...
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Turtlebot 2 and arbotix

I am a recent convert to Ubuntu and have picked up a Turtlebot 2. I have been able to go through almost all the tutorials with little problems that I have been able to figure out and fix through some ...
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arbotix_python arbotix servos not recognized

Hi, I have purchased an arbotix robocontroller but the servos are not being recognized when I run arbotix_python. I am able to successfully compile and upload the ros.pde firmware without error (...
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ros.pde compile error BYTE not declared in this scope

Hi, I am running Ubuntu 11.10 with latest Fuerte install and arduino 0023 I have followed all the instructions on the websites, but when I try to compile the ros.pde sketch I get the following errors. ...
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arbotix support for dual dynamixel gripper (like the smart arm gripper)

I am migrating my arm from a smart arm controlled by the dynamixel stack to the turtlebot arm controlled with the arbotix stack. However, I really like the wider dual servo structure of my smart arm ...
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move_base parameters when odometry is perfect?

Hello ROS Fans, For purposes of testing, I am trying to use move_base together with the ArbotiX differential drive controller in "fake simulation" mode to move a simulated TurtleBot along a ...
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Turtlebot: arm.launch returns KeyError: ´arm_shoulder_pan_joint´

Background: Turtlebot: new, arrived with the arm assembled and with all required packages installed from factory. I installed turtlebot_viz for the dashboard as suggested here and updated all ros ...
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"Lost sync" with Arbotix and rosserial

In another post I reported a "Lost sync" problem when using rosserial with an Arudino Uno over an XBee connection. That problem was resolved by always using a baud rate of 57600 for the ...
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Compile Error for the ros.pde sketch

I am trying to put the ros.pde sketch onto the ArbotiX board that I am using for the turtlebot arm, and I get the following compile errors when I try to upload or verify the sketch: ...
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Trying to use PyPose to control turtlebot arm

Hello! I am trying to use the program PyPose to control the turtlebot arm but I am running into a series of weird errors as I use it. I have the computer plugged into the ArbotiX board via a USB - ...
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