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3 votes

Reading a vector of structs as parameters in ROS2

Im working on the same problem and have found a workaround that lets you get parameters from a yaml file like you would in ROS1 without forward declaring them as is the default in ROS2. You need to ...
bonnaroo's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a way to enumerate over predefined constants in ROS2 message definitions?

Unfortunately I don't think it is possible to do this automatically given the way the IDL is defined. You'll notice in the marker message there are actually two sets of constants (one for markers, one ...
Andre Nguyen's user avatar
1 vote

Specifying parameter type in ROS2 XML launch file

Can you update your launch file like this? I think there is a problem on your XML file. ...
furkansariyildiz's user avatar
1 vote

ROS2 integer parameter with range

The integer_range member variable is a list (or vector) of rcl_interfaces::msg::IntegerRange. Usually we have only one range for ...
oKermorgant's user avatar
1 vote

Parameter initialization error with PlanSys2 and BT's

Here the PlanSys2 author :) I think this was a bug, but now it is fixed, as far as I remember. The node name didn't match the node name in the params file. I hope it helps
fmrico's user avatar
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1 vote

How to set the value of a specific element of parameter array

I do not believe so, they're taken in whole. Perhaps an option would be to use the parameter client to get the current parameter setting, then take that structure, make your change, and submit the ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

Launch_arguments doensn't work

I think the question is similar to this, you have to declare the launch arguments before to pass it to the launch file.
rdelgadov's user avatar
1 vote

ROS2 default values ignored when including launch file in other launch

With ROS 2, launch configurations are not scoped anymore by default. That leads to launch arguments from one included file leak into other included launch files. To stop this, you need to wrap the ...
moooeeeep's user avatar
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1 vote

rclcpp - float conversion warning when using `declare_parameter<float>`

All floating point Parameters end up being doubles under the hood - so your "declare_parameter" is basically being recast as "declare_parameter" - and then the implicit conversion ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar
1 vote

How to get launch parameter (LaunchConfiguration) value in string?

To my knowledge the only way to get the LaunchConfiguration parameter value at runtime (not the default parameter value) is to use ...
Stanislav Svědiroh's user avatar
1 vote

How to get ROS2 parameter hosted by another Node

In ROS 2 parameters are available via service interfaces: ...
mikaelarguedas's user avatar
1 vote

Check if ROS2 Parameters Exist with RCLCPP

For future questions I would like to add that onwards from dashing there exists function has_parameter() within rclcpp::Node for ...
li9i's user avatar
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