vcs import fails when cloning ROS 2 repo (MacOS)
Turns out that vcstool is indeed not compatible with Python 3.12.
The workaround for me was to create a venv with Python 3.9 and install/run vcs from there just to grab the ROS2 source code. I then ...
Building robot tutorial not working for MacOS
Use two terminal sessions to run.
In the first, start the server:
gz sim -s ./building_robot.sdf
In the second, start the user interface:
ROS2 listener/talker only works for talker on MacOS Sonoma 14.2 on M1-Max within docker
When you start your Docker ROS container are you telling it --net=host ?
This is my start ROS 2 Docker (on Raspberry Pi5 but you'll get the idea):
Install ROS and Gazebo on MacOS 14
Although MacOS installations aren't my strong suit, I'd suggest checking out RobotStack. It's a relatively new tool that simplifies the installation of various ROS versions across different operating ...
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