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Questions tagged [neato]

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Can't launch/locate nodes - but nodes exist!

Hi all, I'm a ROS neophyte, trying to get my Neato Botvac D80 working with ROS Indigo, following Julian Tatsch's instructions (part 1,part 2). Here's what I've done so far: Gotten an RPi Zero W set ...
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Neato LDS intensity data

The Neato LDS scanner returns the angle, range, intensity, and an error code. The from the XV-11 node does not look at the intensity. I want to use the intensity data to help detect '...
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neato laser stop

I have the neato laser running on my turtlebot2 using the Kobuki base. As soon as turtlebot boots up and the laser receives power from the on board computer via the usb port, it starts spinning. I ...
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neato does not respond to keyboard commands

Hi, I use ros/kinetic under ubuntu 16.04 and try to get a vorwerk VR100 (XV11) to work. Issue: I am at the very beginning to start something really great ... I want to move the VR100 with my keyboard ...
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rviz not able to visualize laser scan

I'm having trouble with RVIZ being unable to show laser scan point data. I'm not sure if this is an RVIZ problem, a problem in my RVIZ config, or a problem with my setup in general (ie: i'm doing ...
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no neato laser scan with hector_slam

I am able to get a laser scan in rviz with neato lidar tutorial. But when I try to get a laser scan with hector_slam there isn't a scan in rviz. I am trying to use hector_map with out odometer. I ...
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Trying to get the XV-11 Lidar to work

Hey there! I already asked this over at the Trossen Robotics Forum but did not get a reply yet. Maybe someone here can give me a hint at what might be wrong with my XV-11 Lidar Setup. I bought the ...
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Creating a map with gmapping using lidar data of a quick spinning robot

Using the lidar data of a neato vacuum cleaning robot to create a map during vacuuming was till now not possible with hector_slam. hector_slam loses very often the position of the robot during its ...
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Creating a map with Lidar on Neato without control

Hi folks, finding the tutorials linked in this question I learned a lot of connecting Neatos lidar to ros. But ...
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Neato Laser Scan shows impossible data's in RVIZ

Hi I've got my neato robotics vacuum cleaner and I'm interested in the data of the laser scanner. I did the following tutorials to connect it to ROS and plot it in RVIZ.
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neato node running under groovy

Has anyone got the ROS Neato node working in Groovy? I have it working in feurte OK. But in groovy it is giving me a missing driver declaration. I've traced it to the neato_node/node/ file -...
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What is Neato laser scanner rotation speed

Hi, We have a Neato laser scanner which we are interfacing to the xv-11 laser node. But, our scanner is rotating quite slowly, about 2 hz (120 rpm), on 3.0 volts dc. Conflicting web data says it ...
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