Rigorous terminology clarification - Path Planning, Path Following, Trajectory Planning, Trajectory Following and Motion Planning
Well I think you got it right for the differentiation.
Path planning is about generating a path, that is not related to time. The planning algorithm may take into account some holonomic constraints, ...
executable '[<launch.substitutions.text_substitution.TextSubstitution>]' not found on the PATH
The solution was that I had to install all the dependencies with rosdep. I forgot this step. Thank you @ChristophFroehlich
Follow the tutorial on how to build the ros2 control demos:
Ros2: OccupancyGrid with RPlidar
You're combining two seperate problems here. The first is creating an occupancy grid, the second is getting data from the RPlidar. Remember, one of the main reasons we use ROS is because it allows us ...
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