Confused about time systems in ephemeris computation (from GPS subframes)
My understanding is that $R_x$ is the receiver time when the signal is received. So that would make $t_x$ the transmission time. And you subtract the bias to get a more accurate transmission time.
Using Here3+ for GNSS information, missing documentation?
The Here3+ uses the DroneCAN/uavCAN protocol that is now renamed to cyphal. This is an entirely different protocol from NMEA2000. The CAN msgs build-up is done by DSDL description. With DSDL file (see ...
GNSS Dead Reckoning -- Sensor Fusion Filter not necessary?
Is it necessary to use any filter to fuse Ublox ZED-F9K's GNSS and IMU/Odometry
My answer is NO, for the following reasons:
(1) GNSS and IMU are independently developed modules ...
Sensor fusion of GNSS and IMU using UKF
I cannot recommend the robot_localization package in ROS enough. Please see my response to another post I made today How does sensor fusion help in robot localization. The documentation for the ...
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