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2 votes

Confused about time systems in ephemeris computation (from GPS subframes)

My understanding is that $R_x$ is the receiver time when the signal is received. So that would make $t_x$ the transmission time. And you subtract the bias to get a more accurate transmission time.
rielt12's user avatar
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1 vote

GPS message: compute ephemeris data and pseudo-ranges from subframes

So the RXM-RAW and RXM-EPH messages come from IS-GPS-200H interface control document found here. But these are not exactly the same as RXM-RAW RXM-...
rielt12's user avatar
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GPS message: compute ephemeris data and pseudo-ranges from subframes

The GPS standard has been the same since the first GPS satellites were launched, so sources from 1995 are very relevant In fact that is the document I would point you to. One of the best libraries for ...
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