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Navigation - GPS + IMU; how to make it more accurate?

You should use a Kalman Filter. Here are two nice tutorials that explain how Kalman Filter algorithm works and the working principle of IMU/GPS sensors. short:
Octavius's user avatar
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Navigation - GPS + IMU; how to make it more accurate?

The simplest answer to all those questions, is to use an EKF. But since you are not familiar with the mathematical formulas of EKF here are some possible methods which might be useful for your ...
Tharindu Suraj's user avatar
1 vote

How to get starting location of robot using IMU Sensor (without using gps)

An IMU gives you linear acceleration and rotational speed. It doesn't give a position. You can integrate the output of an IMU to get a linear position and angular orientation (the pose), but you ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Robot positioning problem

This is another aspect of a longer answer I wrote here. Briefly restated, your problem is that a wheeled robot like this is nonholonomic, which means you can just use absolute encoder counts and get a ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Adjust bearing knowing initial and last coordinate in dead reckoning

Let's ignore the "robot" part of this (for the time being) and focus instead on the math problem, since that's really the part you care about here. There's some list of actual points visited ...
cst0's user avatar
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odometry on 3wd omnidirectional mobile robot

It sounds like all you want is dead reckoning for a holonomic robot. Here is our setup: Here, $X_W$, $Y_W$, and $\theta_W$ are our World frame. $X_L$ and $Y_L$ are our Local frame. Where ever you &...
Ben's user avatar
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1 vote

Localization of a mobile robot with odometry using quadrature encoders . Is it feasible?

Looking over the linked paper, the abstract includes "Both experimental and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the achieved control algorithms...", however, I don'...
Ezward's user avatar
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Relying on odometry for 100 meters

5-10cm isn't too bad after 100m. Obviously this is kind of subjective because I don't know what hardware you are using. You could be using the cheapest encoders on the market for all I know. That ...
Nathan Boyd's user avatar
1 vote

GNSS Dead Reckoning -- Sensor Fusion Filter not necessary?

Question Is it necessary to use any filter to fuse Ublox ZED-F9K's GNSS and IMU/Odometry data? Answer My answer is NO, for the following reasons: (1) GNSS and IMU are independently developed modules ...
tlfong01's user avatar
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Are there solid state directional sensors available?

This isn't something that can just be answered. There are numerous ways to do this. Low Tech: You can go low tech with IR emitters and retroflective tape (or retroflectors) with IR sensors. High ...
STEAMworks Learning Center's user avatar
1 vote

How to get position (X Y values) from a USB optical mouse

I am not sure what you mean by 'displacement value which is acceleration independent'. The conversion of relative positioning you're getting from /dev/input/mouse will always depend on the DPI of the ...
HighVoltage's user avatar
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Integreation Method In Dr with 3 Sources

You should definitely use a filter. You need to adjust to the noises. If you can design or know the state space models of the agent and the sensors then KF is the easiest to use.
drerD's user avatar
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Navigation - GPS + IMU; how to make it more accurate?

One way to improve GPS accuracy is RTK GPS. RTK GPS is what some of these robot lawnmowers use because of its centimeters accuracy.
Daniel's user avatar
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