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3 votes

How to install a CAN port on PC (under Ubuntu)

For low cost, but well designed and well supported in linux, I can recommend the USB2CAN from 8Devices. If you will be booting windows occasionally to set up industrial drives or sensors, or doing ...
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What network protocol/control units are motor-based robots controlled with?

In modern industrial motion control, the communication between the controller (motion controller, robot controller, CNC contoller) is typically done with: Profinet CanOpen Sercos EtherCAT
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Is it possible to use ROS2 real-time on a computer and connect to the robot actuator using a CAN bus?

First, you should define what real-time requirements do you have, not necessarily from a CAN-Bus, but from the application perspective. What is your cycle time, what latency can you accept, what ...
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How can I measure latency in a CAN bus?

Use an oscilloscope. Place oscilloscope probes on an i/o line on the master and a motor phase line on the slave. Toggle the i/o line just before sending the can bus command for a step change in the ...
hauptmech's user avatar
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finding the frequency of CAN send and CAN receive messages using CAN in Ubuntu

candump can output the timestamp for each message in different formats. Check the usage notes of candump. candump -t d can0 ...
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2 votes

How to send and receive CAN messages on Ubuntu 18.04 using ROS Melodic

You can use python-can. I find the documentation on very well written, it should be easy to follow. I have used this library with ROS 2 without ...
Melih Canbolat's user avatar
1 vote

Using Here3+ for GNSS information, missing documentation?

The Here3+ uses the DroneCAN/uavCAN protocol that is now renamed to cyphal. This is an entirely different protocol from NMEA2000. The CAN msgs build-up is done by DSDL description. With DSDL file (see ...
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What communication bus is used in state of the art systems to implement a synchronization signal?

There are many possible routes you can take. You mentioned CAN. CANOpen is built on CAN and is used in many automation and robotics related devices. CANOpen specifies a SYNC mechanism exactly for the ...
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Do I have to use the CAN protocol that the motor controller uses in order to communicate with it?

CANopen is a application level protocol and socketcan is at the transport level. You can send Canopen messages using socketcan without any problems. You can compose canopen messages by hand but it ...
hauptmech's user avatar
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