ROS2 convert STEP to urdf
First and foremost you miss the joints between links, every link needs a joint connection it to another link (can be fixed to the the world).
Beside that, if you want a functional gripper for ...
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collada × 75ros × 24
rviz × 20
urdf × 18
gazebo × 14
mesh × 14
dae × 13
blender × 9
moveit × 5
openrave × 5
collada-urdf × 5
stl × 4
ikfast × 3
nxt × 2
ros-kinetic × 2
gazebo-1.9 × 2
ros-groovy × 2
gazebo-7 × 2
ros3djs × 2
robotic-arm × 1
kinematics × 1
joint × 1
robot-model × 1
ros2 × 1
ros-humble × 1