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Questions tagged [robot-upstart]

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robot_upstart -- deleting or replacing a service

HI All, I have a legacy ROS system to work someone else put it together originally. it runs kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. The system is kicked off at boot, and you can stop and start nodes using ...
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Configuring startup files (robot_upstart)

Hello guys. We have just received a husky uvg at my lab and I am humbly trying to step out of the simulating world and set up the platform. I would like to test some of the nodes I developed in ...
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Roscore and Sensors node are not starting on boot [Clearpath Husky]

Hello, I have recently got a husky from clearpath. When I boot the system the general behavior was to launch all the rosnodes on boot. I added my own laser scanner, and wanted to add it to the upstart ...
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robot_upstart: nodes don't work well

I use robot_upstart to start the robot.In the startup.launch file ,I launch only one node which I called myrobot_node . Here is the node content.. In this node, l ...
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how to automatically launch all ros nodes in multiple machines?

In my project, there are two main computing boards connected to a laptop. The laptop has a master ROS server, and the boards have slave servers. What I want to accomplish is that when boards are ...
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how to change wireless network when start robot with reboot machine?

I want to change wireless network dynamically.I use robot_upstart package to automatically start the robot launch file when reboot machine. Before I want to change ...
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Launching ROS on startup

So I have oneboard computer with Ubuntu server andI want to start my nodes after startup automatically. So I tried to to add roslauch comand to rc.local and its not worked, than I find robot upstart ...
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robot_upstart: Nodes using third party libraries are ignored [Python]

I'm using ROS on raspberry pi 3. I'm using two third party libraries, one for reading sensor registers from I2C (FaBo9AXIS-MPU9250-Python) and one for generating PWM signal on pins (pigpio). Any node <...
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robot_upstart: Nothing starts on startup

I have successfully executed the command rosrun robot_upstart install myPackage/test.launch and also ...
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Problem with robot_upstart

I am trying to install robot_upstart for my package ...
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robot_upstart uninstall, Job not found, nothing to remove

Hi, All I tried to remove the auto start launch file which locates at ~/catkin_ws/src/roscopter/nodes/upstart.launch After system boot up, "rostopic list" ...
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ROS Logging Display Node Name

Hi, I'm very sorry if this is a repeat question, but I'm using robot_upstart which dumps all logging output into the single file /var/log/upstart/foo.log. This makes it really hard to tell which node ...
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rviz crash at boot-up using robot-upstart indigo

Hi, I'm trying to use robot-upstart indigo to start my roslaunch script automatically at boot-up, my launch file contains rviz and I'm looking to show lidar ...
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robot_upstart perminantly change ownership

Hi, I am using robot_upstart to launch my code. My code needs to access several ports that are owned by root (dev/USB0, dev/USB1, dev/ACM0, etc...). I changed the owner of these files to the same user ...
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ROS logs with robot upstart

I'm using robot_upstart to launch a single launch file when my system boots. I just noticed that when using robot_upstart the normal roslaunch log files do not appear under ~/.ros/log. I then run the ...
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Robot upstart with serial library

Hi, I'm using robot_upstart and the 'serial' package ( on a Fitlet mini ubuntu PC. I've set permissions for serial ports using custom udev rules by navigating to ...
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usb_cam node "permission denied" when launched by robot_upstart

When I launch usb_cam from a launch file with robot_upstart on boot, the node fails saying: ...
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Robot Upstart and USB Ports

I'm currently trying to create a robot upstart package for my turtlebot 1.0. Seeing as how the minimal.launch relies on environment variables to launch the proper nodes for the turtlebot 1.0, I ...
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Robot_upstart can't find path in my package

Hi everyone, I got a bug using robot_upstart. I tried the install script with differents packages located in my catkin workspace and I get this : ...
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How to install robot_upstart?

This is a total newbie question but I have absolutely no idea how to install a package from the wiki. I've tried downloading it from git and running but ...
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Problem with log and home directories and roslaunch handlers

I'm having a problem robot_upstart. When I start the service it uses a different value for ROS_LOG_DIR, it says that ...
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Trouble running robot_upstart

Hello all. I installed ros_upstart with this command sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-robot-upstar. I can find the files in ...
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ros-indigo-robot-upstart missing essential files

Hi! I just installed the above mentioned package however it seems that its directory contains only a CMake file, templates and a few other useless files. The install and uninstall scripts, although ...
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robot_upstart: could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0

Hi all, I use turtlebot roomba with indigo version. I try to use robot_upstart package to run turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch ...
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How to reference environmental variables inside an upstart installed launch file?

I have successfully managed to install a launch file but upon rebooting found that none of the environmental variables referenced in the launch file are found. Granted, the launch files are guilty of ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: Robot_upstart

After quite some search I think robot_upstart would be the best way to call a launch file during boot. Howeve, it seems to be hard to get up and running. The documentation is about usage but ...
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robot-upstart indigo

Hi, I'm trying to use upstart to run my robot application at the startup of the system but I can't configure it. I currently have my catkin workspace with my tool at /home/robot/workspace and when I ...
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robot_upstart with root permission

Hi, My question is: when the .launch file is launched by using robot_upstart set up, does it have root access? I have not tested yet because my package it not ready. Our project uses a headless robot, ...
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turtlebot upstart

Hi all, I use turtlebot 2 with hydro version. I want to run turtlebot_bringup/concert/bringup.concert file from the upstart of my laptop. I tried to use robot_upstart package, but it works only for ...
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