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Questions tagged [makefile]

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makefile - linker "first defined here" errors

Currently in the process of porting from ROS1 to ROS2. Having problems getting the makefile to link the exe and libs together without multiple definition errors. I've paired it right back to this ...
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cannot get multiple nodes running

I wrote a package with 2 nodes in python exactly how I have always done before, and it compiles without errors with catkin_make, but one of the nodes does not work. It does not publish or subscribe ...
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How can I add makefile funcionality to my CMakeLists.txt

Hello, I have got two pieces of software. One part is a simulation-software (CarMaker 6.0.4) written in C and I make it with a makefile, whereas I make the other part of the software (ROS kinetic) ...
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Cannot find duration__rosidl_typesupport_connext_c

Hello! I am trying to compile ROS2 builtin_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_c.dir/rosidl_typesupport_c for a non supported DDS and I am hurting this error: ...
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Having make file issue;

Redefine: If I need include files from another installed package how do I add them to my makefile or is it how I reference them in the import? I am fairly new to Makefiles. Can someone give me a start ...
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How to solve the 'undefined reference to libusb' error in ros?

I am trying to transfer a camera(non-uvc) stream program to ros platform. I've already got the camera driver running and Makefile is like this: g++ main.cpp -o test_gui -g -I /usr/local/include -L /...
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Couldn't find executable below /home/leroy/catkin_ws/tum_ardrone

Hi, i am fairly new to this, but whatever i try i cant seem to fix or see the problem here. i have a catkin workspace: catkin_ws i`ve installed the tum_ardrone package accordingly: cd catkin_ws git ...
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Makefile to CMakeLists.txt (ROS, Eclipse)

Hello there, I'm using a developement board that has its own libraries. I have installed ROS on it and now I need to use publish/subscribe by including its libraries to the CMakeLists.txt of the ...
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Undefined Reference to boost

Hi guys, I've been getting this error lately every time I compile my ethzasl_sensor_fusion. The error I received is below: Linking CXX executable ../bin/pose_sensor CMakeFiles/pose_sensor.dir/src/main....
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catkin migration from rosbuild package does not mention Makefile

I don't think the Makefile in the package is needed any more, but neither of these pages mention it: migrating from rosbuild convert rosbuild to catkin If I am correct that it is no longer needed, ...
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Rospack command not found in makefile when trying to build

Hello, I'm a beginner with ROS and I'm having trouble to build my first packages. If a use 'rosmake rxtools', for example, I get a 'rospack failed to build' message. I haven't found how to solve this ...
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Received 'rospack failed to build' message when executed rosmake

Hello, I'm totally new with ROS and all the robot related stuff, so I'm following all the instructions here to get involved and learn how ROS works. I'm using Fedora 15 and followed these instructions ...
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Eclipse ROS fuerte

Hi guys, I did exactly as described here to import my ROS package to Eclipse. It compiles and runs without problems using the shell, but when using "Build Project&...
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Wrap existing crrcsim project in ROS

Hi - I would love to use CRRCSIM with ROS. CRRCSIM is an open source RC-plane simulator - compiled with autotools (autoheader/automake etc..). This is all fine and easy, except when you want to ...
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how to rebuild/update graspit-simulator package

Hi all, I downloaded graspit simulator from debs. sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-graspit-simulator It runs well. Now I changed part of the source code and ...
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what's difference between rosmake & makefile?

If I didn't change any source file and run rosmake twice, I found that rosmake will also remake again. In this case it takes 2.66 sec,but in other it may cause longer. What's happened? here is the log:...
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ROS Answers SE migration: ROS libraries

Hi all, I would like to add ROS support to my own software. What libraries do I add in my makefile? Thanks Originally posted by aswin on ROS Answers with karma: 528 on 2011-02-28 Post score: 2 ...
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