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I am trying to make a plugin in ROS but the same error always happear:

So I have made a ROS plugin to make a new library and I am trying to test the library's methods by executing one of them by a node in a different workspace. when I execute the node this happen: [ERROR]...
Tommaso Pignata's user avatar
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Can't build with colcon on ROS2 Humble. Issue with empy library

I'm on Ubuntu 22 Desktop. Just installed ROS 2 Humble and can't proceed with this tutorial When I try to execute ...
Raúl Bezares's user avatar
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C++ library as submodule not found by linker

I added a CMake-based library as a submodule of a package of mine. With colcon I can correctly build and install the library file and the include files in the ...
Myzhar's user avatar
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Library index error in ROS Foxy

The error is shown below: ...
Athira GS's user avatar
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ros2- where is the data libopencv-dev

I want to find this github address. (I cant find it,because main opencvs github has opencv/opencv -b 4,3,2,1) Thank you.
ertretff's user avatar
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How do i solve this"... .so: undefined reference to '..."

Hi, I have gone through the internet for hours for similar cases to mine but I've tried all solutions and hasn't got my code working. I'm using a library called "vdo_slam" which has been ...
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another "fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory"

Good evening Sorry for asking another "ros/ros.h: No such file or directory" question. Unfortunately, none of the following did work/is applicable: 2xFindPackage, InitWorkspace or ...
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Catkin build fails to find reference to library inside the same package

Hi to all! first of all, english is not my native language :D I'm sorry if there are too many mistakes, here we go. I decided to add a library master_utils inside ...
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using ament_cmake to build and use a shared library

I am building a shared library for use in another package. I'm using ROS2 dashing. I followed the instructions of the ament_cmake user documentation, but the ...
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ROS Kinetic 64Bit with 32Bit library

Edit6: I found now the way to download the 32bit libraries and i tried it with the libroscpp. and it works but now he needs much more libraries. Is there a way to download all libraries with one ...
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Still cannot include library to package from another package

Hi all, I want to use several libraries created in one package, let say package A, into package B. Both packages' bareboned ...
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Could not find library corresponding to plugin

Hi all. I'm trying to learn how to write rviz plugins from the book Mastering Ros for robotics.But there is a problem I cannot solve. I created the package and then created the ...
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How to add TF on a object whose coordinate is already detected by PCL

The coordinate of the object is already detected by PCL. For this purpose, I am using a Kinect v2 camera. I have written that code in C++ and I am working in ROS platform. Now I want to add TF on the ...
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Catkinising package- Unable to include a header file from another package- Indigo

I have three packages in the same workspace called: art_msgs (contains messages in art_msgs/msg folder) art_common (contains some nodes in art_common/srcfolder which depend on messages from art_msgs; ...
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error while loading shared libraries

I want to use shared objects as libraries. The .so files of them are at my disposal. I created a catkin_package. That package contains a source, include and lib folder (where I put the .so files) My ...
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How to use the gtsam library in my ROS package?

Hello, I am currently revisiting ROS as I want to build localization with the GTSAM library. It is important to mention that this is the first time I used an external library aside from OpenCV. I ...
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Wrap external library as catkin package

Hi, I have a precompiled library that I want to use in multiple catkin packages. Hence, I want to wrap this external library with a catkin package which then can be used in other packages with the XML ...
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use custom ompl instead of ros own ompl

Hey there I would like to develop some path planning algorithms along with ompl, however, it is not easy to use the ros build-in ompl. I would like to build the ompl from source in case of easy ...
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Questions about API

Link to ros API Q1: Why does API split into 3 parts, ROS, C++, Python respectively? Q2: Why some of them are identical in the same row, while others different? Originally posted by shawnysh on ROS ...
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My own library wont include

I have made my own library, and i want to include it in an other package, but i keep running in to this problem: ...
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Error in linking a catkin library against another catkin package

Dear All, I've created a simple catkin library including a class with a member function (lib_test). I want to use this class/library in another catkin pkg (caller_pkg). I receive this error : ...
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The difference between static library(.a) and shared object library(.so)

Dear All, Could anybody explain what difference between static library(.a) and shared object(.so) is in ROS library types? How can I build them? Is there another type? I have written a c++ class and ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: Add library

hi, i want to add a library to my package, i create a folder lib contain my libraries, but i dont know how to modify CMakeList.txt. can you help me please? Originally posted by Emilien on ROS Answers ...
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Using catkin to install pre-made libraries

I am looking to use catkin to hep package some libraries that a project needs. The idea was to have them structured in the following manner: ...
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Using catkin to install libraries

I currently have a series of 3rd party libraries that I want to package for easier building and use. The idea is that they are each contained in a catkin_project file that looks like this: (Note: ...
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GUI RQT Plugin library built under Catkin

Hello everyone! I try to create a qt based gui for my package. According to the comment, I adapted the example. I created a library Projectgui which is just dependent on gui.h and gui.c and is found ...
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Library includes are not copied properly at compile

Hi all, I have been compiling a library and made it ROS compatible - and everything works except that the includes are not copied to the devel/lib/PACKAGE folder. I have added: ...
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Cmake Project to Catkin

Hey every one, I have the following folder structure of a pure cmake project: ...
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Linking opencv_video for CamShift

From a ROS and CMake newbie. I'm getting the following error which I believe to be a linking problem. ...
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third party library

i compiled a project with catkin and it worked fine and now i'm trying to write some more code that i'm going to use variables in the previous code (read and write) i've opened cmakelist in qtcreator ...
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catkin build can't find shared library from a dependent package

I've Just started using catkin_tools, and catkin build. It seems to require more precicely specified CMakeLists.txt files, and ...
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Shared libraries with catkin

Folks, I have a folder called "lib" inside my ROS package. The "lib" folder has two .so libraries (one is named "") that my package needs (the libraries ...
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2 answers

Include Header file from another package - Indigo

Hi folks, I have a file called (every name here is FAKE) file.h from the package named "my_package." Now, main.cpp located inside package named "the_package" needs to include the ...
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Use 3rd party library with ROS Groovy & C++

Hi, I've been doing some research and though I found similar questions their solutions didn't work for me. I am having trouble with compiling my project while using a 3rd party library. I have the ....
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problem with make ing rospack package - in mac

Guys, I'm new with ROS, I knew that it does not support OS X, but I have to run that on this system, This is OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 I did all of the installation guide for ROS hydro from the first step ...
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Compilation error whilst no coding errors

Hi everyone, The strangest thing is happening; a weird compilation behaviour under Catkin Groovy, Ubuntu 12.04. Whilst running catkin_make, sometimes it will result in the following error although the ...
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Where can I find this lib -->

Hey guys, I am searching for this particular library here: I have it on my pc and wanted to transfer my program to another one. I guess I could just copy the file itself, ...
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How can use external library in ros

I want to use POCO library within my package. I followed this manual but it was not successful. I tried to add find_package(poco REQUIRED) to CMakeLists....
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How to build catkin compatible third party library in catkin workspace?

I have followed the recommendations for allowing a third-party library (which I maintain) to be built in the ROS ecosystem, by adding the relevant package.xml file and corresponding install target. ...
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ROS Indigo and libav libraries' version

I updated my computer from Ubuntu 12.04 ROS Hydro to ubuntu 14.04 ROS Indigo. One node is causing me problems. It is a C++ node, a kind of modification of the face_recognition package Now when I try ...
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3 answers

Trouble With Serial communication

HI, I am new to ROS so this might be a completely ignorant question. So far I was using pyserial so run serial communication in ROS but now I am trying to use C++ for serial communication. I looked ...
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How do I build a package as a library in catkin?

I'm trying to build a c++ package as a library so that other packages can link to it. I've been working off the page but no luck. ...
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Openni Ros and Fedora

Hellow people, When I try to launch openni2_launch on fedora, I have the following error : ...
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How do I link a non ros library dependency in a catkin package?

So I am trying to use the biotac_drivers package here: I would like to link to "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". I know how to link a ROS ...
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In what situations or problems would I use KDL data type in tf?

Is KDL used by tf to do transforms or is it a supplement to explicitly do transforms by the programmer instead of letting tf do it? Please forgive my ignorance I've been trying to get a better ...
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Use ardrone_autonomy library in qtcreator

Hi there, i have a problem with subscribing to ardrone/navdata, because the library ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h can not be found. I tried to include it with this line: ...
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How to use qt libraries in ros

Hi dear I'm working with Ubuntu 12.10 and ros hydro I want to use qt libraries in ros. So I try to use simple library like "QDebug" and I write this program and Cmake ...
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export a prebuilt library in catkin

I am wondering how can I export an already built library within a package to make it available to other catkin packages. Before with rosbuild this could be done by by using the cpp tag in the manifest....
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Building and linking ros library

Hi All, I'm trying to rosbuild a library, which will then be included in several other ROS-packages. Right now, I have successfully created the library in "DeviceHandler" package by: ...
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Subscribe topic from library?

Just a small question: is it possible to subscribe to a topic from within a library, say, like a costmap_2d layer plugin, and if ...
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