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Questions tagged [clion]

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2 answers

ROS Debug Clion - Controller

I have following problem. I am using clion and ROS (1). I use franka_ros to develop a controller. Hear I want to mention, that I followed all the steps provided by clion - documentation website, to ...
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Guide for ROS2/colcon project in CLion

Is there a guide for using CLion IDE to build/debug ROS2 with colcon on a mixed python/CPP project? CLion was awesome for this with ROS1 projects, for source level debugging with variable watch/modify ...
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Develop Autoware packages under ade environment

How can I develop custom packages within ade docker container? I need remote host credentials to set connection between clion and debugger inside ade container. SSH service is disabled and won't start....
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CLion doesn't see header generated by service

I have a fresh install of all - Ubuntu, CLion and ROS Melodic, and I am having troubles with how CLion handles the headers I have a package called maze_controller, which contains a custom service and ...
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Building Components from CLion doesn't work

I am trying to build the composition demo package with CLion, but I always get linking errors. When I build from shell, it works out of the box. I am running CLion from the same shell where the shell ...
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Code completion Clion

Hello, I'm working with Clion to write C++ code for ROS. I just started with a simple publisher which publishes a message of the type geometry_msgs::Pose msg; When ...
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Unable to load ROS2 workspace into CLion

I've been trying to get Ros2 to work with my copy of CLion using this guide on the Discussion Forums, but have been having no luck. I was wondering if there were more up-to-date instructions, since ...
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Setup CLion with ROS

I have some troubles setting up CLion to work properly with ROS (kinteic). CLion does not recognize my workspace properly thus the IDEs features do not work. How to setup CLion with ROS? Originally ...
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CLion and ROS: fatal error: ros/ros.h: No such file or directory

I am having trouble using ROS Kinetic and CLion, specifically that CLion complains the following when trying to build. ...
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Problems with findpackage in cmake

Hi there, I am using CLion for Ros-MoveIt development. Now I want to compile a simple testprogram, but that does not work. My OS is Xubuntu 16.04. When I am adding find_package(catkin REQUIRED ...
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CLion: This file does not belong to any project target

When I use CLion on a ROS project, I get the following banner when looking at .h files: ...
Clyde McQueen's user avatar
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CLion and messages

For CLion users out there: I'm trying out CLion, and wondering how to deal w/ msgs that are created by the build process. I was able to make CLion happy by hacking up my src/myproj/CMakeLists.txt file:...
Clyde McQueen's user avatar
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1 answer

how to setup Clion to debug node in Clion IDE?

Is there any instruction/link to show how to setup CLion for debugging ros node? thanks for help Originally posted by deliang on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2016-12-08 Post score: 0
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Run node debug on a remote master

Hello everyone, I have a question about IDEs and debugging. I am currently working with a Baxter robot that has its own ROS core so whenever I need to launch a node I do that from a terminal where I ...
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CLion error when using the debugger and image transport

I've been trying to use Jetbrains CLion IDE for ROS programming, and for now it's working quite well. I'm able to run and debug ROS nodes, but I am having troubles with a node which uses the ...
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JetBrains CLion IDE setup for ROS

I've downloaded it a couple of days ago, but I still have not figure out how to configure it correctly to work with ROS. If I import a simple ROS project it gives me the following error, but I can ...
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