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Questions tagged [remote-roscore]

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Service "ERROR: Unable to load type" for a remote Master

My setup is an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS VM on Win10, and RaspberryPi running Ubuntu Mate 16.04 LTS. I have ROS Kinetic installed on both of the Ubuntu machines and they can ping each other with hostname fine. ...
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How to connect nodes in docker to remote master?

I have two machines A and B in the same network. A is running roscore on address, and running a node, say ...
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Run node debug on a remote master

Hello everyone, I have a question about IDEs and debugging. I am currently working with a Baxter robot that has its own ROS core so whenever I need to launch a node I do that from a terminal where I ...
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Roscore over ssh

Hi! I am able to do $ roscore and everything is fine (also launching launch files) but when I try: $ ssh user@machine roscore ...
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roscore works normal from command line but it does not work over ssh

I just recently installed ros-indigo on raspberry pi. The roscore works fine when I run it from the raspberry pi itself. But when i try to run it from my laptop through ssh i get the following error: ...
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Two machines one ROS master connection rejected

Hi, I am trying to view Kinect data in RVIZ on a remote client in ROS. I have exported the ROS_MASTER_URI to set to the machine with the roscore running but it won't send back any data. Rviz gives ...
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nodelets running with remote roscore are dying (bond broken)

Hi all (or, at least, the usual one who answers to my questions ;-)), I have the following situation: LAPTOP1: roscore, roslaunch with openni_node and some tf LAPTOP2: roslaunch with some ...
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rostopic publish message to remote machine?

Hi folks, I'm trying to connect to ROS running on a remote machine. I can remotely echo the topics from the machine however I cannot publish anything. rostopic echo /odom works like a charm, ...
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Is rosversion broken on Groovy?

Recently, I've noticed problems with rosversion on Groovy: $ rosversion roslaunch Cannot locate [roslaunch] It works with the -d flag, and it works on Hydro. I ...
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Problem with ros networking

I am using a Desktop Pc and a Remote pc on a pioneer base as my Ros fuerte architecture. On this one I ran my roscore and some nodes to interact with the pioneer. The rest nodes I run them on the PC. ...
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(Groovy | 12.04 | armv7l) remote launch user privileges

I am currently running ubuntu through a VNC connection on my TABLET. If I were to ssh to it from my LAPTOP, I would type ssh ubuntu@tabletIP. However, once in, I ...
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Can not conect to remote roscore running on ros-fuerte-ros-comm

I have a vaio in wich is running an ubuntu 10.11 with ros-fuerte-ros-comm installed. And im trying to use it as a server for the roscore. Im trying to connect a virtual machine,on another physical ...
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how to publish/subscribe with remote roscore?

Current setup: roscore running on my remote server ( a virtual private server ) VPS Machine A and B are connected to internet Machine A publishes a topic "test_topic" Result: Machine A ...
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