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I am able to do $ roscore and everything is fine (also launching launch files) but when I try: $ ssh user@machine roscore there is a problem, it says that

bash: roscore: command not found

I am hydro. What could be the reason of this?

Thanks beforehand!

Originally posted by pexison on ROS Answers with karma: 82 on 2015-06-08

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Most likely the user user on the machine system has not properly setup their ROS environment. Even if you have sourced the appropriate setup.bash files in your local terminal, once you are ssh'ed into a remote machine, the environment on that system does not inherit anything from the launching terminal. Try ssh'ing into the machine, then sourcing the appropriate setup.bash file, and then run roscore.

Originally posted by jarvisschultz with karma: 9031 on 2015-06-08

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by pexison on 2015-06-12:
Thanks, the superuser of my computer wasn't able to do roscore :)


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