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roscore does not start

I am compiling Noetic from source under a Debian 12 bookworm distro for an arm64 SoC. After a successful build and install, if I launch the roscore command, I only see this in the console: ...
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FIXED ROSCORE Error when trying to run

[FIXED] Both comments under this post solved the issue, i was trying to run rviz with the command rviz and not rviz2 and it turns out i had a weird mix of ROS 1 and ROS 2 so uninstalling and ...
Oliver Steiner's user avatar
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Manually controlling the ROS driver from Python

What is the best approach to launch a ROS file? Do I need to check that roscore is running before running it?
programmer_smart's user avatar
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"ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!" and "Unable to Register with master node"

Hello, I have two computers on a local network. First of them has Ubuntu 18.04 as OS, ROS Melodic installed and connected to the network with an Ethernet cable. The other one has Windows 10 as OS, ...
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Odd Docker roscore/roslaunch delays with Linux kernel 6.1

Hello, I have an odd one here and am trying to figure out a possible root cause! The Situation I am running a custom Linux version made using Buildroot, with application ROS code containerized. I have ...
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ros::ok() and ros::isShutingDown() and thread

I used ros::ok and ros::isShuttingDown inside a thread to find out if the user closed roscore in the terminal by pressing Cnrl+C. However, when I do that, the values of those to function do not change,...
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Master-slave, are those can have different rosbags?

HI We are currently dealing with remote communication control strategy and I wonder Mater-Slave returns different rosbags if rosbag package running on different machines. In fact, we want to record ...
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roscore fails at the start : error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file

Does anyone have any idea why the roscore fails at the start because of a strange library error? This never happened to me and it is a very strange error: ...
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Check ros2 node status

When using ROS1, I am able to use ros::master::getNodes to check the nodes that is functioning through code usage. I wonder to know is there any way that ros2 can achieve the same functionality which ...
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How to add a new ROS core package without new build of all core package?

I need to build the ROS from the source on Rasbian Buster (R-Pi 4). I followed the instructions from this site. First I installed the desktop core version with these steps: ...
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Roscore without peer to peer

Hello, Might be an odd question. Is there a way for Roscore (i.e Master) to disable p2p and act as a server transmitting data back and forth instead of letting peers communicating between them ...
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roscore not working (upstream packages)

Running roscore gives this error: ...
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How to properly set up a remote roscore with multiple remote nodes?

I am very new to ros. My friend and I have a scenario where only one of us has the hardware, but we'd both like to try to get live stream data without having to replay the data. Ideally we want to use ...
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rosout symbol lookup error

HI all, I am introducing to ROS and I am trying to follow the beginner tutorials. I've got an error when launching roscore: ...
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Command 'roswtf' not found,installation failed

How to solve it? ...
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roscore can't be found

After installation melodic in ubuntu 18.04 for first time,i input "roscore" in ubuntu terminal command port, i see as follows: ...
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Roscore is missing from my fresh melodic install

How do I install roscore for melodic on ubuntu 18.06? the docs are rather useless in regard to the installation packages for just about every tool that the tutorials are wanting me to work with. Can ...
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minimum libraries required to run ROS

Hi everyone, I'm preparing to enable ROS on my own embedded developing ARM board. The board runs a customized version of Linux (not Ubuntu or other distros), with limited number of thirdparty ...
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Accidentaly deteled python2.7 and roscore is dead

Hi! I have accidentally deleted python2.7 and now I can't run roscore. I tried to reinstall it but.. ...
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ROS publishers & subscribers still transmitting data after roscore closed

Hi, I am working on a scale city project where we will have some cars running along a track connected to a watchtower. We have decided to use ROS for the project and are running Kinetic on Ubuntu 16....
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12 views exists, but rosmaster cannot locate it

When I run roscore, i get this: ...
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Problem with roslaunch on rc.local startup

Hello, I tried launching some nodes on startup via rc.local, but I have the following errors on some of the startups: ...
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error unable communicate with master

Hello, I'm trying to setup a workstation to work with a Turtlebot. I've followed the tutorial here : Robot IP is : Workstation IP is 192.168....
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Rostopic pub from master (one laptop) to nodes (other laptop)

Hello, I have the following configuration: laptop 1 that is the master (it runs "roscore") - it doesn't have the package or messages used by nodes laptop 2 that has two running nodes I ...
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"roscore" is not initializing - ROS MELODIC

I have installed ROS_MELODIC in my Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS machine. When I started the ros master with roscore, I got an exception as quoted. ...
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Time is out of dual 32-bit range

I am using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. After updating my system this morning (which included a lot of ROS packages), rosout and other nodes are crashing with the following exception: ...
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rosversion error when trying to run roscore

Hello, when I try to run the roscore or start my project launch file I get the following error: ...
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Traces of Gazebo left even after it has exited

I came across this today. I had exited Gazebo and yet when I looked at my topics I still saw that cmd_vel (and a bunch of others) were still being subscribed to by Gazebo. I could find no process ...
pitosalas's user avatar
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How to check if network connection or remote ROS Master is down?

I am running ROS (Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04) on two machines (desktop pc and Jackal pc) and the Jackal pc is set as the ROS Master. The both machines are connected over a wireless network. I am writing ...
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run ros terminal commands within a python script

I have my ros program ready, and I can control my robot using the terminal commands. Now, I am trying to write a python script to control the robot as I do with the terminal commands. For this purpose,...
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Run roscore from python

Hello, I am trying to automate the launch of multiple nodes with the roslaunch API. So far, I am able to do what I want, and my nodes are running perfectly. (I am also able to stop them). Now, I ...
ejalaa12's user avatar
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ROSCORE server on android

Hi, is it possible to run a ROSCORE or a minified version of it on an Android phone? What i want to do is i have a ROS Node A and Android cellphone B without a ROS MASTER (Ubuntu). A and B will be ...
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/clock topic not recived on master

I am building a G-mapping based SLAM robot . Master - This is my desktop . roscore is running here is the IP address Robot - The robot is hooked to a RPI3 . I have added this to the ....
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One base multiple robots with unstable network

Hey, I am looking for a way to set up a configuration with multiple robots that connects to one base. This base is broadcasting data that's needed by all robots. I was thinking about setting roscore ...
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I'm getting no response from this command: rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0

Hi everyone, I'm getting to know ROS with arduino programming, and I'm struggling to run ROS as I complete the first tutorial of Hello world . Roscore seems to work because the terminal begins ...
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Running ROS across multiple machines is failed

Hi All, I am trying to run ROS across 2 machines, master is starting with out any issues when I tried to run listener getting below errors. ...
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Unable to communicate with master with roscore running

Hi, I am trying to subscribe to a node I launched on a raspberry pi on my laptop. I am able to SSH into the raspberry pi to launch the node (the problem is not that roscore isn't running because it is)...
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Where is the message definition stored?

When a topic is advertised, are the md5 and the message definition of that message type stored somewhere accessible on the Ros server (By another node) or are they only sent with the message itself ...
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setup.bash every time?

the last few times I have done anything w ROS while doing beginning tutorials, I just say 'roscore' and it seems to all run fine, but now im watching a video and it seems like he's saying I need to do ...
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How to start ROSCORE automatically in UBUNTU

Hi I need to know if is possible to auto start ROSCORE in RASPBERRY PI automatically like a daemon. I tried to create a Daemon but nothing happen. Originally posted by barovehicles on ROS Answers ...
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Problem configuration with roscore?

Hi, I recently install Ros Kinetic, using the tutorials, but I've seen some troubles while I launch the roscore, because it only launch when I have internet connection. ...
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first 'roscore' and a question arrises- like i'm 5

~beginner decrypting the workings of ROS~ hmm.. how to phrase this.. well, partly, I'm wondering if I need to also be in my catkin workspace before roslaunching... what is the difference between the ...
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roscore failing

I just updated my system (System76, Onx Pro) with the latest ubuntu16 software (software updater) .Now when I run roscore it just hangs. I get the following if I ctl-c. Any idea on what is going on ...
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Rosserial between two arduinos

Hello. I want to send serial data from one arduino to another based on rosserial. Do i need to run roscore anywhere? Can this work without roscore? Originally posted by elemecro on ROS Answers with ...
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roslaunch erros out when trying to launch master when master is already running via roscore

Guys, I am having this issue where I can't use roslaunch command because every time I run something like: ...
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Hi, roscore won't start

Roscore (and some launch files) won't start. The command line stays as it is until I hit Ctrl-C. I read a separate forum that said something could be wrong with ...
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Launching ROS on QNX 7.0

I have compiled ROS from source for QNX and ported the binaries to the QNX machine. As a first step Id have to source the setup script in the devel folder. Since "source" command does not ...
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Proper way to shutdown /rosout (roscore)

Hello, I have a project where i start gazebo and several other rosnodes. I want to be able to shut them all down at some point. I have a node that waits for a certain message and then shuts all other ...
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Is it possible to run different ros distributions and still communicate with each other in a distributed computing setup?

If I have two computers connected to the same network and if computer A has ROS Indigo installed and if computer B has ROS Kinetic installed, can I run the master in computer A and export the ...
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OSError when running roscore

I am new to ROS and trying to install everything correctly and test that roscore is working. I know there are previous questions like this, but none were able to fix my problem. I get the following ...
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