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Questions tagged [image-transport]

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How to visualize images and pointcloud remotely?

(ROS2 HUMBLE, JETSON XAVIER NX, DOCKER CONTAINER) I have a RealSense camera running in a Docker container on my Jetson Xavier NX. The camera publishes RGB images, depth images, point clouds, and IMU ...
Zortrax's user avatar
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ROS "image_view" not displaying published image pop up window

Does anyone know why the published image to my /projector/image topic is not showing up after running my node and ...
Uthman Tijani's user avatar
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Is this a bug in ros2 command line processing? [duplicate]

(This is similar to a previous question, but I have done more research and added new information) I am trying to republish a compressed image topis as a raw topic using ROS2, Humble. Firstly, this ...
user1759557's user avatar
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How do I republish compressed video as raw from a launch file in ROS2?

I am trying to replicate this command in a ROS2 XML launch file: ...
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How do I remap compressed video to raw video in ROS2?

I have compressed video published by a rpi4 as /camera/image_raw/compressed I want to republish it on my pc (ros2/Humble) in raw form as /image. This works, but gives warnings: ...
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Decreased Hz Rate and Lag in Image Transfer with Multiple Subscriptions in ROS2 Communication

I'm encountering a problem in my ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2) communication setup where I've noticed a significant decrease in the frequency of data updates (measured in Hz) and increased lag in ...
Teja's user avatar
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Using ImageTransport in a constructor throws std::bad_weak_ptr

I am trying to create an ImageTransport instance to set up an image publisher which is a class member). I stick to this example, trying to adapt it to my class: <...
labude's user avatar
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ROS2 C++ custom node using image transport not subscribing to a topic

I am trying to write a custom ROS2 node in c++ that subscribes to /depth_to_rgb/image_raw coming from Azure Kinect of type 'sensor_msgs/msg/Image' topic. Then I am trying to get a depth value at a ...
kmartbirthdaycake's user avatar
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How to deactivate image_transport plugins in ros2?

I am currently working with the image_transport package for publishing image topics. Among the available plugins, the latest image_transport_plugins package includes three formats: image_transport/...
Feng yang's user avatar
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Trouble with creating an image_transport nodelet

I'm working in ROS noetic on ubuntu 20.04 I'm pretty new to the concepts of nodelets but I felt I needed them to more efficiently go through a process of taking uncompressed images and then ...
GShim23's user avatar
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How to initialize image_transport using rclcpp

I am writing a camera node to publish compressed image whenever new image captured from a camera. To do this, I realized that I need to initialize image_transport with node handle however I just don't ...
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Theora_image_transport Packet not paired through ROS1_Bridge

Hello, Laptop on Ubuntu 20.4 Noetic and Foxy installed. I'm running a usb_cam node on my laptop on Noetic. When I run ROS1_bridge, the image_raw and image_raw/compressed are forwarded to ROS2 but not ...
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How to publish sensor_msgs Image during node creates images

Hello, I use a node that subscribes to the PointCloud2 message and converts them to Bird Eye View photos with subsequent storage. While the node is running, the ...
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Theora image latency

I have several cameras - different models and different ros drivers - that show significant latency (about one second) between theora and image_raw, while there is no latency between compressed and ...
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ResizeNode subscribes and publishes camera info on the same topic

Seems like a dumb question, but I can't find the answer. I see that image_proc::ResizeNode subscribes to /camera_info, and then generates a new CameraInfo message with the scaled intrinsics. But it ...
Clyde McQueen's user avatar
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Compress Image topic with h264 streaming for low bandwidth connection?

Hello, I faced the problem that sending the video with big resolution (1920x1080) is very difficult even with image transport. The raw or compressed images are too bit for sending over the network (...
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Image_transport warning of unsyncronization

Hello. I am trying to use the package depthimage_to_laserscan. My launch file to do this is the following: ...
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image_transport for ROS2

Does anybody know if image_transport package is available for ROS2 foxy? Where can I download the source code? Can it be built successfully on both Ubuntu and Windows 10 platforms? Originally posted ...
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Camera Nodelet using GPU memory?

Hello all, This is my first question, so apologize for any formatting mistakes. I developed a simple driver in CPP for a IDS camera using IDS drivers and ROS nodelet. The cameras publish using image ...
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g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked

Hello evryone, i am following this tutorial to create my image subscriber link text, using image_transport, however, i meet this problem when i run my subscriber. (view:19049): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL *...
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[ROS2] image_transport only advertising raw option

Hi, I created a ROS2 stereo camera node using image transport. I have two publisher: ...
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Why isn't image_transport_plugins available on ROS2 dashing?

Hello, I've been using image_transport on ROS crystal but now I would like to upgrade to dashing. I noticed ros-dashing-image-transport exists, but ros-dashing-image-transport-plugins doesn't. Why so, ...
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How to linked ROS with OpenCV 3.4.5 dnn module? Error: undefined reference cv::dnn:experimental_dnn_v2::Net::Net()

Hi, I'm trying to use publisher-subcriber no to run my object recognition program by streaming images from my webcam. In my program, I am using readNetFromTensorflow function that provided by ...
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Edit encoding of sensor_msgs/Image message

I have a sensor_msgs/Image message that I'm unable to use with standard ROS packages like stereo_image_proc because the "encoding" is described as "8UC1". I want it to be ...
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mono16 image is wrongly formed when using compressed image_transport

I am dealing with a 16-bit mono image, publishing it using image_transport. I have no issues with the raw data topic, I can view it directly, bag it, replay it, and view again. If I run ...
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Can I use image transport for the two different image topics?

Using an RGBD camera (RealSense D435), we want to log compressed color images (JPEG 'compressed'), and depth images (PNG 'compressedDepth'). The realsense driver publishes these compressed topics ...
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Create a subscriber to an Image topic

Hi, Im trying to wrtie a node that subscribes to a image topic, however, after almost copying the ros tutorial, I keep getting an error. The relevant parts of my code are: ...
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topic remapping in synchronised message_filters

I am trying to synchronise a compressed depth image and its camera info: ...
Christian Rauch's user avatar
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Implementing SubscriberStatusCallback within ros2

Hi, When reading image_transport source code, ended up at a point where we need to use SubscriberStatusCallback. How do we implement the same on ros2? (LifeCycle nodes?) They do not let enable us to ...
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Image publisher node publishes empty header

I am trying to make a node that can both capture omnidirectional images to unwrap them and subsequently publish the resulting image in a new topic. As of now, the capturing of images for unwrapping ...
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Camera Stream Muliplexer

HI Everyone, The robot platform I am working on has 6 cameras onboard with different views. The Coms system only has the bandwidth for one of these views, what is the best (quickest/easiest) way to ...
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The right way to use CameraInfo to correct barrel distortion

Environment: Kinetic, on Ubuntu 16, kernel 4.13.0-31-generic OpenCV: 3.3.0 C++ code base I have a USB camera which is easily publishing the raw images and the default camera_info topics, as generated ...
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Why do I get inverted colors in my images?

I am fetching images from a camera/webcam and publishing it's images using image_transport. When viewed in RViz the images look correct however when recorded with ...
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image_transport::ImageTransport Segfault

Copy and pasting the codes on and configuring xml and Cmake accordingly: find_package(catkin REQUIRED ...
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Is there an option for a blocking publish() if any subscriber's queue is full?

I have an application where several image processing nodes need to be fed by previously recorded video as fast as possible, but without dropping any frames. To keep memory overhead down, I'm using ...
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Unable to load plugin for transport 'image_transport/compressed_sub'

I am using Kinect on Ubuntu 16.04. After executing rosrun image_view extract_images image_transport/compressed_sub I get ...
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How to get image from custom server using service?

Hello People, I am trying to pass image from server to a client. The code complies when I use cv_bridge::toCvCopy, but it says core dumped when I actually call the image from the server. So I am ...
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How to pass an image (subscribed from a image publishing topic) using service?

Hello People, I am trying to get image from a camera fitted on a robot and pass them using services. I will use a client to grab images from the server and later process it according to the need. It ...
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SubscribeOptions for image_transport subscriber

I would like my image_transport subscriber to use a different callback queue than the global queue so that when ros::spingOnce() is called my image_transport callback is not triggered. Normally I ...
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Transport Image tutorial issue: subscriber doesn't show image

Hello everyone, I tried to do the tutorial " Running the Simple Image Publisher and Subscriber with Different Transports " image_transport/Tutorials but I encountered an issue. When I run ...
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Image Publisher and Subscriber in same node

I'm trying to get this code to work: ...
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How to deactivate image_transport plugins?

Hi I would like to deactivate image_transport plugins from a launch file. My robot has many cameras and I am not using the compressed images. It would save CPU time if I can do that. I would prefer a ...
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Runtime Error with Image Transport in Eclipse IDE

Hi guys, I have configured the Eclipse as my IDE and I am having no problems during compile time for my ROS packages. Once I run or enter the Debug mode, if there is an image_transport object use, it ...
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How to convert CompressedImage to Image?

I would like to convert CompressedImage to Image. rosrun image_transport republish raw in:=/image_raw compressed out:=/image_raw_converted Then, I could got ...
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Problem with image_transport callback

I have the next scenario, ...
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Two Topics with Same Callback

Hi everyone, I am subscribing to two different topics (each with different md5sums) using a single callback. I am using the message_filters class to achieve this. ...
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image_transport rosbag issue

Has anyone else seen problems recording rosbags for all topics of a node using image_transport? ERROR [/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-compressed-depth-image-transport-1.9.2-0trusty-20150729-0539/src/...
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image_transport republish One Time Use

Folks, I have several rosbags, 8 seconds long each, which only contain compressed depth images. Since rospy does not support compressedDepth (as far as I know) I am using ...
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How to read two in row image frames from kinect v2

EDITED: Hello, I am new to image processing in ROS, but I have some experience with opencv and what I want to do is to read two frames in row from kinect, take their absolute difference and detect a ...
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How to use image_transport with nodelets?

What I need help with: I am having a lot of trouble getting inter-nodelet image_transport to work. I tried making my code work like one of the nodelets in the ...
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