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Questions tagged [call-service]

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Understanding context for asynchronous services in ROS 2

Due to my last work, I have been working just with ROS for a while, and haven't paid much attention to ROS 2 meanwhile (I'm starting to regret it already). Now that I have more time, I wanted to go ...
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call_async times out when spin_until_future_complete times out although service runs successfully

I have writen a custome service. The service successfully runs when called from bash or a simpler node with an call_async and spin_until_future_complete. However in my statemaschine, whenever it is ...
A_ROS2_user's user avatar
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What is needed to compile a client using a service call?

What is needed to compile a client to use a service offered by another node? Is only the .hpp file needed and included via the include statement or is something else required?
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Service call from python hangs

Hi, I am trying to call an existing service (/reinitialise_global_localization from AMCL). I tried creating a client node, but the client gets to request and hangs. I am not sure what is wrong. The ...
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Attempt to trigger a ROS2 Service from within an ROS2 Action server

Test Env: ROS2 Galactic ; Ubuntu 20.04 Target: I am attempting to trigger a ROS2 Service from within an ROS2 Action server callback. A single ROS2 Action goal shall trigger multiple ROS2 service calls ...
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Why does service not work from launch file?

I create a permanent service, and its client in my launch file. All subsequent service calls fail. I have discovered that if I kill the client and run it from the command line, then the service ...
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How to correctly return an array of ints from service?

I have the following code: RouteRemainder.srv: --- int64[] route_remainder routes_manager,py: ...
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Running ros nodes sequentially

Hello, I have 3 ROS nodes in Python and they run in a loop. The 1st node publishes the command to the 2nd node. The 2nd node subscribes to the 1st node and also to the feedback from the 3rd node and ...
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service on different namespace

Hey guys Quick question: I was wondering if it's possible to call services that are created on nodes with different namespaces? For instance, if I have node_1 on namespace node_1, can I call service_2 ...
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[ROS2][rclpy] how to set parameter hosted by another Node via service

I am looking for a solution to set the Parameter which is host by another node using rclpy. I found there is a relavent post, but in ...
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[ROS2][dashing] is there any roslibpy-like lib for ros2 frontend?

I am looking for a way for a non-ROS machine (my local computer) to access the ROS2 robot(Rasberry pi) to, for example, call the service. Is there any method to do so? I found a similar post, but it's ...
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How to call a service inside a python node?

I want to subscribe a data in a python node and for different values of subscribed values, call a predefined service from another package and make it True or False. As it is explained for this ...
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How to make C++'s service call method wait for server's response?

I need to call three consecutive service call from c++ node like this ...
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Do the calculations are processed on the server in python format?

I followed the official instructions to write simple Service Node, and I find there are some different places between C++ and Python formats. In pyhton formats code of ...
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ros2 commandline service call

What's the correct syntax for performing a service call from the command line in ROS2 ? Consider the following service, defined in example_interfaces package ...
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Service buffer overrun only when service is persistent

I'm using a rospy service call to a custom c++ gazebo library. Ever time this service is called, gazebo takes a certain number of simulation steps, and responds with the new sensor measurements. I'm ...
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Why isn't the response filled if my service returns false?

I have a service callback: ...
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How to use services?

According to this tutorial [], I thought we could use a service like : ...
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Service call returning false

Hello, I'm trying to make a service call that keeps returning false using c++ code but works fine in the command line. Can't find much information on reasons for the call function to return to or ...
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Executing the service command from c++ file

Here curr_x and curr_y are the co-ordinates of the turtle I'm getting these errors when I try to execute the following command. I would like to teleport the turtle to absolute co-ordinates using the ...
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Rosbridge only one way on my OSX

This probably has the same underlying cause as the problem I posted in, but now I have a simpler way to reproduce the ...
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SetCameraInfo successfully called but no change in /camera_info topic

Hello there, I am trying to write a little C++ package to apply custom made calibration files to my indigo system using the following code (inspired by this thread): ...
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How to run a ROS service client within a Gazebo plugin

I'm having trouble getting a service client to work within a Gazebo plugin. It is a custom service called WaterCurrentLookup. ...
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Problem with serialization.h

Hi, I've tried to code a simple service between a client node and a proxy node and i have this error : In file included from /opt/ros/indigo/include/ros/publisher.h:34:0, from /opt/ros/indigo/include/...
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Exception thrown while processing service call: Time is out of dual 32-bit range

I am doing a very simple implementation of ROS service. There are two nodes, server and client node and the only main variable is that I am using rosbags for streaming data used by callback method on ...
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how to call a service inside a node?

I am working with summitXL. After reaching the target point I would like to set the odometry by calling the ros service "/summit_a/set_odometry". How can I call the service inside the node. ...
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Best way of sharing parameters/flags among nodes which donot change much?

i have to share some flags which do not change much among 4-5 nodes .A node named SERVER is changing the flags and thats very rarely. I have to check the value of flags at the rate of 10hz in other ...
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Multiple nodes providing same service, which one will get through (many to one services)

I am trying a very simple task. I have a 2D laser scanner and 3D velodyne laser on my robot and I want to create an assembled point cloud which includes data from both lasers in one point cloud. I am ...
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Is object NodeHandle::serviceClient<theService> small?

Dear all, I'd like to call a service in my main loop. This led me using NodeHandle::serviceClient<theService> At the moment I create a new NodeHandle::...
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Calling a service in C++ without write it on terminal

I wanna clear my turtlesim path when I press a specific button of my joystick, like when I write it on terminal: rosservice call clear . Afterwards, I wanna do the same idea but changing the ...
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What happens to service client when service server crashes?

If I create a service server node and then, for whatever reason, the node crashes, what happens to all of the clients which were connected to the server? If the server node respawns at some point, can ...
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How to call a service .srv from Terminal

A short question: I have a service defined like this: (navigate.srv) string[] path --- bool command_processed I would like to call it by a terminal with a command like: rosservice call /navigate ......
Jose Luis Rivero's user avatar