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(OCP/NLP) Trying to solve optimal control with DAE system

I'm currently working with a tiltrotor UAV, with propellers divided into 2 parts: tilting and fixed. And my objective is to solve for vertical motion plan. With simplified dynamics I have the ...
Nathan Weasley's user avatar
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How to export .DAE file from SolidWorks?

How to export .DAE file from SolidWorks? I want to use DAE and STL in URDF, but i can only export STL.
ros666's user avatar
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ROS 2 humble hawksbill's rviz 2 not able to load either STL or DAE files. How can i resolve this?

I'm sharing details for this issue only with the STL file but the same issue is occurring with the DAE file as well. I've checked to make sure that the STL file is located exactly where rviz 2 is ...
ahiyantra's user avatar
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DAE world dosnt load in gazebo

I am struggling to load my dae world in gazebo using a launch file. I have a dae file containing an apartment called apartment.dae. I have a simple world file ...
Elias's user avatar
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Unable to use UV mapping of DAE file in Gazebo simulator

Edited-3 Problem solved: I will put a complete description to in few days. It is going to take few pages :) Brief description: There were some "features" of Collada ...
Steve Brown's user avatar
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Placing texture on Collada

I have the following DAE file, handmade (pyramid with no bottom). Uncomment two triangles to make it pyramid with bottom: It shows a pyramid and tries to put a texture on it. It is displayed both on ...
Steve Brown's user avatar
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Collada file doesn't look right

I am studying Collada format. The idea is to handcode a pyramid, rectangle at a base and four triangles as sides. Here is my DAE: ...
Steve Brown's user avatar
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Mesh file not loading in RVIZ and Gazebo

Hello ros developers. I'm new in ROS and I'm trying to create a robot using this .xacro file: ...
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Incorrect marker(Mesh Resource) Visualization

Hi, I am trying to visualize the following image as a marker(mesh resource) in the Rviz. But, in rviz it appears as: Can anyone please guide me on how can make my marker similar to the image above? ...
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rviz dae "file came out empty"

rvis v 1.12.14 Can't attach the .dae file because I don't have enough "points" here. "Could not load resource [LowRes_DexterHDIKinematic_Link1_Bottom.dae]: Collada: File came out empty. ...
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Problems working with .dae files

Hello everyone, I'm struggling with a urdf model to visualize in rviz, this is the file I've written so far: ...
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How to import 3D Model COLLADA (.dae) file to RVIZ

Hello, I am new to ROS and I am having problems importing a 3D Model of a formula car (COLLADA file) i got from 3D warehouse to RVIZ. This is the COLLADA file: FILE This is my code. It is working for ...
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Do I always need meshes in *.dae format to simulate in Gazebo?

I am trying to simulate with p3dx model in Gazebo. I got p3dx description files from a package that is available online. I see that there are several parts of p3dx that are in .stl mesh format. I have ...
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How to create custom models and include that in .world file?

I need to include a small box (static) object in a .world file that has a picture in it. (I have .launch and .world file that works fine) I am new to ros and gazebo. I am little bit confused with all ...
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ROS3djs set URDF color not working

Hello! I've built my own robot in solidworks, so I have the 3D .dae parts. I also have the URDF model working on the web browser by the package ros3djs (
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ros3djs not able to display my 3D files

Hello! I've built a part in solidworks and exported it into a STL file. So I'm trying to display it on the web browser through the package ros3djs (
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Difference between .dae and .stl files

Hello, Can anyone explain me where is the difference in between .dae files and .stl files? I am not sure but i always thought .stl files are used in ROS and .dae files in Gazebo, but im not sure! ...
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Ikfast fails to generate solution file for 3dof arm using .dae(genereated from .wrl)

Hi all I've tried to use ikfast module(iktype=translation3d) for 3DoF simple arm. I have been following the instructions here: and
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Mesh .dae file with textures invisible

I created a file .dae with sketchup of a cube with Textures. I want to put the cube over a pioneer but when I see the robot in Rviz the cube is transparent. Should I stop using sketchup to generate ...
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3 answers

Creating custom Gazebo world files from sdf's/dae's for use with roslaunch

Hi, I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of days now and am having trouble. Basically I want to create a world file to be launched via roslaunch that is composed of number of model sdf'...
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conversion from urdf to dae fails while attempting to install ikfast for ur5

I have been following this tutorial: while attempting to setup the ikfast solver for a ur5. I have gotten to the point where I am required to make a ...
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Gazebo - Unable to find texture

Hello guys, I made my 3D model by Sketchup and I exported collada file (final.dae). Today I tried to import this .dae file to gazebo (by file) and when gazebo starts, on shell it gives ...
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How to get a vertice list from a .dae or .mesh file

Is there an easy way to have a vertice list from a .dae or .mesh file for importing into a planning scene as a CollisionObject? If I use the arm_navigation_msgs::Shape::MESH type, I have to provide a ...
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Importing custom objects in Gazebo

Hi all, i made my custom objects in 3d studio max and now i want it to be shown in my gazebo world at specific place. Any suggestions which is the best and easy way to achieve it. i was looking here ...
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How to import Collada (.dae) files into Gazebo (ROS/Fuerte)?

Hi, I am trying to import a COLLADA (.dae) file into Gazebo (from ROS/Fuerte) in order to run some simulations with the PR2. I created the file using Blender, and it basically has an environment (with ...
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ROS Answers SE migration: STL vs DAE

Is there any advantages or disadvantages of using one over the other in a urdf file? i.e. Collision computation time? rendering? etc... Originally posted by Jeremy Corbett on ROS Answers with karma: ...
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Using .dae file in gazebo

I am new to gazebo and I am going through the tutorials. I want to model a house in gazebo and spawn TurtleBot in it. I downloaded some furniture models in .obj format from
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Converting Collada to URDF

Hi all, I know that there is a handy urdf-to-collada utility, collada_urdf; however, I am looking to go the other way around. Is there an existing utility to do this? Best, mjp Originally posted by ...
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Unable to import mesh file

I have created a launch file: ...
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