This is how I would go about simulating a nonlinear ODE in Matlab. As I mentioned in a (now-deleted) comment on your question, I typically work with linear ODE's in my line of work, which means that I usually use the (awesome) functions in the Control System Toolbox.
Now, I'll start by saying that you haven't given any definitions of what the matrices are in your equation, so I can't give you a concrete example of how to solve your specific example. If you update your question to give numbers for everything then I can modify this answer to solve your problem. That said, you give:
First I would say that this can be re-written as:
\ddot{q} = \frac{1}{M(q)}\left(Q-C(q,\dot{q})\dot{q} -G(q)\right) \\
So, for an example for you, I chose an RLC circuit, which takes the form:
.\dot{I} = \frac{1}{L}\left(V_{\mbox{in}} - V_C - IR\right) \\
\dot{V} = \frac{1}{C}I
Typically your input signal would be a smooth function of time. Here you're looking for a bang-bang signal, which is akin to a light switch. At some time, the input signal goes from nothing immediately to some value, then later from that value immediately back to nothing.
So, where typically you would use an interpolate
command to get values defined sample time increments, here you don't want those commands interpolated. You don't want a ramp, you want the signal to immediately shift.
So this question really is two parts:
- How do I pass parameters to an ODE45 (or 23 or whatever else) function in Matlab, and
- How do I define a step change in an input signal for an ODE45 function?
The answers are (examples to follow)
- Define your ODE function as a function in its own script, such that the first line of the script is something like
function [dq] = AlFageraODE(t,x,parameter1,parameter2,...,parameterN)
. Then, when you want to solve the ODE, call Matlab's built-in ODE solver as follows: [t,y] = ode45(@AlFageraODE,[t0,t1],[y0,y1],
[ ],parameter1,parameter2,...,parameterN);
. The square brackets in bold there need to be included because that is where you can pass specific options to the ODE solver. If you don't want to pass anything specific and are okay with the default settings, you still need to put something, so put an empty array - this is done with an empty array []
. After that you can put in parameters that will be passed to your custom function.
- To get a true step function, you need to split the simulation into three distinct sets - before the step, during the step, and after the step. Anything else will result in the need to interpolate the input command. The last entry in the outputs will be the initial conditions for the next segment of the simulation.
Below, I've written the custom ODE function, and then below that is the script used to solve the custom ODE. Note that the R, L, and C values are set in the calling script, not in the custom ODE. This is because those values are passed in to the custom ODE, along with what the applied voltage should be during that particular segment.
The examples:
- The custom ODE function (again, this simulates an RLC circuit, but you can modify it for any custom ODE needing parameters passed in.)
function dx = RoboticsODE(t,x,Vin,R,L,C)
dx = zeros(2,1);
I = x(1);
V = x(2);
di_dt = (1/L)*(Vin - V - I*R);
dv_dt = (1/C)*I;
dx(1) = di_dt;
dx(2) = dv_dt;
- The script that solves that ODE for a bang-bang signal.
%% Clear/close everything
close all;
%% Simulation Configuration
v0 = 0; % Initial *output* voltage
i0 = 0; % Initial circuit current
C = 47*(1/1000); % Capacitance, F
R = 0.1; % Resistance, Ohm
L = 22*(1/1000); % Inductance, H
appliedVoltages = [0,1,0]; % The applied voltages at t0, bangOn, bangOff
tStart = 0; % t0
bangStart = 1; % bangOn time
bangWidth = 1; % bangOff time = bangOn time + bangWindow
endWindow = 5; % endWindow is how long to "watch" the simulation after
% the bang-bang signal goes "off".
%% Output Initialization
outputTime = zeros(0,1);
outputVoltage = zeros(0,1);
outputCurrent = zeros(0,1);
inputVoltage = zeros(0,1);
%% Dependent Configuration
currentValues = [i0;v0];
samplePoints = cumsum([tStart,bangStart,bangWidth,endWindow]);
% A note on the above - I use the cumulative sum (cumsum) because I defined
% each point as the number of seconds *after* the previous event. If you
% defined absolute time points then you'd just use those time points
% directly with no cumulative sum.
nSegments = numel(samplePoints)-1;
%% Simulation
for currentSegment = 1:nSegments
% Setup the simulation by getting the current time window and "intial"
% conditions.
Vt = appliedVoltages(currentSegment);
t0 = samplePoints(currentSegment);
t1 = samplePoints(currentSegment+1);
sampleTime = [t0;t1];
% Run the simulation by solving the ODE for this particular segment.
[intermediateTime,intermediateOutput] = ...
% Assign outputs
nOutputPoints = numel(intermediateTime);
outputTime(end+1:end+nOutputPoints) = intermediateTime;
outputCurrent(end+1:end+nOutputPoints) = intermediateOutput(:,1);
outputVoltage(end+1:end+nOutputPoints) = intermediateOutput(:,2);
inputVoltage(end+1:end+nOutputPoints) = Vt*ones(nOutputPoints,1);
% Setup the next simulation by setting the "initial" conditions for
% that simulation equal to the ending conditions for the current
% simulation.
currentValues(1) = outputCurrent(end);
currentValues(2) = outputVoltage(end);
%% Output Plot
hold on;
title('RLC Circuit with Step Input to ODE45');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Voltage (V)');
legend('Input Voltage','Output Voltage');
- The plot of the output.
Finally, as I mentioned, if you would be willing to give concrete numbers for your equation then I could tailor this to solve your particular problem. As it stands, I can't provide any solution to a symbolic nonlinear ODE so this example is the best I can give you.
I've got the problem solved for you. The code is attached below. I'll say this, though: It's important, for a step input (bang-bang, etc.) to segment the ODE solver process, as I described above. This is because Matlab tries to optimize solving the ODE and may not take process time in exactly the way you would expect.
The segmenting method is again, as described above, where you split the solving process at every discontinuity. The initial conditions for the following step is equal to the ending conditions of the current step.
The images below are the solutions I got with the segmented method and the "all-in-one" method. The all-in-one is the way you had it setup, where the force function was determined by an if
statement in the ODE function. Because Matlab chooses the sample time increments, the positive and negative segments aren't guaranteed to have exactly the same number of samples. I think this is the reason for the drift in the output of the all-in-one solution.
I found several problems with your method. When I corrected them, I got a plot that looked (to me) to exactly duplicate the plots from the paper you linked.
- The biggest problem - fx and fy should be the same.
- Also a problem, the pulse width should be 1s. You used a square wave of period 1s, meaning that there was a 0.5s "positive" and 0.5s "negative" signal. I halved the frequency and got the proper 1s signal width.
- Your initial conditions for x and y were not zero. They are zero in the paper, so I set them to zero in the simulation to replicate the figures in the paper.
Here's the code! First, the ODE script:
function varDot = AlFagera(t,var,spec,F)
% In general, I did a lot of cleanup with this function to make things
% easier for me to read.
%% Misc Declarations
% varDot = zeros(8,1);
varDot = zeros(12,1); % to include the input torque
g = 9.80; % Acceleration of gravity (m/s^2)
%% Define Forces if Undefined
% If the segmentSolution is being used, then the force is supplied to the
% function. If it's not being used (the "all-in-one" solution), then the
% force is determined by the simulation time.
if isempty(F)
if t >=1 && t<=3
fy = -1.*sign(sin(t*pi));
fy = 0;
% I'll highlight this, because I think this was the key problem %
% you were having. The force for fx and fy should be the same. You %
% had fx = 0 for all cases. %
%fx = 0;
fx = fy;
F = [fx;fy;0;0];
%% Crane Specifications
mp = spec(1);
mc = spec(2);
mr = spec(3);
L = spec(4);
J = spec(5);
%% Breakout the Input Variable
x = var(1);
y = var(2);
theta = var(3);
phi = var(4);
xDot = var(5);
yDot = var(6);
thetaDot = var(7);
phiDot = var(8);
%% Repackage the Inputs into Useful Form
q = [...
x; ...
y; ...
theta; ...
qDot = [...
xDot; ...
yDot; ...
thetaDot; ...
%% Simplified expressions for (extensive) use later
mpL = mp*L;
cosT = cos(theta);
sinT = sin(theta);
cosP = cos(phi);
sinP = sin(phi);
%% Matrix Expressions
M = [...
mr+mc+mp , 0 , mpL*cosT*sinP , mpL*sinT*cosP; ...
0 , mp+mc , mpL*cosT*cosP , -mpL*sinT*sinP; ...
mpL*cosT*sinP , mpL*cosT*cosP , mpL*L+J , 0; ...
mpL*sinT*cosP , -mpL*sinT*sinP , 0 , mp*(L*sinT)^2+J];
C = [...
0 , 0 , -mpL*sinT*sinP*thetaDot+mpL*cosT*cosP*phiDot , mpL*cosT*cosP*thetaDot-mpL*sinT*sinP*phiDot; ...
0 , 0 , -mpL*sinT*cosP*thetaDot-mpL*cosT*sinP*phiDot , -mpL*cosT*sinP*thetaDot-mpL*sinT*cosP*phiDot; ...
0 , 0 , 0 , -mpL*L*sinT*cosT*phiDot; ...
0 , 0 , mpL*L*sinT*cosT*phiDot , mpL*L*sinT*cosT*thetaDot];
G = [...
0; ...
0; ...
mpL*g*sinT; ....
%% Assign Outputs
qDdot = M\(-C*qDot-G+F);
varDot = [...
qDot; ...
qDdot; ...
Then, the script that solves the ODE:
clear all;
close all;
% Compare the all-in-one method of solving the problem with the segmented
% method of solving the problem by setting the variable below equal to
% "true" or "false".
segmentSolution = true;
t0 = 0;tf = 20;
% Your initial conditions here for x- and y-positions were not zero, so I
% set them to zero to reproduce Figure 2 and Figure 3 in the paper you
% linked.
% Also - you don't ever use the last 4 values of this except as a way to
% output the force. This isn't used in the segmentSolution because there
% the input force is supplied to the function.
x0 = [0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0]; % Initial Conditions
%% Specifications
Mp = [0.1 0.5 1]; % Variable mass for the payload
plotStyle = {'b-','k','r'};
%% SegmentSolution Settings
fx = [0,1,-1,0];
fy = [0,1,-1,0];
tStart = 0;
tOn = 1;
bangWidth = 1;
tEndWindow = 17;
sampleTime = cumsum([tStart,tOn,bangWidth,bangWidth,tEndWindow]);
nSegments = numel(sampleTime)-1;
%% Simulation
for i = 1:3
mp = Mp(i);
mc = 1.06; mr = 6.4; % each mass in kg
L = 0.7; J = 0.005; % m, kg-m^2 respe.
spec = [mp mc mr L J];
%% Call the the function
initialConditions = x0;
if segmentSolution
t = zeros(0,1);
x = zeros(0,numel(x0));
outputFx = zeros(0,1);
outputFy = zeros(0,1);
for currentSegment = 1:nSegments
inputForce = [fx(currentSegment),fy(currentSegment),0,0].';
t0 = sampleTime(currentSegment);
t1 = sampleTime(currentSegment+1);
[intermediateT,intermediateX] = ode45(@AlFagera,[t0 :0.001: t1],initialConditions,[],spec,inputForce);
nOutputSamples = numel(intermediateT);
index1 = size(t,1)+1;
index2 = size(t,1)+nOutputSamples;
t(index1:index2) = intermediateT;
x(index1:index2,:) = intermediateX;
initialConditions = x(end,:).';
outputFx(index1:index2) = inputForce(1)*ones(nOutputSamples,1);
outputFy(index1:index2) = inputForce(2)*ones(nOutputSamples,1);
tt = t;
inputForce = []; % Leave this empty for the all-in-one solver.
% There's a check in the code to setup the force
% when it's not defined.
[t,x] = ode45(@AlFagera,[t0:0.001:tf],initialConditions,[],spec,inputForce);
outputFx = diff(x(:,9))./diff(t);
outputFy = diff(x(:,10))./diff(t);
legendInfo{i} = ['mp=',num2str(Mp(i)),'kg'];
%fx = diff(x(:,9))./diff(t);
%fy = diff(x(:,10))./diff(t);
%tt=0:(t(end)/(length(fx)-1)):t(end); % this time vector
% to plot the cart positions in x and y direcitons
axis([0 20 0 0.18]);
xlabel('time (s)');
ylabel('cart position in x direction (m)');
hold on
axis([0 20 0 1.1]);
xlabel('time (s)');
ylabel('cart position in y direction (m)');
hold on
% to plot the input torque, (bang-bang signal), just one sample
xlabel('time (s)');
ylabel('input signal, f_y (N)');
I took the liberty of cleaning up the code in the ODE function, I hope you don't mind.
So, to summarize, the solution to your problem is:
- Pass inputs to the ODE function (such as parameters and applied forces), and
- Segment the ODE solution at each discontinuity.