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Is there any ROS package for precise docking using LiDAR or RGBD cameras?

I worked on "docking" problem for a time, with a RGBD camera (Intel Realsense L515). I suggest using Aruco or AR markers for detecting/obtaining a reference point. There are packages that ...
Alperen Keser's user avatar
1 vote

Where to find a circular robot, diameter < 45cm, load bearing >= 30Kg with ROS (1 or 2) installed?

That is a very small footprint for such a high payload - I'm not aware of anything commercially available with those specifications. For reference, the Freight-100 from Fetch Robotics (now Zebra) is ...
Mike Ferguson's user avatar
1 vote

Gazebo Garden: How to publish the transform of elements in a simulation

You should be able to get the rgbd camera pose through the pose publisher plugin. See also the pose_publisher.sdf demo world.
JRTG's user avatar
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