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2 votes

What causes build error: cannot import name 'OVERRIDE_OPT' from 'em'?

Because the empy version 4.0 will cause this problem. $ pip install --user -U empy==3.3.4 pyros-genmsg setuptools Try this ...
hsndldl's user avatar
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2 votes

What causes build error: cannot import name 'OVERRIDE_OPT' from 'em'?

Check: You can fix it by using a newer version of setup-ros. Like: ...
Gustavo Rezende's user avatar
1 vote

Preferred use of unique ptr, shared ptr and reference in ROS2?

When publishing I often see messages constructed as auto msg = std::make_shared(), even though it has to be published eventually as publisher->publish(*msg);. What is the use of seemingly ...
Steve Macenski's user avatar
1 vote

ROS2 cannot import message from another package

First: There is written in tutorial I cannot add custom messages in Python packages. Where does it say so? I think what you mean is that it has to be a CMake package? In any case: best practice is ...
JRTG's user avatar
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