Is there a way to enumerate over predefined constants in ROS2 message definitions?
Unfortunately I don't think it is possible to do this automatically given the way the IDL is defined. You'll notice in the marker message there are actually two sets of constants (one for markers, one ...
Publish an Array of Values as Wrench Message in ROS2 and Python
I don't think it is possible: the types of the fields in a message are hard-coded in its .msg definition and the C++ interfaces are generated once at message compilation.
Would still require a custom ...
KeyError:'unique_identifier_msgs' and KeyError:'service_msgs' when compiling interface package
Soooo, apparantly the reason for the errors was simply because I had an action in the folder actions, and it appears that ROS2 does not like that. They want ...
LaserScan scan_time for multiple scans in a single rotation
I interpret the comment in LaserScan.msg to mean it is the interval, in float seconds, from the start-of-LaserScan-msg-N to start-of-LaserScan-msg-(N+1).
That said, ...
How to add a header with timestamp to numpy_msg?
Is it possible to add a header with a timestamp to a numpy_msg
In short, yes, I think you just need to call numpy_msg() on a ...
if the required message is a standard message type available with ROS, do we still need to define it in msg/xxxx.msg?
You can skip it. All standard message types are already run through gencpp/genpy/gennodejs/etc. during build time of the ROS distribution packages to generate the c++, python, and node.js message ...
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